health care reform

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Judge: States Can't Ignore Health Care Law—Yet

They must continue implementing it while it winds through courts

(Newser) - A federal judge who declared President Obama's health care overhaul unconstitutional ruled today that states must continue implementing it while the case makes its way through the courts. US District Judge Roger Vinson was responding to a request from Obama administration attorneys who sought to ensure Florida and 25 other...

Obama Backs Letting States Out of Parts of Health Reform

Sticks up for unions in governors' meeting

(Newser) - President Obama intends to back legislation enabling states to duck some of the more onerous mandates of the new health care law—provided they can demonstrate that they could cover just as many people in some other way. “I think that’s a reasonable proposal; I support it,”...

States Want OK to Cut Medicaid—Without Penalty

Governors battle Washington over measure in health reform law

(Newser) - America's 29 states led by Republican governors are asking Washington to give them the green light to cut thousands from Medicaid—without being penalized. The health care reform law says that states that reduce eligibility for the program will lose federal funding, and these cash-strapped states (along with, quietly, some...

Judge Tosses Christians' Obamacare Suit

Plaintiffs argued God provided only health insurance they wanted

(Newser) - A federal judge has chucked a lawsuit filed on behalf of people who claimed health reform was against their religion. The Christian plaintiffs argued that requiring all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a penalty violated their religious freedom because they believe God will heal them and they wish...

GOP Freshmen Pay Steep Price for Refusing Health Benefits $1K-per-month premiums

(Newser) - The 16 newly-minted House Republicans who turned down government health benefits are learning the hard way that the private insurance market is a pretty unpleasant place. Many are facing premiums of $1,200 a month, Politico reports, and that’s if they can get insurance. The wife of Illinois Rep....

Rebel Senate Dems Eye Health Care Repeal

Centrists target individual mandate

(Newser) - A group of centrist Senate Democrats is looking into ways to repeal the new health care law's individual mandate—the heart of health care reform, and a key target for Republicans. West Virginia's Joe Manchin and at least three other senators—all from states President Obama lost in 2008 and...

Coming Soon: Obamacare Comic Book

MIT economics professor will spell out benefits in graphic novel

(Newser) - It doesn't have the ring of, say, Hulk vs. the New Avengers, but Obamacare will get the comic book treatment this fall as Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It’s Necessary, How it Works. An MIT professor who helped craft the legislation—as well as the state's own...

Momentum to Repeal Health Care Unstoppable

Sen. John Thune: Democrats can't keep ignoring reality forever

(Newser) - The Republicans' bid to repeal Obamacare might have failed in the Senate , but the GOP's John Thune thinks Democrats are going to have to face reality about this "awful" bill eventually. Most Americans don't like it, he says—finding a poll to back him up, as folks on both...

GOP Health Care Repeal Fails in Senate

Party-line vote came down as expected

(Newser) - A Republican drive to repeal the year-old health care law ended in party-line defeat in the Senate today by a vote of 47-51. Republicans conceded in advance their attempt at total repeal would fall short, but they accomplished an objective of forcing Democrats to take a position on an issue...

Senate Set to Vote on Health Care Repeal

Vote to roll back overhaul expected today

(Newser) - The Senate is expected to hold a showdown vote today on repeal of the health care law. The chamber's Republicans—buoyed by a federal judge's ruling that the health care overhaul is unconstitutional — tacked a repeal amendment onto a massive Federal Aviation Administration budget reauthorization bill being debated in...

ObamaCare Ruling Keeps All Eyes on Anthony Kennedy
ObamaCare Ruling Keeps All Eyes on Anthony Kennedy
ezra klein

ObamaCare Ruling Keeps All Eyes on Anthony Kennedy

Ezra Klein: Court's ruling will likely arrive in heat of 2012 campaign

(Newser) - Instead of ObamaCare, maybe the nickname for health care reform should be KennedyCare. As in Anthony Kennedy, the Supreme Court swing vote who could very well decide whether the legislation lives or dies when it makes it to the Supreme Court. After yesterday's ruling by a federal judge in Florida...

South Dakota Bill: Every Adult Must Own a Gun

Republicans try to make a point with mandatory gun law

(Newser) - South Dakota lawmakers have introduced a bill that would force all of the state’s citizens to buy a gun “to provide for the self defense of themselves and others.” (Wait, is it still self-defense if you’re defending others? Isn’t that just defense?) The law would...

Fla. Judge: Obamacare Is Unconstitutional

Federal court sides with 26 states

(Newser) - A federal judge in Florida says the Obama administration's health overhaul is unconstitutional, siding with 26 states that had sued to block it. US District Judge Roger Vinson today accepted without trial the states' argument that the new law violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by...

GOPs' Next Big Push: Abortion
 GOPs' Next Big Push: Abortion 

GOPs' Next Big Push: Abortion

The 'No Tax-Payer Funding for Abortion Act' gets HR3 stamp

(Newser) - House Republicans unveiled their next major legislative push yesterday: the No Tax-Payer Funding for Abortion Act, which, as its name implies, would ban federal funding of abortion. It would essentially make permanent the Hyde Amendment, which does the same thing but must be renewed each year. They introduced that legislation...

129M Americans Have Pre-Existing Conditions

Republican aide calls new report nothing but 'PR'

(Newser) - As the House prepares to consider a repeal of health care reform, the Obama administration has released a startling statistic: Up to 129 million non-elderly Americans have pre-existing health conditions. That means anywhere from one-fifth to one-half of people under age 65 in the US are at risk of being...

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
GOP's Health Reform
'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
paul krugman

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic

They don't really believe it will kill jobs, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - In their effort to repeal health care reform, the GOP has produced “some numbers and charts to wave at the press”—but they’re not part of any “rational discussion,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Their figures are, in fact, part of the...

GOP Reschedules Health Care Repeal Vote

Determined to move back toward business as usual

(Newser) - House Republicans will vote to repeal the health care reform law next week, likely on Wednesday, after a week-long delay in the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. “It is important for Congress to get back to work,” an Eric Cantor spokesman said, “and to that end...

Congress Delays Health Vote Amid Calls to 'Cool' Rhetoric

Time for 'great respect' on Hill: Sen. Alexander

(Newser) - The tragedy in Arizona won’t stop the health care debate, but it has pushed back a repeal vote and prompted calls to cool the rhetoric, Politico reports. The House majority leader postponed the week’s lawmaking agenda—including a vote on repeal set for Wednesday—following the attack. Meanwhile,...

ObamaCare Repeal Would Tack $230B Onto Deficit: CBO

Boehner slams claim over 'double-counting'

(Newser) - Republicans have hit a potential roadblock in their quest to dump health care reform: the price. Repeal would add $230 billion to the deficit by 2021, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Reform itself, the CBO has said, would reduce the deficit by $143 billion over...

Health Insurer Tries to Jack Rates—59%

Blue Shield of California cites rising costs, new health care law

(Newser) - Blue Shield of California wants to jack up its health insurance rates a whopping 59% for individual policyholders this year, saying the increase is “absolutely necessary” to deal with rising health care costs and restrictions in the new health care law. Policyholders have complained to the state insurance commissioner,...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>