United Kingdom

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>

Brown Downplays US Fissure
Brown Downplays
US Fissure

Brown Downplays US Fissure

New PM will visit Camp David, insists he isn't 'America's poodle'

(Newser) - Britain's new Prime Minister is set to meet with President Bush at Camp David next week amid rumors that relations between the two nations have cooled since Tony Blair's departure. Brown is walking a tightrope between rebuffing this speculation and being seen as "America's poodle," an epithet Blair...

UK Floods Linked to Warming
UK Floods Linked to Warming

UK Floods Linked to Warming

(Newser) - Central Britain is under water after record rains, and scientists are now saying that the heavy downfall is caused by man-made global warming. Britain's sodden summer, with swollen rivers, thousand homeless and water plants failing, has been caused by a southward shift of the jet stream. Not unprecedented, the Independent...

Russia Expels UK Diplomats
Russia Expels UK Diplomats

Russia Expels UK Diplomats

Tensions rise amid tit-for-tat retaliation

(Newser) - Russia has expelled four British diplomats in what the Kremlin called a "proportionate response" to the expulsion of four Russian diplomats from Britain earlier this week. Russia says it will stop cooperating with British counterterror efforts as well. Relations between London and Moscow have been strained since Russia denied...

UK's Top Doc Calls for Organ Donation to Be Default Option

Says it's the only way to meet demand

(Newser) - The UK's chief doctor is calling for everyone who doesn't specify otherwise to be automatically considered an organ donor. Sir Liam Donaldson says not only does the UK face a severe shortage of donated organs, as do other countries, but 70% say they want to donate and only 20% end...

UK Security Chief Warns of Long Haul Against Terror

Britain should expect '10 to 15 year' struggle

(Newser) - Saying that fighting terrorists is "a daunting task," England's new security minister urged Britons to be "un-British" and "snitch" to the authorities if they suspect something, the BBC reports. Sir Alan West, a former Navy admiral, said "we're talking about such a big change" ...

UK Charges 1st Bomb-Plot Suspect
UK Charges 1st Bomb-Plot Suspect

UK Charges 1st Bomb-Plot Suspect

Iraqi-trained doctor appears in court at Old Bailey, does not seek bail

(Newser) - The first of the eight suspects in the failed car-bomb attacks on Glasgow and London appeared in court today to answer to a charge of conspiracy to cause explosions. Bilal Abdullah, 27, a native of Britain who trained as a doctor in Iraq, confirmed his name and address but otherwise...

Live Earth From The Bottom of the Earth - Nunatak Wails

(Newser) - You've probably been wondering about the Live Earth Concert performance that is coming from Antarctica.  How many bands?   Can I get a front row seat?  The answers are: one band, called Nunatak, consisting of 5 British scientists stationed at Rothera and all 17 seats are sold out. ...

UK Bomb Plot Doctors Tried to Come to US

Two in failed attacks began petition at medical student organization

(Newser) - Two of the suspects in last week's failed UK bomb plot attempted to come to the US, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The FBI says Mohammed Jamil Asha and another, unspecified member of the gang of eight doctors and medical students arrested last week began applications to US medical schools through...

UK Toddler Kidnapped in Nigeria
UK Toddler Kidnapped in Nigeria

UK Toddler Kidnapped in Nigeria

Five foreign workers were abducted yesterday

(Newser) - A three-year-old British girl was kidnapped by gunmen in the Niger Delta today. The abduction comes after five oil workers were kidnapped yesterday. Militant groups who want a larger share of Nigeria's oil profits to go to the poor have taken more than 100 foreign hostages this year, the BBC...

UK Tightens Screening of Foreign Docs

PM orders review of recruiting in wake of attempted bombings

(Newser) - The UK is scaling up background checks on foreign doctors and other health workers in response to the revelation that eight suspects in the attempted London and Glasgow car bombings last weekend worked for the National Health Service, the Telegraph reports. PM Gordon Brown, in his first Question Time in...

Brown Proposes Significant Power Shift

PM seeks new role for Parliament, bill of rights, lower voting age

(Newser) - Gordon Brown used his first appearance before the House of Commons as PM yesterday to unveil a surprising slate of power-shifting reforms, including limiting his right to declare war and lowering the voting age to 16. The initiatives, which also include development of a bill of rights, could radically alter...

Bomb Plots Hatched in Brit Hospitals

Extremist cell of immigrant doctors linked to UK terror

(Newser) - A secret Al-Qaeda cell of foreign doctors working under cover of British hospitals is being investigated as the key source of the string of car bombing attempts that rocked Britain over the weekend, the Independent reports. Five of of eight people who have been arrested are believed to be doctors,...

Same 2 Men Suspected in Airport, Car Bombings

Officials were on trail before Glasgow attack

(Newser) - The two men who rammed a flaming Jeep into a Glasgow airport terminal Saturday are suspected of being the same people who parked two explosives-packed cars in London the day before, sources tell CNN. One is a doctor who is being treated for severe burns in the hospital where he...

UK Arrests 2 More in Bomb Spree
UK Arrests 2 More in Bomb Spree

UK Arrests 2 More in Bomb Spree

Suspects 6 and 7 captured in Scotland in failed car-bombings

(Newser) - Two new arrests have been made in the failed Glasgow airport attack after houses were searched in several Scottish neighborhoods last night. The two men were 25 and 28 years old, and didn’t appear to be native to the country, the BBC reports. Seven suspects are now in custody.

Princess Di Tribute Rocks On
Princess Di Tribute Rocks On

Princess Di Tribute Rocks On

Princes' concert celebrates mom's 46th birthday

(Newser) - Nostalgic performances by Elton John and Duran Duran highlighted a concert packed with 68,000 fans yesterday to honor Princess Diana on what would have been her 46th birthday. The spectacle, which flashed giant-screen archival footage of the much-loved "People's Princess," was organized at Wembley stadium amid tight...

England Douses Public Smoking
England Douses Public Smoking

England Douses Public Smoking

New law clears the air in enclosed spaces

(Newser) - The English ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces, including bars, workplaces, and public buildings, went into effect at 6am today. The effort to improve indoor air quality and inconvenience some smokers into quitting will cause grumbling, says the country's chief medical officer, but "on the whole, the majority...

5 Arrests in Glasgow Attack
5 Arrests in Glasgow Attack

5 Arrests in Glasgow Attack

The UK is on highest alert after Glasgow attack linked to attempted London car bombs

(Newser) - The UK is on highest terror alert and five suspects are in custody in the aftermath of yesterday's  attempted attack on the Glasgow airport. Two were the drivers of the flaming car driven into the main terminal building; two were picked up in home searches nearby in Glasgow, and one...

Exit Blair
Exit Blair

Exit Blair

PM takes final questions; queen asks Brown to form government

(Newser) - Tony Blair handed his resignation to the queen at 1:15 this afternoon, ending a decade as prime minister of the United Kingdom marked by unprecedented prosperity but marred by a deeply unpopular war in Iraq. In a choreographed ritual, Elizabeth II asked Chancellor Gordon Brown, who has been waiting...

UK Change of Guard Today
UK Change of Guard Today

UK Change of Guard Today

Blair will quit Parliament as Brown begins government shakeup

(Newser) - Tony Blair is expected to resign from Parliament today as he vacates 10 Downing Street and is confirmed as the new international envoy to the Mideast. Gordon Brown, whose luggage is waiting curbside, will begin his shakeup of the government, with at least six ministers targeted for replacement, the Guardian...

UK Gingers See Red Over Harassment
UK Gingers
See Red Over Harassment

UK Gingers See Red Over Harassment

Hair-color discrimination a burning issue, say British carrot tops

(Newser) - The UK is ignoring a vicious form of discrimination, the BBC reports—one based not on skin color but hair color. Britain's red-headed schoolkids face bullying, women feel stereotyped, and auburn-haired Britons report harassment with epithets like carrot-top, copper-top, ginger-nut, and even Ronald McDonald.

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>
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