Lindsey Graham

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Boehner Blasts White House: &#39;Can&#39;t Be Serious&#39;
 Boehner Blasts 
 White House: 
 'Can't Be Serious' 

Boehner Blasts White House: 'Can't Be Serious'

Geithner says no deal without tax hikes

(Newser) - John Boehner is still grousing about the White House's opening bid in the fiscal cliff talks, lambasting it this morning as a "non-serious proposal" in a pre-taped interview with Fox News, picked up by Politico . "I was just flabbergasted. I looked at (Tim Geithner) and I said:...

Stewart: McCain's Crusade Against Susan Rice Is BS

'Daily Show' host: Remember all the talk of WMDs?

(Newser) - John McCain and Lindsey Graham are very "troubled" by the idea of Susan Rice as secretary of state, but Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show wasn't having any of their self-righteous anger, considering they're the very pair that helped march us into unnecessary war in...

McCain and Co. 'Troubled' After Meeting Susan Rice

Could-be secretary of state can't win over critics

(Newser) - Susan Rice met with her harshest GOP critics on Capitol Hill this morning—and apparently it didn't go well. The US ambassador to the UN was hoping to reassure John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Kelly Ayotte that she wasn't trying to mislead anyone when she described the Benghazi...

2 More Republicans Shrug Off Norquist&#39;s Tax Pledge
2 More Republicans Shrug
Off Norquist's Tax Pledge
talk show roundup

2 More Republicans Shrug Off Norquist's Tax Pledge

'The world has changed,' says Rep. Peter King

(Newser) - Following Sen. Saxby Chambliss' dismissal of Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge, two more Republicans followed suit today. While discusing fiscal cliff negotiations, Sen. Lindsey Graham said on This Week that he would "violate the pledge for the good of the country—only if Democrats will do entitlement reform."...

Rubio on 'Romnesia:' 'Very Cute, Mr. President'

Surrogates trade blows on Libya, Big Bird, binders

(Newser) - Team Romney came out of the gate swinging at President Obama's "Romnesia" jab, his handling of Libya, and the whole "binders full of women" flap, with surrogate Marco Rubio blasting away at all three. Addressing Romnesia , Rubio said, "that fires up his base," but for...

Colbert on Romney: 'On a Rocket Ride to Plausible'

Pols bicker over Libya attack

(Newser) - With President Obama and Mitt Romney hunkered down in debate prep , their surrogates took to the airwaves today, as did Steven Colbert, both in and out of character, reports Politico . Assessing Romney's post-debate trajectory, Colbert quipped, "He is on a rocket ride to plausible at this point."...

RNC Chairman: Reid a &#39;Dirty Liar&#39;
 RNC Chairman: 
 Reid a 'Dirty Liar' 
sunday talk shows

RNC Chairman: Reid a 'Dirty Liar'

Republicans pile on after Romney tax allegations

(Newser) - Today's big talk show topic: Harry Reid's speculation that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years . Republicans were on the attack, while Democrats defended Reid and/or urged Romney to just release his tax returns and end all the guessing games, Politico reports. Highlights from the Sunday...

GOP: OK, It&#39;s Romney

 GOP: OK, 
 It's Romney 


GOP: OK, It's Romney

Also, Paul Ryan says he'd be open to vice president slot if asked

(Newser) - Republicans watched Rick Santorum's convincing victory in Louisiana last night, eyed his burgeoning numbers in Wisconsin, and ... took to the Sunday talk shows today to concede that Mitt Romney would win the nomination, and that they are OK with that. A look around your Sunday dial, as per Politico...

Senators McCain, Graham Push to Arm Syrian Rebels

They argue that a new government there would weaken Iran

(Newser) - John McCain and Lindsey Graham think the US isn't doing enough to help the Syrian opposition, and have drawn up proposals to provide humanitarian aid and arm rebel fighters. "I believe there are ways to get weapons to the opposition without direct United States involvement," McCain, the...

Congress Is Done for the Year
 Congress Is Done for the Year 
yep, it's only Feb. 16

Congress Is Done for the Year

Don't expect any major legislation in 2012

(Newser) - It's only February, but most lawmakers expect the payroll tax holiday extension be the last major piece of legislation Congress passes all year, as election year politicking brings the 112th Congress —not exactly known for its blistering pace —to a screeching halt. What will Congress do about...

Sunday Talk Shows: Hillary Clinton Calls Moammar Gadhafi's Death a 'Great Relief'
  Hillary Clinton: 
 Gadhafi Death a 
 'Great Relief' 

Hillary Clinton: Gadhafi Death a 'Great Relief'

Plus, John McCain, Michele Bachmann, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell

(Newser) - Add Hillary Clinton to the list of people not exactly choking back tears over Moammar Gadhafi's death: The secretary of state today said that while "no one wants to see any human being" meet such a grisly end, "I know what a great relief it was to...

Don't Kid Yourself, Tea Party: Elites Are Still In Charge

Washington knows which side its bread is buttered on, Dana Milbank writes

(Newser) - The supposedly tea-stained House of Representatives passed three free trade bills yesterday, despite ample polling data showing that Tea Party voters are strongly opposed to free trade. It’s just further proof, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , that “for all the talk of populist foment,” from...

McCain Pushed to Arm Gadhafi, WikiLeaks Reveals

Cable details 2009 meeting

(Newser) - John McCain may be talking tough about Libya these days, but back in 2009 he promised Muatassim Gadhafi—Moammar’s fifth son and his national security adviser—that he’d do what he could to help Libya obtain military supplies, particularly new aircraft, a cable released by WikiLeaks reveals. McCain...

Dean: What&#39;s the Tea Party Smoking?
 Dean: What's 
 the Tea Party 

Dean: What's the Tea Party Smoking?

GOP blames Obama, Dems blame Tea Party for S&P downgrade

(Newser) - If nothing else, the S&P downgrade made for a lively August Sunday on the talk show circuit, with anyone who is anyone booking an appearance to sling some blame for the US' brand new AA+ rating . The Democrats pointed directly at the Tea Party and its refusal to raise...

Robert Gates: Taliban Talks &#39;Preliminary&#39;

 Robert Gates: 
 Taliban Talks 

Robert Gates: Taliban Talks 'Preliminary'

Says he wouldn't expect real progress until at least winter

(Newser) - Robert Gates confirmed today that the US is in "preliminary" talks with the Taliban, reports the Hill, cautioning that they've only been going on for a "few weeks." Appearing on State of the Union and Fox News Sunday, the outgoing defense secretary said the State Department...

Romney: Obama Threw Israel 'Under the Bus'

Others complain about foreign aid to Egypt

(Newser) - President Obama is taking some heat for his speech on Middle Eastern policy , particularly the section on Israel, in which he advocated a return to Israel’s pre-1967 borders . “President Obama has thrown Israel under the bus,” Mitt Romney declared in a statement. “He has disrespected Israel...

John McCain, Lindsey Graham: Sure, Kill Gadhafi
 McCain, Graham: 
 Sure, Kill Gadhafi 

McCain, Graham: Sure, Kill Gadhafi

Plus, more of the Donald....

(Newser) - If NATO forces happen to kill Moammar Gadhafi, count Lindsey Graham and John McCain among those who won't be shedding a tear, reports Politico. "We should be taking out his command and control," McCain said today. "If he is killed or injured because of that, that'...

Graham: Free Speech a Great Idea, but We're at War

He's talking to you, Terry Jones

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is pretty torqued about Terry Jones' Koran-burning stunt, Politico reports, and wants Congress to look into the unlikely possibility of limiting some kinds of speech. "I wish we could find a way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we're in a war,...

Lindsey Graham: Obama Is Acting Like Leadership Is an 'Inconvenience'
 Leadership an 
 for Obama 


Graham: Leadership an 'Inconvenience' for Obama

GOP thinks Libya invasion is too little, too late

(Newser) - As Mike Mullen made the talk-show rounds to explain the administration's actions in Libya, Capitol Hill's finest followed him around to offer their two cents. Republicans are roundly slamming President Obama, with Lindsey Graham saying he's acting as though “leading the free world is an inconvenience,” and worrying...

GOP Senators Take Secret Afghanistan Trip

Mitch McConnell and crew return with praise for Obama's strategy

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell and a handful of other Senate Republicans took a secret trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan this weekend, announcing the trip only today—just before their return flight. The group, which included Lindsey Graham, Richard Burr, and freshmen Marco Rubio, Ron Johnson, Pat Toomey, and Kelly Ayotte, met with...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>