campaign fundraising

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Obama Raises $30M in March
Obama Raises $30M in March

Obama Raises $30M in March

Clinton estimated at $20M amid concern about mounting debts, delayed payments

(Newser) - Barack Obama had a tough March, but his campaign raised upwards of $30 million, reports Time—less than February's $55 million but enough to give him a hefty margin over Hillary Clinton’s estimated $20 million. Clinton's campaign, which hasn't released its March results yet, has been dogged by vendors...

McCain Shifting Campaign Into General Election Mode

'Regional manager' approach draws criticism within party

(Newser) - John McCain plans to keep a decentralized campaign structure heading into the general election, with 10 regional managers who will make on-the-ground decisions, the Washington Post reports. The unusual move is part of McCain's efforts to turn his campaign team—one that often flew by the seat of its pants...

GOP Nod Sure, McCain Hitting Big-Money Trail

Key Bush donors needed to keep pace with Dems' machine

(Newser) - John McCain has wrapped up his party’s endorsement—but not its money machine, the New York Times reports. McCain faces a tough task in winning over the so-called “Pioneers” and “Rangers,” donors who chipped in $274 million for George W. Bush in 2004. Over half haven’...

Vendors to Clinton: Don't Be a Deadbeat

Many irked as campaign delays bills to keep pace in race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is earning a deadbeat reputation among some campaign vendors, reports Politico. To keep pace with Obama and maintain reserves for future media buys and events, it has put off paying hundreds of bills, leaving many—mostly small and local—businesses grousing. Clinton ended February with $16...

Romney, McCain Join Forces
 Romney, McCain Join Forces 

Romney, McCain Join Forces

Mitt stumps for Mac in Utah, dodges VP query

(Newser) - John McCain and Mitt Romney buried the hatchet and hit the campaign trail together in Utah yesterday. Romney thumped McCain 90% to 5% in the state's Republican primary, but he's now stumping and fundraising for his former rival in a week-long trip through the West, AP reports. "We are...

Hillary Camp in the Red Last Month
Hillary Camp
in the Red
Last Month

Hillary Camp in the Red Last Month

Campaign raked in dollars but spent big and owes millions

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is in debt despite a massive influx of donations last month, according to FEC filings. She raised $35 million in February, spent $31 million and ended up with $33 million—but most of it is reserved for the general election and the rest is owed. However,...

Clinton Finally Figures Out the Internet

She's no Obama, but suddenly Hillary has online donors too

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is suddenly raking in donations over the Internet, the New York Times reports. Clinton took in $30 million online in February, and looks on pace for similar figures in March. That may pale before the $45 million the webizens bestowed upon Barack Obama, but it’s a landmark...

Obama: Rezko Raised $250K, Asked No Favors

Candidate gives the lowdown on his dealings with Chicago tycoon

(Newser) - Barack Obama, hoping to head off future controversy, has given newspapers an extensive account of his dealings with indicted Chicago tycoon Tony Rezko. Obama told the Chicago Tribune that Rezko, his first big political donor, raised as much as $250,000 for his campaigns over the years—$90,000 more...

GOP Holds Big Edge Over Dems in Party Cash

The party has raised more than $97 million in 2007 and has $25 million on hand

(Newser) - The Democratic candidates may be flush with money, but their party isn't. The GOP has a nearly 7-to-1 advantage in cash on hand, the New York Times reports. Democrats hope to make up the gap once they settle on a nominee, but the GOP already has begun plotting with John...

$55M Another Record Month for Obama

February take, mainly online, shatters his previous best of $36M

(Newser) - Barack Obama has 55 million reasons to keep his chin up despite losses this week in Democratic primaries, the Chicago Tribune reports, with the Illinois senator taking in $55 million in February to shatter, again, records for political donations. About 750,000 people donated last month; $45 million came online—...

One Hurdle Down, Biggest Yet to Come

GOP nominee still a long way from White House

(Newser) - Though his primary battles are over, John McCain faces plenty of challenges as he sets his sights on this fall's presidential election. The Democratic candidates are each pulling in more donations than McCain, parts of his own party have yet to rally behind him, and the whispers of those uneasy...

Rezko Corruption Trial Begins
Rezko Corruption Trial Begins

Rezko Corruption Trial Begins

Jury selection gets under way for accused Chicago businessman with ties to governor, Obama

(Newser) - With jury selection beginning for the corruption trial of Chicago businessman and political fundraiser Tony Rezko, the Chicago Sun-Times offers some background on the key facets of the case. Rezko, a Syrian-born real estate and fast-food tycoon who established footholds in the Illinois governor's circles, is accused of pocketing illegal...

Obama Rakes in $50M, Clinton $35M in February
Obama Rakes in $50M, Clinton $35M in February

Obama Rakes in $50M, Clinton $35M in February

Democrats flush with cash heading into crucial primaries

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign will have raised roughly $50 million by the time February ends, the New York Times reports. The record figure overshadows Hillary Clinton's tally of about $35 million for the month, her highest total yet. "It's an extraordinary number for us," said Clinton's campaign chief. The...

Get Off 'Dead Asses' and Raise Cash, Rep. Tells GOP

Boehner decries efforts that have Republicans short of goals—and Dems

(Newser) - House Minority Leader John Boehner yesterday told Republican colleagues to get off their “dead asses” and raise money for the fall election, Politico reports. Ahead of a March 12 dinner, only 15 representatives have met fundraising goals, 42 members have failed—and 142 haven’t even set goals. The...

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors
Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Supporters ask why consultants are paid so much for failing campaign

(Newser) - The $25,000 Hillary Clinton's sputtering campaign dropped at Vegas' posh Bellagio last month is raising eyebrows among those cutting her the checks, reports the New York Times. Add $5 million for the very strategists who engineered her string of recent failures, and donors looking over her latest campaign finance...

January Take: Obama $36M, Clinton $13.5M, Mac $11.6M

Small Internet donations key Obama success; debate over public funds grows

(Newser) - Barack Obama vastly outpaced his rivals in January fundraising, scoring $36 million to Hillary Clinton’s $13.5 million and John McCain’s $11.6 million. The Democratic front-runner drew $28 million online, with 90% of donations at or below $100. Obama is now on the spot over a 2007...

McCain Aims for Bush Balance
McCain Aims for Bush Balance

McCain Aims for Bush Balance

Candidate needs prez on the right, but must pick his battles

(Newser) - In John McCain's delicate dance to unite his fractious party, one crucial step looms: How to best use the current Oval Office occupant in his quest to become the next. George W. Bush trumps McCain in shoring up conservative voters and raising money, but he's anathema to moderates and independents...

Hillary Mulls Another Loan to Campaign

Clinton put $5M into coffers in January, eyes Obama's deep pockets

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lent her campaign $5 million in January and is considering another gift to keep it competitive with Barack Obama's wealthier campaign. Obama raised $32 million to Clinton’s $13.5 million in January, the AP reports, and though her camp trumpeted a fantastic fund-raising day today, the New ...

Google for Barack, Microsoft for Hillary

Obama leads Silicon Valley donations; Seattle giant's workers skew toward Clinton

(Newser) - Barack Obama leads presidential hopefuls in Silicon Valley donations, but Hillary is tops among Microsoft employees, Reuters reports. Residents of the valley that Google, Yahoo, and Apple call home are interested in change, one analyst said: "It is absolutely the case that Obama is seen as different, and therefore...

Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On
Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On

Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On

Senator took $3M gamble, complete with death clause

(Newser) - John McCain's Lazarus-like return to the top of the race for the Republican presidential nomination required a huge gamble, writes the Washington Post—a $3 million loan last November to fund his struggling campaign, which was not only broke but $500,000 in the red. McCain had put up his...

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