
Stories 81 - 92 | << Prev 

Small Condoms a Big Problem for Marketers

(Newser) - Judging by the average convenience store condom selection, men with small penises do not exist. Selling small condoms is difficult for marketers, so most brands have opted not to bother, writes Menachem Kaiser of the Atlantic . LifeStyles’ “Snugger Fit” designation is about as straightforward as it gets. Durex has...

For the Man With Everything: Penis Pants

Extra stitched equipment hits Madrid runway

(Newser) - The well-dressed metrosexual looking for a little something extra can now scoop up a pair of pants with a cloth penis and scrotum stitched to the crotch. The unusual accoutrement, paraded on the Madrid runway thanks to designer Isabel Mastache, isn't for everyone, of course. As Queerty's fashion reviewer declares:...

Guess Kate's Nickname for Jon's Man Part
 Guess Kate's 
 Nickname for 
 Jon's Man Part 
hint: it's not 'mr. giganto'

Guess Kate's Nickname for Jon's Man Part

Gosselin's ex agrees with galpals on the size of littlest Gosselin

(Newser) - Turns out Hailey Glassman isn’t the only one who thinks Jon Gosselin's nether regions leave something to be desired . Ex-wife Kate, well known for berating Jon on national television during their reality TV stint, used to mock his size to friends and family, a source tells Us . Her special...

Man Gets Penis Stuck in Steel Pipe; Firemen Called

Everything ends well, however

(Newser) - There’s no tactful way to relate this story, so here it is: A UK man got his penis so horribly stuck inside of a steel pipe Tuesday that it took seven firefighters and a metal grinder to get it out. The man had initially been rushed to a hospital,...

Giant Penis a Weapon in War Between Berlin Papers
 Giant Penis 
 a Weapon in 
 War Between 
 Berlin Papers 
the death of journalism

Giant Penis a Weapon in War Between Berlin Papers

Left-wing journal parodies rival editor with obscene sculpture

(Newser) - A sculpture depicting a monumental male member has upped the ante in a long-running feud between two Berlin newspapers. The staff of the left-wing Tageszeitung, known as "Taz," have long thumbed their noses at Bild, the widely read, highly profitable tabloid. Taz's latest move: installing a sculpture on...

New Erectile Dysfunction Cure: Shockwaves

Researchers say it could provide a longer-term fix

(Newser) - Sure, Viagra works, but you’ve got to keep taking it. In the quest for a more permanent solution, Israeli scientists have hit upon an unusual idea: shockwaves. The application of low-energy waves to the penis helped men for at least 3 months. The treatment is intended for those whose...

Penis-Gluers to Face Trial
 Penis-Gluers to Face Trial 

Penis-Gluers to Face Trial

Victim testifies that he was lured into hotel ambush as revenge for philandering

(Newser) - A judge has ruled that four Wisconsin women accused of tying up the cheating husband of one of them and leaving him in a motel with his penis glued to his stomach must stand trial, CNN reports. The victim—who was dating two of the women—testified that Therese Ziemann,...

Madoff Lover Still Talking About Tiny Penis

Oh, and forget about her being in the clear—Weinstein says she 'had to know'

(Newser) - Sheryl Weinstein is still expounding on Bernie Madoff’s “not very large” penis, most recently to Cindy Adams of the New York Post. “It was narrow,” she says. “Tiny in terms of girth, not length.” Still, he somehow convinced scores of women to sleep with...

Women Charged With Gluing Man's Penis: 'We're Victims'

'I thought he loved me,' says one

(Newser) - The Wisconsin women charged with false imprisonment after tying a man up and super-gluing his penis to his stomach aren’t especially repentant. “If anybody is a victim in this it’s all the women that he’s dated,” Michelle Belliveau told the Today show. “They gave...

Taiwanese Toilet Snake Nips Man Where It Hurts

'Snake's mouth not the cleanest,' says doc

(Newser) - A Taiwanese man had an unpleasant encounter with a snake that nipped him on his penis as he sat on his toilet, reports Reuters. He "reacted instinctively and jumped up" when he felt a sharp pain and spotted "the big snake," reports the China Times. He's in...

Male Nudity? Cue the Nervous Laughter
Male Nudity? Cue the Nervous Laughter

Male Nudity? Cue the Nervous Laughter

Comedies tap into America's 'adolescent reaction' to full frontal

(Newser) - Penises are in the Hollywood spotlight these days, with both Forgetting Sarah Marshall and the new Harold & Kumar offering full-frontal male nudity. They’re guaranteed to get a nervous laugh because there’s still an uncomfortable shock to seeing one on the big screen, writes Laura Hodes in the...

Genitals On the Menu at Beijing's Penis Bistro

Dog's or yak's unmentionables for dinner, anyone?

(Newser) - If your idea of good eating doesn't stretch to yak's penis or duck testicles, then Beijing's Guolizhuang restaurant definitely isn't the place for you. The exclusive restaurant's menu is made up almost entirely of penis and testicle dishes, Der Speigel reports. Well-heeled businessmen flock in for dishes such as "...

Stories 81 - 92 | << Prev