Lindsey Graham

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Lindsey Graham: Caitlyn Jenner &#39;Welcome&#39; in GOP
 Lindsey Graham: 
 Caitlyn Jenner 
 'Welcome' in GOP 

Lindsey Graham: Caitlyn Jenner 'Welcome' in GOP

Candidate hasn't 'walked into her shoes'

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham doesn't seem to have a problem with Bruce Jenner's transition to Caitlyn: "If Caitlyn Jenner wants to be safe and have a prosperous economy, vote for me," the presidential candidate tells CNN today, per the Hill . "I’m into addition. I haven’t...

Lindsey Graham: I&#39;m in
 Lindsey Graham: I'm In 

Lindsey Graham: I'm In

South Carolina Republican makes presidential bid official

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has confirmed the all-but-confirmed : He's joining the field of Republicans seeking the presidential nomination in 2016, reports Politico . "I'm Lindsey Graham, and I am running for president of the United States," he told a crowd this morning in his South Carolina hometown, where he...

Lindsey Graham All But Confirms Presidential Run

'I'm running because I think the world is falling apart'

(Newser) - Sounds like Sen. Lindsey Graham is pretty much in for Election 2016 , but you'll have to wait until June 1 to find out for sure. The hosts of CBS This Morning noted that the senator, a guest today, has said there's a "99.9% chance" he'll...

Graham: Iran Deal Has &#39;Snowball&#39;s Chance in Hell&#39;

 Graham: Iran Deal 
 Has 'Snowball's 
 Chance in Hell' 

Graham: Iran Deal Has 'Snowball's Chance in Hell'

Meanwhile, back in 2016...

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham has surveyed the Iran nuke deal and found it decidedly lacking: "I don’t think there’s a snowball’s chance in Hell this framework will get approved by Congress after review," he said today on Fox, per the Hill . "It is so weak in...

Graham's First Act as Prez? Sic Military on Congress

To get them to reverse defense, intel budget cuts

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is still talking . His latest headline-worthy quote: If he becomes our next president, the very first thing he will do is deploy the military. Against ... Congress. "I wouldn't let Congress leave town until we fix this," he said yesterday at New Hampshire's "politics...

Lindsey Graham's Not Alone: Lots of People Don't Email

9% of Americans say they've never sent one before

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham, take heart: Up to 15% of Americans don't use email either and may not go online at all. The South Carolina Republican revealed yesterday during a conversation about Hillary Clinton's emails that he had never sent an email before. "I don't know what that...

Lindsey Graham Has Never Emailed

'You can have every email I've ever sent,' or all zero of them

(Newser) - President Obama had never heard of Hillary Clinton using a non-government-issued email , and Lindsey Graham has apparently never heard of email. As Politico reports, when asked by Chuck Todd this morning as to whether he had a personal email account, the South Carolina Republican with the mystifying Twitter handle and...

Graham Jabs at Pelosi's 'Surgeries,' Is Sorry

Sees 'complete disgust' if 'you get through all the surgeries'

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham may have just lost the Botox vote in his maybe-quest for the White House : Speaking yesterday to a private fundraiser after Benjamin Netanyahu's speech, Bloomberg reported that the South Carolina Republican made a joke about how the GOP stands more solidly with Israel: "Did you see...

Latest Republican Eying 2016: Graham

And Mike Huckabee says he'll make a decision about a run in spring

(Newser) - The latest Republican testing the 2016 waters is longtime Senate stalwart Lindsey Graham, who tells Meet the Press today that he's already formed a committee and that he's "definitely going to look at it." Graham, who's spent a dozen years representing South Carolina, half of...

John McCain: No, Obama, Sony Hack Was &#39;Warfare&#39;
 John McCain: 
 No, Obama, 
 Sony Hack 
 Was 'Warfare' 

John McCain: No, Obama, Sony Hack Was 'Warfare'

GOP sharply disputes president's 'cyber vandalism' assessment

(Newser) - President Obama characterized the Sony hack this morning as "cyber vandalism" and "not an act of war," and Republicans including John McCain would beg to differ, reports the Hill . Also appearing on CNN's State of the Union, McCain charged that "the president does not understand...

White House: We Did Not Threaten Foleys or Sotloffs

'We made clear what the law is,' when families weighed paying ransom

(Newser) - The White House hit back at allegations from the families of James Foley and Steven Sotloff that they were threatened with prosecution as they weighed whether to pay Islamic State militants ransom for their sons. "In terms of what was communicated to the families, in the midst of many,...

McCain, Graham: Go After ISIS Now
 McCain, Graham: 
 Go After ISIS Now 

McCain, Graham: Go After ISIS Now

Senators say Obama needs a military strategy immediately

(Newser) - Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham say they're appalled that President Obama's response to the threat posed by the Islamic State is to say, " We don't have a strategy yet. " He needs to get one fast, they write in the New York Times . Putting a...

Pete King: Islamic State 'More Powerful Than Qaeda on 9/11'

Other politicians point to growing threat

(Newser) - With the United States today dropping a fourth round of airstrikes on Iraq's Islamic State militants, the pope expressing outrage over the humanitarian situation, and Iraq claiming that militants had slaughtered some 500 Yadizis , naturally our elected lawmakers felt compelled to offer up their two cents on the situation...

Sen. Graham Fends Off 6 Tea Party Challengers

South Carolina senator cruises to win

(Newser) - Only one big scalp for Tea Partiers from yesterday's votes: Sen. Lindsay Graham comfortably won his South Carolina primary yesterday, defeating six rival Republicans who complained he wasn't conservative enough, the AP reports. Graham—who had a $12 million war chest while his rivals had less than $1...

Kerry Admits US Syria Policy Is a Mess, McCain Says

Off-record meeting doesn't stay off-record

(Newser) - John Kerry thinks that the administration's policy in Syria is failing and that it's time to arm the rebels … at least according to noted hawks John McCain and Lindsey Graham. The Senate pals were among 15 lawmakers in attendance at a closed-door meeting with the secretary of...

Graham: I'll Bar Appointees Until I Get Benghazi Testimony

Senator thinks White House told survivors to keep mouth shut

(Newser) - He's not shutting down the government, but Lindsey Graham plans to use another procedural method to get the administration to open up on Benghazi. The GOP senator tweets that he'll block "every appointment in the US Senate" until the survivors of the Libya attack "are made...

Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare
 Cruz: Fire 
 Sebelius Over 


Cruz: Fire Sebelius Over ObamaCare

McCain thinks it's been a 'fiasco,' Pelosi sees room for improvement

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is less than impressed with ObamaCare's bumpy rollout, and would like Kathleen Sebelius' head to roll as a result, Politico reports. "Absolutely, she should resign. Why? Because the program she has implemented, ObamaCare, is a disaster. It’s not working, it’s hurting people all across...

Rand Paul: Bad Idea to Blow Through Debt Ceiling
 Rand Paul: 
 Bad Idea to 
 Blow Through 
 Debt Ceiling 


Rand Paul: Bad Idea to Blow Through Debt Ceiling

Meanwhile, Collins, Klobuchar see a deal by Thursday

(Newser) - The United States of America is exactly four days away from debt ceiling Armageddon, so politicians of all stripes crowded the Sunday talk show circuit to point fingers and wax poetically about what the other side might do better. Rand Paul led the way with the obvious, Politico reports, saying,...

Send al-Qaeda Chief to Gitmo: GOP Senators

Trying al-Libi in US is a wasted opportunity to interrogate him

(Newser) - Recently captured al-Qaeda honcho Abu Anas al-Libi belongs in Guantanamo—not a US courtroom, say Republican Sens. Saxby Chambliss, Kelly Ayotte, and Lindsey Graham. Al-Libi is currently still being held on a Navy ship, but President Obama wants to put him on trial Stateside. The lawmakers say that's...

McCain: Rejecting Syria Strike Would be 'Catastrophic'

Expresses cautious support for Obama's plan

(Newser) - President Obama got some conditional support for military intervention in Syria today from two key Republican foreign policy hawks: John McCain and Lindsey Graham. The pair met with Obama yesterday to express their concerns that US military action that was too limited, and would do little to change the course...

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