campaign fundraising

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Obama Already Beating McCain ... in the Wallet

Dem, as usual, wins monthly funds race, $32M to Mac's $18.5M

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised $32 million in April, Politico reports; Hillary Clinton bagged $22 million, and John McCain, now squarely in Obama's general-election sights, brought in $18.5 million. It was a record for Republican, yet dwarfed by what was a rough month for Obama—who also banked $9 million in...

Romney: Ex-McCain Basher, Now Groveler-in-Chief

VP wannabe is trying not to suck up to Mac too much

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has become so humble since bowing out to John McCain that he is now “the groveler”-in-chief, Eve Fairbanks writes in the New Republic. “Has ever a politician gone so cheerfully into defeat,” she asks? The two men were openly hostile on the trail, but...

McCain to Rely on RNC Money
McCain to Rely on RNC Money

McCain to Rely on RNC Money

Lacking Obama's fundraising machine, eyes 'unprecedented' cash from party

(Newser) - Lagging behind Barack Obama's fundraising juggernaut, John McCain is planning to rely heavily on the Republican National Committee for general-election cash, the New York Times reports. The RNC has $40 million in the bank, compared with McCain’s $21 million, and has big-gun fundraisers like President Bush lining its coffers....

Dem Bankrollers Readying United Wallet

Race will continue into June, but merger under way

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will fight each other for the nomination into June, but top fundraisers are already ensuring a McCain defeat, no matter who the nominee is. One DNC fundraiser was held in honor of a Clinton backer at the residence of an Obama supporter, the Washington Post...

How the GOP Went Broke
How the GOP Went Broke

How the GOP Went Broke

Legislation, bad governance cost Republicans their financial advantage

(Newser) - The Republican Party has known crises before, but it's always held its own against the Democrats with fundraising prowess. But the GOP finds itself demoralized and impoverished, and seemingly without the funds needed to avoid more losses like the one suffered Tuesday in Mississippi. Politico looks at how the party...

Superdelegate Count Now Favors Obama

It's the first report that Barack has passed Hillary

(Newser) - Barack Obama today moved ahead of Hillary Clinton among superdelegates for the first time. Obama picked up nine more by midday—one a defector from Clinton's camp, the Los Angeles Times reports. Both ABC and the New York Times put him ahead—the latter's count is 266-263—meaning he now...

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes
 Team Hillary's
 5 Big

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes

How mood, rules, caucuses, money, and pacing laid her campaign low

(Newser) - With the Clinton campaign in death throes, Karen Tumulty runs down its five crucial  mistakes in Time:
  • Mood. In a season when Democrats were desperate for change, Hillary “completely misread the mood” and went with incumbency.
  • Rules. Clinton's inner circle wasn't up on them. Mark Penn thought California's primary

Clinton Lent Campaign $6.4M in Past Month

Democratic contender puts money where her mouth is

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton injected $6.4 million of her own money into her presidential campaign over the past month, a senior aide tells the AP. That donation more than doubles the amount Hillary has lent her campaign so far.  But despite the personal largesse—$11.5 million so far—and...

Clinton Aides Start to Believe Own Spin

Wright controversy a godsend for Clinton

(Newser) - Optimism is spreading through Hillary Clinton’s once-dispirited war room, Politico reports, as a series of wins accumulate in their candidate’s column: fundraising has rushed in since Pennsylvania, she's collected some well-timed endorsements, she’s bobbed up in the polls, and Barack Obama is once again afflicted by Jeremiah...

Top Clinton Fundraiser Jumps to Obama Camp

Former ambassador "concerned" about tone of race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will lose one of her key fundraisers to Barack Obama, the Los Angeles Times reports. Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon, a former ambassador under President Clinton who had raised $300,000, “became concerned about the tone of the race,” an Obama aide said. But a Democratic strategist said one...

Rezko Pal, Rove Tried to Oust US Attorney, Witness Says

They deny allegations about Patrick Fitzgerald

(Newser) - One of Tony Rezko's associates conspired with Karl Rove to try to get US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald fired to quash a federal investigation of Rezko, the Chicago Tribune reports. Prosecutors hope a judge will allow testimony to that effect in Rezko's corruption trial. Rove denies the allegations, as does the...

Clinton Plea Raises $10M
 Clinton Plea Raises $10M 

Clinton Plea Raises $10M

60,000K go online after Pennsylvania victory speech

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign has raised nearly $10 million since Hillary made a plea to voters last night in her Pennsylvania victory speech, Reuters reports. Clinton urged supporters to contribute through her website, and she struck a chord with 60,000 donors, campaign chief Terry McAuliffe said. It's the single biggest...

Mac Will Run With Public Funds
 Mac Will Run With Public Funds

Mac Will Run With Public Funds

GOP candidate appears to concede he won't be able to catch Dem foe financially

(Newser) - John McCain will use public funds to finance his 2-month general-election campaign, Politico reports today. McCain's decision to take the $84.1 million available once he's officially nominated in September comes after the GOP candidate gave back $3.2 in donations pegged to the home stretch. McCain has raised $72...

Tech Biz Workers Back Barack
 Tech Biz Workers Back Barack 

Tech Biz Workers Back Barack

Young, liberal workers at Google and Yahoo like him

(Newser) - Google and Yahoo workers who have donated to presidential campaigns support Barack Obama, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports, donating significantly more to him than any other candidate. Obama does well with the tech industry as a whole, though his edge is less pronounced at older companies like Microsoft and Apple. Obama...

Obama Has Big-Money Donors, Too
Obama Has Big-Money Donors, Too

Obama Has Big-Money Donors, Too

Billionaires and so-called bundlers account for half

(Newser) - Barack Obama has made much of his grass-roots fundraising, but he’s no stranger to big-money donors, the Washington Post reports. Seventy-nine bundlers—deep-pocketed backers who use their contacts to drum up even more cash—have wrangled up more than $200,000 each for the senator. Five billionaires are on...

Dems Launch $40M Assault on McCain
Dems Launch $40M Assault
on McCain

Dems Launch $40M Assault on McCain

Group headed by David Brock revs up attack machine

(Newser) - David Brock, the once-right-wing journalist who led an assault on Bill Clinton in the early '90s, is taking the lead in a Democratic attack campaign against John McCain, Politico reports. The Brock-helmed group Progressive Media USA is planning a $40-million media blitz aimed at McCain; the group currently has $7....

Elton Gives Hillary $2.5M Boost
 Elton Gives Hillary $2.5M Boost 

Elton Gives Hillary $2.5M Boost

Brit rocker blames misogynistic attitudes for his girl's fall

(Newser) - Elton John may not be able to help out with his vote, but the aging British rocker was happy to boost Hillary Clinton's campaign by playing a fundraiser, the AP reports. "I've always been a Clinton supporter," John told the audience. "There is no one more qualified...

Clinton Touts Leadership, but Her Campaign Lacks It

She's asked Dems to judge candidates by standard she hasn't met

(Newser) - If voters judged the Democratic candidates by the standard Hillary Clinton has been promoting—competent leadership—her own performance at the helm of her campaign isn't making her case, write Jim VandeHei and David Paul Kuhn in Politico. While Clinton’s had two major staff shakeups, major money problems, and...

$14M Penn Tab Underscores Consultants' Fleecing Spree

Ex-strategist made up 9% of Clinton spending

(Newser) - Mark Penn leaves Hillary Clinton’s campaign with a hefty $14 million lining his own pockets, a new high in the skyrocketing world of campaign consultancy, and some 9% of all money Clinton has laid out to date. But ordinary Americans are newly in the position of having their donations...

Obama's $40M in March Doubles Clinton's Take
Obama's $40M in March Doubles Clinton's Take

Obama's $40M in March Doubles Clinton's Take

Money isn't everything, Hillary camp reminds— but it's still a big deal

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised $40 million in March to Hillary Clinton’s $20 million, and, Chris Cillizza writes in the Washington Post, financial perceptions could spell doom for the former first lady. While Clinton appears to have the money to compete right now, she’ll only keep raking it in if...

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