Lindsey Graham

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'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Here to Stay: Graham

Lame duck session will sit on the issue, says senator

(Newser) - The military's controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays isn't going away anytime soon, predicts South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. "There is no groundswell of opposition coming from our military. I don’t think there’s anywhere near the votes to repeal DADT on the Republican side,...

McCain: Time for Regime Change in Korea
 McCain: Time for 
 Regime Change in Korea 

McCain: Time for Regime Change in Korea

Plus, pols debate the fate of DADT, START, and more

(Newser) - North Korea is beating its war drum, and John McCain wants to beat them over the head with it: "It's time we talked about regime change in North Korea—and I do not mean military action—but I do believe that this is a very unstable regime," the...

War With Iran 'Inconceivable'

 Let's Not Forget 
 the Cost of War 

Let's Not Forget the Cost of War

Roger Cohen asks: have we not learned 'the lessons of Iraq'?

(Newser) - A Washington Post journalist suggested that a “showdown” with Iran could help the US economy; now a key GOP senator wants to “go beyond sanctions” and “neuter that regime.” Seeing a blinded, one-legged veteran makes Roger Cohen wonder: Have we forgotten the cost of war? It’...

GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses
 GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses 

GOP Feuds Over Senate Losses

DeMint's tactics cost party a majority, senators complain

(Newser) - While their counterparts in the House are celebrating a historic win, Senate Republicans are pointing fingers over their failure to recapture the chamber. Some prominent senators and party operatives blame Sarah Palin and South Carolina's Jim DeMint for helping candidates too conservative to win gain the GOP nominations in Colorado,...

Graham: White House Bailed on Gitmo Talks

Admin Says It's Open to Further Talks

(Newser) - There was a time when the White House and Sen. Lindsey Graham seemed close to striking a bipartisan deal on closing Guantanamo Bay and other national security issues, but in May those talks “went completely dead,” Graham tells Politico . “They could never quite pull the trigger,”...

John McCain: GOP Needs New 'Contract With America'

Dems are just 'flailing around'

(Newser) - As the Democrats were rallying the troops today, the GOP was busily trying to drive a stake in their hearts. John McCain led the charge, telling Fox News Sunday that Dems "are just flailing around" on the economy and "the first thing we need to do is extend"...

Mitch McConnell Wants to 'Review' 14th Amendment

That pesky part about birthright citizenship

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell thinks Congress “ought to take a look” at changing the 14th Amendment so that it does not grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. That puts McConnell right in line with a growing Republican push on the issue, alongside Jon Kyl and Lindsey Graham, the Hill...

If I Believed Media, I Wouldn't Like Me, Either: Palin

Joe McGinniss needs to get a life; Pelosi's on the warpath

(Newser) - Two of the most divisive women in US politics took to the Sunday shows today, with Sarah Palin dismissing a recent poll that showed 50% of independents viewed her unfavorably. "If I believed everything I read or heard in the media, I wouldn't like me either," she said...

GOP's Dick Lugar Endorses Elena Kagan

He's the second Republican to step forward to do so

(Newser) - Looks like Elena Kagan will get confirmed for the high court with one GOP vote to spare: Republican Dick Lugar got on board yesterday, saying he'll back President Obama's nominee. "I have concluded that Solicitor General Elena Kagan is clearly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court" he said....

Senate Panel OKs Kagan
 Senate Panel 
 OKs Kagan 

Senate Panel OKs Kagan

Supreme Court nomination now goes to full Senate

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee voted today to approve Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court. The 13-6 vote sends Kagan's nomination to the full Senate, where she's expected to be confirmed as early as next week to succeed John Paul Stevens. Just one Republican, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, joined...

McCain, Graham Pile on 'Unwise,' 'Inaccurate' Steele
 McCain, Graham, 
 Et Al. Pile on 
 'Unwise' Steele 

McCain, Graham, Et Al. Pile on 'Unwise' Steele

GOP chair needs to make 'appropriate decision' about his future

(Newser) - If Michael Steele was hoping his GOP pals on the Sunday airwaves today has his back, let's hope his cable went out. John McCain called Steele's comments about the Afghan war "wildly inaccurate," while Lindsey Graham slammed them as "uninformed, unnecessary, unwise." The Maverick further suggested...

Lindsey Graham: The Tea Party Will 'Die Out'

It has no 'coherent vision,' says senator

(Newser) - Tea Partiers don't think much of Lindsey Graham because he's willing to work with Democrats on the occasional issue. The conservative South Carolina senator doesn't think much of them, either. “The problem with the Tea Party, I think it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with...

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform
Dana Milbank

Obama Hesitates, Dooms Immigration Reform

He 'clotheslined' Senate Democrats with his retreat

(Newser) - Immigration reform isn't going anywhere, and those pointing fingers should aim at President Obama, writes Dana Milbank. Obama vacillated, much as he did with the public option, and with the same result. He neither pushed for it not told supporters to wait. "Instead, he left a vaccum," and...

Energy Is Today's Railroad: It Will Change Everything
Energy Is Today's Railroad:
It Will Change Everything
David Brooks

Energy Is Today's Railroad: It Will Change Everything

Pass the energy bill as a first step

(Newser) - Unleash the "energy revolution," writes David Brooks today, making his pitch for the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham bill. It's imperfect, but an essential start. "Energy innovation is the railroad legislation of today," he argues, and if the US wants to remain the world's "pre-eminent nation," it needs...

Immigration Reform a Lose-Lose for Both Parties

Republicans risk losing Hispanics, Dems risk losing independents

(Newser) - Arizona's new illegal immigration law has put the contentious issue front and center, but it's not a fight many are eager to enter. “When immigration is an issue, nobody wins,” ex-RNC Chair Ed Gillespie tells Politico . Democrats consider the law basically racist, and fear that if they don't...

Graham Bails on Climate Bill

Yanks support over Dems' plan to prioritize immigration

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has taken his climate-change toys and gone home, reports Politico , withdrawing his support for a bipartisan bill he was to have announced tomorrow with co-sponsors John Kerry and Joe Lieberman. The moderate Republican was reportedly enraged by Harry Reid's plan to put the energy bill on the back...

Tea Party Guy Calls Out 'Gay' Lindsey Graham

Gay, moderate, same difference, right?

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is a noted moderate, and he's suspiciously single, so some genius speaking at a recent Tea Party rally came to the obvious conclusion: He must be gay! “I need to figure out why you're trying to sell out your own countrymen,” says the as-of-yet-unidentified speaker of...

Obama, Senate Near Deal for Military 9/11 Trials

Deal would close Guantanamo, move KSM case forward

(Newser) - The White House and Senate are near a deal that would close the Guantanamo Bay detention center and pave the way for more of its inmates—including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed—to face military tribunals rather than civilian courts. The deal has been in the works for a while, but a...

Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves
 the Tea Party 
 Hates, Loves 


Republicans the Tea Party Hates, Loves

John McCain, you are not Mr Popularity. Michael Steele, neither are you.

(Newser) - Republicans hoping to ride the Tea Party wave this year and beyond might end up soaked. Politico surveyed leaders of the movement nationally, and found that almost every single prominent Republican was on the Tea Party's bad list. The party whipping boy? 2008 GOP nominee John McCain, underscoring the disconnect...

Lindsey Graham 'Courageous' Defying GOP

 Defying GOP 
dana milbank

Lindsey Graham 'Courageous' Defying GOP

He's often alone in bucking the Republican purity police

(Newser) - After offering a Gitmo compromise to President Obama, Lindsey Graham got called everything from a "cretin" to someone making a "deal with the devil" this week by his fellow Republicans. That's just business as usual for Graham, whose designation may as well be "R-No Man's Land,"...

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