health care reform

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Appeals Court: Health Reform Constitutional

White House chalks up third US appeals court victory

(Newser) - A third federal appeals court has declared President Obama’s health law to be constitutional. The influential District of Columbia court says Congress’s powers over interstate commerce give it the means to require individuals to buy health care or face a financial penalty. “The right to be free...

Romney's Health Plan: The New 'Public Option'

Mitt's approach to Medicare looks a lot like Dems' original proposition: Ezra Klein

(Newser) - He wouldn’t put it this way, but Mitt Romney’s newly unveiled health care plan effectively offers the public option Republicans so opposed in 2009. Romney proposes providing seniors an as-yet-undetermined lump sum to pay either for Medicare or one of many private health plans. This could take his...

'Protect Life Act' Passes House
 House Passes Anti-Abortion Bill 

House Passes Anti-Abortion Bill

House victory probably end of the road for Protect Life Act

(Newser) - The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would ban women from using the health reform law’s subsidies to buy health care plans that cover abortions. The "Protect Life Act"—which passed 251-172 after a heated debate—would also allow hospitals to turn away women who...

Appeals Court Tosses Virginia ObamaCare Lawsuits

Unanimous decision issued

(Newser) - A federal appeals court in Virginia has dismissed two lawsuits that had claimed President Obama's health care overhaul was unconstitutional. The unanimous decision was issued today by a three-judge panel of the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals. It is the second appellate court ruling affirming the government's...

Court Calls Health Law Unconstitutional

Appellate panel says insurance mandate is unconstitutional

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today struck down the requirement in President Obama's health care overhaul package that virtually all Americans must carry health insurance or face penalties. A divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the so-called individual mandate, siding with 26 states that...

No More Co-Pay for Birth Control: Obama

New preventive health rules require insurers to cover cost

(Newser) - Women can say goodbye to co-pays on birth control: Health insurance companies will soon have to cover the cost themselves, the Obama administration says. It’s part of expanded preventive care for women , including coverage of breast pumps, “well woman” physicals, and STD counseling, the AP reports. Insurance firms...

Book Scuttles Obama's Health Care Story

His mother had health insurance when she died, and it paid up

(Newser) - A recent book on President Obama’s mother undermines his oft-told story that his mother spent the final years of her life battling insurance companies over her medical bills. The book, by New York Times reporter Janny Scott, reveals that Ann Dunham actually had health insurance that readily paid her...

Appeals Court Upholds Health Care Reform

Federal panel says Obama legislation is constitutional

(Newser) - President Obama's health care reform scored a legal win today: A federal appeals court in Cincinnati ruled that requiring people to obtain insurance or pay a penalty does not violate the Constitution, reports CNN . "We find that the minimum coverage provision is a valid exercise of legislative power...

Obama Thanks Romney for 'Assist'

Laugh line goes over well in Massachusetts

(Newser) - President Obama held a pair of fundraisers in Boston last night, and in both he tried out a new jab at Mitt Romney, saying that he'd passed health care reform "with a little assist from the former governor of Massachusetts." Both swipes drew laughter, notes the Washington ...

Romney May Have Made Things Worse

Conservatives aren't happy with his health care speech

(Newser) - So did Mitt Romney help his cause with the right with his health care speech today ? The early reaction isn't pretty for him on that front:
  • Avik Roy, National Review : "His effort to make a distinction between Romneycare and Obamacare was not persuasive: If anything, he convincingly

Unapologetic Romney Defends His Health Plan

Says he knows it would be politically smart to denounce it

(Newser) - Mitt Romney gave his big speech on health care reform today, saying pretty much what everyone expected him to say : Repeal Obamacare and let the states figure it out. Conservative critics maintain that his own version of Romneycare dooms his candidacy—see today's Wall Street Journal editorial —but...

Romney&#39;s ObamaCare Problem
 Romney's ObamaCare Problem 

Romney's ObamaCare Problem

He has to renounce it in today's speech, Wall Street Journal insists

(Newser) - In a major speech he'll deliver on health care today, Mitt Romney says he wants to repeal ObamaCare , but that’s not enough for the Wall Street Journal —it wants him to renounce RomneyCare, too. Romney is still calling the reform he enacted in Massachusetts a “success,...

Mitt Romney: I'll Do Away With ObamaCare on Day One
Romney: I'll Do Away With ObamaCare on Day One

Romney: I'll Do Away With ObamaCare on Day One

He wants to leave it up to the states

(Newser) - If he’s elected president, Mitt Romney says the first thing he’d do is defang the new federal health care reform law. “The president definitely forgot the admonition to ‘do no harm,’” Romney writes in a USA Today op-ed. “If I am elected president,...

Romney's Do-or-Die Time: He'll Speak on Health Care

First major policy speech set for Thursday

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is about to grab the third rail of 2012 candidacy—health care reform. He plans a major address on the subject Thursday on ways to "repeal and replace Obamacare," reports the Los Angeles Times . Romney's big knock as a candidate, of course, is that he...

Threats Against Lawmakers Hit New High in 2010

Emotions ran high during health reform debate

(Newser) - As the health reform debate reached a fever pitch last year, so too did the threats against lawmakers. The FBI investigated at least 26 threats last year, according to documents obtained by the Hill, a significant upswing from the previous year, and more than any other year on record. Nearly...

Ezra Klein: Obama's a Republican
 Obama's Real Secret: 
 He's a Republican 
Ezra Klein

Obama's Real Secret: He's a Republican

Ezra Klein thinks we should look at his policies, not his birth certificate

(Newser) - Don’t listen to Donald Trump. Barack Obama is not a Socialist Kenyan Muslim. The truth is far more startling: He’s a moderate Republican from the 1990s, writes Ezra Klein of the Washington Post . Obama’s major policy ideas—mandate-based health care reform, cap-and-trade, and raising taxes to reduce...

Supreme Court: We Won't Fast-Track ObamaCare Suit

Matter will move through appeals courts

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has denied Virginia’s request to fast-track the state’s case against the health care law, MSNBC reports. Virginia’s attorney general had sought to take the case—which calls the law’s requirement that almost all Americans purchase health care unconstitutional—straight to the high court,...

Paul Krugman: Stop Calling Patients 'Consumers'
 Stop Calling Sick 
 People 'Consumers' 
Paul Krugman

Stop Calling Sick People 'Consumers'

Market-based health care is sickening, Paul Krugman argues

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans took aim at the advisory board designed to reduce Medicare costs this week, arguing that what we really need is to make government health care “more responsive to consumer choice.” Which left Paul Krugman with one question: “How did it become normal, or for that...

In Budget Deal, Lobbyists Win Surprising Battle

Ron Wyden's voucher plan scrapped—though that won't save money

(Newser) - Soon after Democrats and Republicans settled on a deal to avoid a government shutdown, Ron Wyden got a call from Harry Reid. “You lost free-choice vouchers,” he said. Translation: Somehow in the budget scuffle, those involved agreed out of the blue to kill a plan Wyden had fought...

Dana Milbank: Anthony Weiner Is the Only Democrat Fighting for Health Care
 Weiner's the 
 Only Dem in 
 Health Brawl 

Dana Milbank

Weiner's the Only Dem in Health Brawl

Dana Milbank: Only he is standing up to Republican attacks on law

(Newser) - Republicans keep attacking health care reform, and with one loud exception, Democrats have been "passive to the point of wimpy" in defending it, writes Dana Milbank in the Washington Post . That exception? "Brooklyn-born streetfighter" Anthony Weiner. "I don't represent the hide-under-the-desk wing of the Democratic Party,"...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>