Lindsey Graham

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Egypt Sets Trial for Brotherhood Bosses

McCain, Graham head to Cairo as demonstrations continue

(Newser) - A month after Mohamed Morsi was driven from power in Egypt, three leading Muslim Brotherhood figures face an impending trial. A Cairo court ruling yesterday will send Brotherhood supreme guide Mohammed Badie, deputy Khairat al-Shater, and top official Mohamed Bayoumi to court on Aug. 25 for allegedly inciting the killing...

GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right
 GOP: Closing 
 Was Right 


GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right

Threat level was specific, serious

(Newser) - The State Department's move to close all embassies today in light of an al-Qaeda threat reverberated through the Sunday shows, with the decision garnering near-universal applause from both sides of the aisle. "We’ve learned from Benghazi, thank God, and the administration’s doing this right," said...

First Female Citadel Grad Challenges Lindsey Graham

Nancy Mace will officially announce candidacy tomorrow

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has drawn a potentially formidable primary challenger. Nancy Mace, the first woman to ever graduate from the Citadel, plans to throw her hat in the ring, she tells the Daily Caller . Mace, 35, graduated from the military college back in 1999, and has since written a memoir and...

New Idea: Boycott Russian Olympics Over Snowden

Lindsey Graham offers punishment idea should Moscow offer leaker asylum

(Newser) - Because nothing will show those Russians who's boss like allowing them to win more medals by taking some of the most successful Olympic competitors out of the running, Sen. Lindsey Graham is proposing the US boycott Russia's 2014 Winter Olympics if the country agrees to give Edward Snowden...

Senators Agree to 'Border Surge,' 700-Mile Fence

Security concessions could open door for more GOP support

(Newser) - How do you get Republicans to sign onto an immigration bill? You build a danged fence —a lot of danged fence. A bipartisan group of senators has agreed to bolster the border security provisions in the Senate's immigration reform bill, in the hopes of winning over more GOP...

GOP to Darrell Issa: Calm Down
 GOP to Darrell Issa: Calm Down 

GOP to Darrell Issa: Calm Down

Politico says top Republicans think he's making White House fight personal

(Newser) - When Darrell Issa called White House press secretary Jay Carney a " paid liar " on Sunday, House Republican leadership was aghast. They immediately called Issa's staffers, sources tell Politico , and their message was simple: Tell your boss to calm down. The staff agreed that the remark was out...

Oklahoma&#39;s Fallin: I Need to Cut Red Tape
 Oklahoma's Fallin: 
 I Need to Cut 
 Red Tape 


Oklahoma's Fallin: I Need to Cut Red Tape

Plus, GOP did not like Obama's counterterror speech

(Newser) - With President Obama headed for her tornado-ravaged state, Okla. Gov. Mary Fallin told CNN's State of the Union today that while, "so far, we have had a great response" from the feds, she's also worried about the grinding wheels of bureaucracy in the days ahead. "What...

Senators' Personal Wants Buried in Immigration Bill

Graham adds meat industry visas; Colo. senator helps ski resorts

(Newser) - The Senate's immigration reform bill could make sweeping changes for some 11 million undocumented workers, but not all its measures are so expansive. In fact, a number of senators have inserted legislation that offers a special boost to their home states, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lindsey Graham of...

Boston Mayor: Tsarnaev Brothers Acted Alone

 Boston Mayor: 
 Tsarnaev Brothers 
 Acted Alone 
talk show roundup

Boston Mayor: Tsarnaev Brothers Acted Alone

Thomas Menino defends shutting city down for manhunt

(Newser) - Boston Mayor Thomas Menino told ABC's This Week that, as far as he knows, the Boston Marathon bombing investigation has not uncovered any suspects other than the Tsarnaev brothers. "All the information I have is they acted alone," he said, according to Politico . He also defended the...

Graham: Immigration Deal Is at Hand

After Rubio says reports of deal are 'premature'

(Newser) - Despite Marco Rubio's statement this morning that reports of an immigration deal are "premature," Lindsey Graham says it's all over but the shouting. "I think we've got a deal," he told CNN this morning, according to Politico . "We've got to write...

McCain, Graham Slam Paul's 'Ridiculous' Filibuster

Republican senators call it a cheap political stunt

(Newser) - Rand Paul may be winning praise for his Senate filibuster , but two of his Republican colleagues hated it. John McCain and Lindsey Graham took to the Senate floor themselves today to criticize the talk-a-thon, with McCain calling it "ridiculous" and Graham arguing that it "cheapened" the debate on...

John McCain: Just Confirm 'Unimpressive' Hagel Already

Lindsey Graham, John Barrasso similarly unimpressed

(Newser) - John McCain thinks Chuck Hagel is "the most unimpressive" Defense secretary nominee he's "ever seen," reports Politico , but that little detail shouldn't stop him from getting confirmed to lead the Pentagon. "No, I don't believe he's qualified, but I don't believe...

Chuck Hagel Confirmation No Sure Thing: Hill Insiders

Reid looks to head off filibuster threat

(Newser) - The Obama administration has voiced confidence that Chuck Hagel will be confirmed as defense secretary, but congressional sources aren't so sure, they tell CNN . After declaring he wouldn't support a filibuster , John McCain now appears to be waffling on the issue: Before committing, he wants to know more...

Graham: I'll Block Brennan, Hagel Over Benghazi

Wants White House to 'fess up on what happened

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham says he's ready to block the confirmations of both Chuck Hagel and John Brennan if President Obama isn't a little more forthcoming with what he knows about the Benghazi consulate attack. "No confirmation without information," he said today, adding that the confirmations shouldn't...

Congress: We're Not Avoiding Cliff Cuts

Democrats considering putting them off again, but many skeptical deal will emerge

(Newser) - Washington is bracing itself for a sweeping, painful set of across-the-board spending cuts, because lawmakers doubt they'll be able to come up with a deal to avert them, the Washington Post reports. While proposals are in the works to avert what's known as sequester, party leaders don't...

Giffords Testifying at Senate Gun Violence Hearing

Where, unfortunately for Lindsey Graham and ted Cruz, there will be no guns

(Newser) - Continuing her campaign against gun violence, Gabrielle Giffords will testify today at a Senate hearing on the issue. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing—the first on gun violence in 14 months—was already expected to be a dramatic showdown, the Washington Post reports. Giffords is not expected to take questions;...

Harkin Calls on Democrats to Block Cliff Deal

Hoyer also balks as GOP starts calling it 'inconsequential'

(Newser) - Rank-and-file Republicans aren't the only ones who could deep-six a fiscal cliff compromise. Tom Harkin today called on Democrats to reject the deal, furious over President Obama's apparent willingness to up his tax threshold to $450,000. "They think Republicans may object? We may object," the...

Graham: &#39;Hats Off to the President&#39;
 'Hats Off to 
 the President' 


Graham: 'Hats Off to the President'

Says Obama stuck to his guns, will get tax hike on rich

(Newser) - President Obama wasn't the only show on the Sunday dial today : On the eve of the fiscal cliff, Lindsey Graham was upbeat about the chances of a deal, telling Fox News they were "exceedingly good." "Hats off to the president," said Graham, according to Politico...

Obama to House GOP: Time to Move
 Obama to 
 House GOP: 
 Pressure's On 


Obama to House GOP: Pressure's On

Prez talks fiscal cliff, gun control in rare 'Meet the Press' interview

(Newser) - President Obama left his minions at home and did the talking himself this morning on Meet the Press , blasting House Republicans' insistence on keeping tax breaks for the rich as the main obstacle to reaching a deal to avert the fiscal cliff. "They say that their biggest priority is...

GOP: Obama Wants to Sail Right Over Cliff
 GOP: Obama 
 Wants to Sail 
 Right Over Cliff 


GOP: Obama Wants to Sail Right Over Cliff

Barrasso sees political gold at bottom for president

(Newser) - Whether he gets "that for free" or not, President Obama has no interest in averting the fiscal cliff, says the No. 4 Republican in the Senate. "I think he sees a political victory at the bottom of the cliff," Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso told Fox News today,...

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