
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Islamic Mickey Mouse Tweet Gets Tycoon in Hot Water

Egypt's Naguib Sawiris sends image of them in Islamic attire

(Newser) - Unfortunate tweet department: A telecom mogul in Egypt thought it would be a hoot to re-tweet images of Mickey and Minnie Mouse dressed in Islamic attire. Now tens of thousands have joined Facebook groups condemning Naguib Sawiris and demanding a boycott of his company, Orascom, which happens to be the...

Iran Pushing to Ban Dogs as Pets

It could soon be illegal to keep 'impure' animals as pets

(Newser) - Dogs are unclean in the eyes of Islam, but man's best friend in Iran has until now avoided being outlawed. That could all change if a new bill recently proposed in parliament passes: It would make "the walking and keeping" of "impure and dangerous animals" illegal, subjecting...

Deadly Protests Continue Against Koran Burning

At least 8 people are killed in Kandahar

(Newser) - Pastor Terry Jones' Koran-burning stunt continues to reverberate across the world. At least eight people were killed in a riot in Kandahar today while protesting Jones' actions last month , reports al-Jazeera and CNN . The unrest follows the death of a dozen people yesterday, including seven UN workers, during a riot...

King's Is the 23rd Hearing on Radicalized US Muslims the last five years. Others have largely escaped criticism

(Newser) - Rep. Peter King’s radical Islam hearings have generated a massive outcry, but they’re not exactly unique. In the past five years, the House and Senate have held a combined 22 hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims, Politico points out. They’ve been run by legislators on both...

Peter King's Critics Are Too PC

 Peter King's 
 Critics Are 
 Too PC 


Peter King's Critics Are Too PC

Ruth Marcus: His Muslim hearing raises an 'important' question

(Newser) - OK, Peter King isn't exactly a master of tact, but his upcoming congressional hearing on the radicalization of Muslims in America is both "appropriate" and "important," writes Ruth Marcus. "To ignore the religious nature of the terrorist threat is to succumb to politically correct delusion,"...

Japanese Americans: King's Muslim Hearings 'Sinister'

(Newser) - Congressman Peter King begins his controversial hearings Thursday into radical Islam, and one group in particular is taking exception, reports the Washington Post : Japanese Americans. They see a parallel between the way they were demonized during World War II and how American Muslims are being treated today. "I'll be...

Pleas, Protests as Islam Hearings Loom

Security official blasts stigmas ahead of domestic radicalization hearings

(Newser) - The White House is calling on Americans not to stigmatize all followers of Islam, as Congress readies hearings on al-Qaeda’s attempts to radicalize US Muslims. In the US, "we don’t practice guilt by association," a top national security official said yesterday in what Politico calls a...

Malaysia Nabs 80 in Anti-Valentine Raids
Malaysia Nabs 80 Lovers
in Raids ... on Hotel Rooms
operation valentine

Malaysia Nabs 80 Lovers in Raids ... on Hotel Rooms

Unmarried couples busted in anti-valentine hotel sweeps

(Newser) - Malaysia's morality police—making good on a vow to crack down on Valentine's Day canoodling —detained 40 unmarried Muslim couples in hotel rooms across the country yesterday. Authorities—who have deemed Valentine's Day un-Islamic—say the couples busted in the raids on cheap hotels during "Operation Valentine" will...

Muslim Population Set to Surge
 Muslim Population Set to Surge 

Muslim Population Set to Surge

Will grow at twice the speed of non-Muslims

(Newser) - The global Muslim population will grow at twice the rate of non-Muslims over the next 20 years, according to a new analysis of demographic trends from the Pew Research Center and the John Templeton Foundation. In the US, the Muslim population is on pace to more than double, from 2....

The New Mideast: Less Ideology, More Practical

Corruption, law, services are the issues driving debate

(Newser) - Spurred on by the successful revolution in Tunisia, activists across the Middle East are moving away from ideology and theology, in favor of more practical and secular demands, such as ending government corruption, instituting the rule of law, and easing economic suffering, reports the New York Times . “Ideology now...

Bombay Stock Exchange Offers 'Sharia Index'

Officials hope to woo Muslims with 'Sharia-compliant' shares

(Newser) - In the latest sign of the times, the Bombay Stock Exchange is offering a new index of Indian stocks from companies whose practices comply with Sharia, the legal code of Islam. The BSE TASIS Sharia 50 index is based on guidelines of an Indian Sharia advisory board and includes the...

200 Malaysians Face Charges for Deviating From Islam

Leading scholar slams country's 'Talibanization'

(Newser) - Buddhism, Christianity, and Hinduism are accepted in Muslim-majority Malaysia, but the government has stepped up efforts to quash non-Sunni strains of Islam. More than 200 Shia Muslims have been arrested in a swoop on outlawed Islamic sects, and they are likely to be charged with "following the teachings of...

Austrian Fined for Yodeling During Muslim Prayer

'Grumpy old man' accused of mocking neighbors

(Newser) - An elderly Austrian yodeler has been fined $1,000 for ridiculing his Muslim neighbors' religious beliefs—by yodeling. The court was told that the 63-year-old Austrian, described by neighbors as a "grumpy old man," attempted to mock the Muslim call to prayer and always started his yodeling when...

Germans Use Anti-Nazi Laws to Raid Muslims

Fundamentalists groups targeted in crackdown

(Newser) - German police raided homes and offices linked to two Islamic groups this week, using "anti-Nazi laws of association," reports the Christian Science Monitor . The groups raided are made up of fundamentalist Salafist Muslims, and a government official says they are suspected of wanting to "create an Islamic...

Brits Prepare to Ban Our 'Koran-Burner' Preacher

Terry Jones plans to speak out against 'evil of Islam' at rally

(Newser) - British officials are seriously considering blocking an upcoming visit from a US evangelical preacher who has advocated burning the Koran. Florida pastor Terry Jones has been invited by the English Defense League to speak out against Islam at a rally. The preacher has been "on the radar" of Britain's...

Majority of World Muslims: Islam Belongs in Politics

Majority of world's Muslims say Islam has place in politics

(Newser) - A majority of the world’s Muslims want their religion to influence politics, a Pew Research poll finds. In Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Nigeria, majorities would back the legalization of stoning to punish adultery, the amputation of thieves’ hands, and the death penalty for converts from Islam to other religions,...

Obama: 'Indonesia Is Part of Me'

America is not at war with Islam, president tells Jakarta audience

(Newser) - President Obama called for a fresh beginning with the Muslim world in a speech in Jakarta today. Obama, revisiting the nation where he lived for four years as a boy, praised Indonesia for fighting terrorism and called for both the US and the Islamic world to overcome "suspicion and...

Pakistan Sentences Christian to Death for Blasphemy

Mother of 5 says she was persecuted because of religion

(Newser) - Pakistan has sentenced a Christian woman to death for blasphemy against Islam, the Telegraph reports. Asia Bibi, a farmworker and mother of five, made derogatory remarks about Mohammed while arguing about religion with Muslim colleagues, say prosecutors. "Essentially the blasphemy law is used as a tool of persecution and...

Bill Maher Defends Islam Comments

Host won't 'apologize for being a proud Westerner'

(Newser) - Bill Maher isn't backing down from his controversial remarks on Islam and Muslims . The HBO host told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he doesn't feel the need to "apologize for being a proud Westerner," Mediaite reports. By Westerner, Maher explained, "I mean someone who believes in the values...

Bill Maher Doesn't Want West 'Taken Over by Islam'

'It's not because of the race, it's because of the religion'

(Newser) - Bill Maher, no fan of organized religion, isn't thrilled with news out of Britain that Mohammed is the most popular baby name there. “Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that?” he asked on his Real Time show last night, reports Mediaite . “Because I am. And it’...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>