United Kingdom

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>

Euro 2008 Success Unites Thrilled Brits

UK national squads put on surprising show in qualifying round

(Newser) - In the UK, where following soccer usually means either supporting or scorning Manchester United, the national teams of England and Scotland are captivating the public, the Telegraph reports. And with England's 3-0 trouncing of Russia and Scotland's unexpected 1-0 triumph over France this week, both national teams have a shot...

Europe Ends 40-Year Fight Against Pints, Miles

'Metric Martyrs' applaud EU decision to back off

(Newser) - Europe unlocked horns with the UK today, abandoning its fight to ban Brits who still sell by the pound, the Times reports. Calling the campaign a “pointless battle,” an EU official conceded that British use of imperial measurements did not interfere with trade; in fact old-fashioned inches and...

Brown Leans Right In Major Speech
Brown Leans Right In Major Speech

Brown Leans Right In Major Speech

PM's first address to unions rebuffs demands for pay raises

(Newser) - Gordon Brown received a cool reception in his first address as prime minister to Britain's Trade Union Conference, traditionally Labour's largest constituency. After 10 years of tense relations with Tony Blair, the unions had hoped that Brown would offer a more left-wing policy. But Brown insisted that he would oppose...

British Judge Wants Everyone in DNA Database

Calls current system for collecting DNA data "indefensible"

(Newser) - Everyone in the UK—and anyone who dares to visit—should be in Britain's national DNA database, a top British judge declared in a BBC interview today, causing an uproar among rights activists. Lord Justice Stephen Sedley called the country's current DNA database—the largest in the world—"indefensible,...

Winners of the Iraq War: The Scots
Winners of
the Iraq War:
The Scots

Winners of the Iraq War: The Scots

Independence party finally scored by opposing war

(Newser) - When Scotland’s separatists became the first party to wrest control of the Scottish Parliament from Labour last May, it was due to a surge of anti-Iraq-war sentiment as much as pro-independence fervor. But the  Scottish National Party has proved adept at governing, the New Republic notes, making small popular...

Stay Outta Town, Welsh Tell Truckers

Drivers warned to ignore GPS navigation because rigs won't fit

(Newser) - A small British town has resorted to posting signs telling truck drivers to ignore their GPS navigation systems because vehicles too big for the hamlet's narrow country roads were trying to squeeze through. Foreign drivers in particular were relying on what their navigation systems told them and missing signs that...

Diana&rsquo;s Boys Became Windsor Men
Diana’s Boys Became Windsor Men

Diana’s Boys Became Windsor Men

In 10 years since her death, William and Harry have rejuvenated the royal family

(Newser) - Ten years after princes William and Harry walked behind their mother’s casket to Westminster Abbey, flanked by a cheating father whose ascension to the throne was distasteful to many and an uncle who predicted a royal implosion, the House of Windsor has been solidly rebuilt. And it is in...

Britain Defies US on Iraq Pullout
Britain Defies
US on Iraq Pullout

Britain Defies US on Iraq Pullout

New foreign secretary says Americans have no say on UK operations

(Newser) - The UK foreign secretary has challenged American criticism, asserting that only his government will dictate the pace and timing of a British withdrawal from Iraq. David Miliband responded to allegations from a retired US general that the UK army must step up efforts in Basra. "The British national interest,...

Three UK Soldiers Killed by US Fire
Three UK Soldiers Killed by US Fire

Three UK Soldiers Killed by US Fire

Jet was providing support v. Taliban

(Newser) - Fire from an American jet killed three British soldiers in Afghanistan yesterday evening in one of the worst “friendly fire” disasters in years. The US air support was called in to aid the soldiers, who were fighting Taliban forces; a single bomb from the F15 killed the Royal Anglian...

Boy, 11, Shot Dead, and UK Press Reels

Youth's murder provokes shock, anger across British media

(Newser) - An 11-year-old boy was shot dead in Liverpool yesterday, leading to soul-searching and recriminations across the British press. Rhys Jones died in his mother's arms, apparently an innocent victim in a showdown between two local gangs. Rhys's photograph is on the cover of almost every newspaper today alongside claims of...

No Moss, but Rolling Stones May Gather Fine

Richards, Wood defy smoking ban at UK show, plan to continue

(Newser) - Threat of fines appear unlikely to keep the Rolling Stones from smoking onstage, the Times reports. Guitarists Keith Richards and Ronnie Wood lit up during a show yesterday in London despite frantic warnings from venue staff. "You might say that Keith and Ronnie lighting up while they swap licks...

New Procedure Gives Hope to Diabetics

UK treatment ends insulin dependency for type 1 sufferers

(Newser) - Car crashes, comas, sudden stabbings, divorces – all are being indirectly diminished as Britain spearheads a new procedure to help sufferers of type 1 diabetes. Victims of the growing disorder are often subject to fits and blackouts as they scramble for insulin, but a new operation is offering hope: already...

Scot Separatists Publish Plans for Independence

In challenge to Brown, seek army, taxation, control of oil reserves

(Newser) - The August lull in British politics has given way to a national debate on an unexpected topic: Scottish independence. The separatist leader of Scotland's regional parliament has published a white paper outlining plans for a referendum and suggesting features of an independent Scotland: its own army, its own EU membership,...

UK Asks US to Release Gitmo Suspects

Brown wants 5 Britons freed from US custody in change of policy

(Newser) - The United Kingdom wants the US to let go of five British residents detained at the terrorist detention camp at Guantanamo Bay. Green PM Gordon Brown made the official request, hinting that he may be distancing himself from the Bush administration and carving a more independent terror policy than Tony...

Foot-and-Mouth Turns Up at Second Farm

New suspicions that virus may have spread in floodwaters

(Newser) - England is culling a second herd of cattle feared to have foot-and-mouth disease. The animals were showing symptoms on an unidentified farm within a restricted zone around the area southwest of London where the first outbreak occurred. Investigators were considering the possibility that a flood in July may have spread...

Bush, Brown Back UN Iraq Force
Bush, Brown Back UN Iraq Force

Bush, Brown Back UN Iraq Force

Security Council resolution could mark beginning of exit strategy

(Newser) - The US and UK have circulated a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that would greatly increase the UN's role in Iraq, writes the Times of London. The resolution follows Bush and Brown's meeting at Camp David and is seen as a step towards an exit strategy from Iraq...

Bolton: UK Can Have Just One Closest Ally

It's the EU or us, writes former UN ambassador

(Newser) - Famously combative John Bolton claims that the fate of the US-UK "special relationship" lies entirely with Gordon Brown and the new British government. In an op-ed for the Financial Times, the former UN ambassador writes that the new PM must choose sides: either stand by the US or continue...

UK Weighs Revolution in IVF Rules
UK Weighs Revolution
in IVF Rules

UK Weighs Revolution in IVF Rules

Bill would require birth certificates to note donor involvement

(Newser) - Legislation pending in Britain proposes sweeping changes to fertility laws, including requiring birth certificates to note whether a baby was conceived through in vitro fertilization and an easing of restrictions on so-called "savior siblings." Parents choose to have such children in part because their blood or bone marrow...

Britain's Longest Campaign Ends
Britain's Longest Campaign Ends

Britain's Longest Campaign Ends

Brit Army campaign in Northern Ireland shuts down

(Newser) - The British Army's military campaign in Northern Ireland comes to an end at midnight tomorrow—after 38 years of bloodshed. It's  the longest conflict in the army's history. Some 300,000 military personnel served; casualties included 763 soldiers, and 309 civilians  and members of paramilitary groups. 

UK Restores Water to Flooded Areas
UK Restores Water to Flooded Areas

UK Restores Water to Flooded Areas

Supply turned back on for 54K homes; still not safe to drink or cook

(Newser) - Water supplies are returning to thousands of homes in England after torrential rain flooded the area in an and around Gloucester and knocked out a water treatment plant. Reinstated water will not be potable, warn officials, and should not be used to cook, make ice, or brush teeth.

Stories 1401 - 1420 | << Prev   Next >>
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