health care reform

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'Repeal, Replace, Reform' Should Be GOP's Rallying Cry

Dems' morale boost will be short-lived, predicts Karl Rove

(Newser) - The Democrats may be in good spirits now, but passing health care reform won't help them politically any more than the stimulus package helped them in New Jersey's 2009 gubernatorial elections, argues Karl Rove. The public remains mostly opposed to "ObamaCare," and Republicans can ride that sentiment to...

4 Dystopias Health Reform Will Prevent

 4 Dystopias 
 Health Reform 
 Will Prevent 

4 Dystopias Health Reform Will Prevent

Could Obamacare prevent zombie plagues?

(Newser) - Perhaps the best way to explore how health-care reform will affect our lives is to consider the fictional dystopias the Obamacare society won't have to endure. Or, have io9 do it for you:
  1. A mutant plague. A rich country in which 30 million people have no access to preventative care

Latest ‘Miss Me Yet' Billboard: Jimmy Carter

'We need a good laugh after the theft of our liberty'

(Newser) - Following on the heels of the mysterious billboard with a photo of George W. Bush and the caption “Miss Me Yet?”, a blog unfriendly to President Obama’s expansive spending—and his health-reform plan, in particular—is claiming credit for a new one, this featuring Jimmy Carter. “We...

House Dems Get Extra Security

Capitol police on case after post-health-vote threats

(Newser) - The rising threats against a number of House Democrats in the wake of Sunday’s health-reform vote has authorities beefing up security for them, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says. Capitol Police and the FBI are looking at at least 10 representatives, the Huffington Post reports; Reps. Bart Stupak (Mich.),...

Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll
Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll

Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll

It's too early to tell if bump in support for reform will stick

(Newser) - Much ado has been made over yesterday's Gallup poll, which showed 49% in favor of the health care bill to 40% opposed, but Republicans shouldn't freak out just yet, writes Nate Silver. Yes, it shows a big increase in support for reform, but it's just one poll, "and even...

Dem Rep's Brother Has Propane Gas Line Cut

FBI investigates incident in Virginia

(Newser) - Things continue to get nasty for lawmakers who backed health care reform. Someone apparently cut a propane gas line outside the home of the brother of a Democratic congressman in Virginia. The FBI tells Politico it is investigating. The incident occurred near Charlottesville at the home of Thomas Perriello's brother;...

Right Believed Its Own Hype on Health Care
Right Believed Its Own Hype on Health Care

Right Believed Its Own Hype on Health Care

And now it's having a nervous breakdown

(Newser) - Unable to deal with the passage of health care reform, the GOP noise machine has suffered a complete nervous breakdown this week, literally declaring this the end of America as we know it. Why the hysterics? Because the right wing “made the mistake of believing their own hype,”...

Insurers Join Campaign to Sign Up New Customers
Insurers Join Campaign to Sign Up New Customers
About-face on Health Reform

Insurers Join Campaign to Sign Up New Customers

Industry switches from opposing reform to implementing it

(Newser) - Insurers spent a lot of energy fighting health care reform, but now they’re jumping on the bandwagon—along with pro-reform groups—to get as many Americans covered as possible. America’s Health Insurance Plans, the big industry group that’s been a vocal reform opponent, has signed onto Enroll...

So Who Gets the 22 Pens?
 So Who Gets the 22 Pens? 

So Who Gets the 22 Pens?

The main players, along with some not-so-familiar names

(Newser) - President Obama is keeping one of the 22 pens he used to sign the health care bill and doling out the others. The recipients, as noted by the Washington Post :
  • The obvious: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid
  • Honoraries: Ted Kennedy's wife, Vicki, and Sister Carol Keehan, a Catholic

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

 Stupak Abortion 
 a Lie 
Kathleen Parker

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

Democrats resorted to political flim-flam to pass health care bill

(Newser) - Bart Stupak tried to be a hero for social conservatives everywhere in the health care debate, but when “all the power of the moment was in his frail human hands, he dropped the baby,” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post . The deal Stupak struck with Barack Obama...

Health Reform May Pour Money Into Banks

HSAs expected to jump in popularity thanks to mandates

(Newser) - Financial firms could soon see a huge influx of money as consumers forced to buy health insurance by the new health care reform bill opt for high-deductible plans with health savings accounts. Americans have roughly $8.6 billion in assets parked in HSAs, but industry experts tell Reuters that could...

With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'
With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'

With Health Bill, Obama Ends the 'Age of Reagan'

Marks biggest assault on wealth inequality since the '80s

(Newser) - The health care reform bill was the government’s biggest attack on economic inequality in more than 30 years, a period of time that’s seen government policy and market forces consistently push the opposite direction. That’s why Barack Obama fought so hard for it, writes David Leonhardt for...

Obama Scrambles to Patch Kids' Health Gap

Extent of 'pre-existing exclusion' in new health law unclear

(Newser) - The Obama administration is scrambling to fix a potential problem with a much-touted benefit of its new health care law: a gap in coverage improvements for children in poor health. Under the new law, insurance companies still would be able to refuse new coverage to children because of a pre-existing...

GOP Demands 'No Viagra for Sex Offenders'

Tom Coburn drops slew of amendments to derail health care bill

(Newser) - Suddenly, Republican Tom Coburn has a lot of ideas about health care, and he’s demanding Congress vote on all of them, in a last-ditch attempt to derail the reconciliation bill. Coburn has proposed a slate of hard-to-vote-against amendments; if any of them pass, the bill will have to go...

Wow, Dems Can Govern; Here's How They Keep It Up

Keep base mobilized, move on to popular causes

(Newser) - By passing health reform, Harold Meyerson writes in the Washington Post , the Democrats proved themselves to be something America hasn't seen since "the middle of Ronald Reagan's presidency:" a governing party. If they want to keep the actual governance going, rather than slipping back into decades-long "policy...

Ala. Blogger Hails 'Window War' Against Dem Offices

Glass smashed at least five places across US

(Newser) - Rocks have been flying through the windows of Democratic offices across the US, and one Alabama-based blogger is taking credit for what he calls the “window war” against the big-government supporters of health reform. “I guess that guy’s one of ours,” Mike Vanderboegh told the Rochester ...

Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems
 Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems 

Palin PAC Targets 20 Dems

She aims to 'fire' those who voted for health reform

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s political action committee plans to use its monetary might to remove from office 20 Democrats who voted for the health-reform measure that passed the House on Sunday. “We’re going to reclaim the power of the people from those who disregarded the will of the people,...

Supreme Court Unlikely to Overturn Health Reform
Supreme Court Unlikely to Overturn Health Reform

Supreme Court Unlikely to Overturn Health Reform

It's not unthinkable, but it's an extreme long shot

(Newser) - If the legal fight against health care reform makes it to the Supreme Court, it's a safe bet justices won't overturn the law, writes Zachary Roth. He surveys legal experts on the left and right and finds consensus: It's "not out of the question" that foes could succeed but...

Ted Kennedy's Son Leaves Note on Dad's Grave

'The unfinished business is done'

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy famously considered health care reform the "unfinished business" of America. Yesterday, son Patrick visited his Arlington gravesite and left a simple note: "Dad, the unfinished business is done," reports the Washington Post . A steady stream of visitors has been at the tombstone since the weekend....

Obama's Signature Changes Some Rules Now

States can't alter guidelines on Medicaid, kids' insurance

(Newser) - It will take years for the entirety of the health care reform to be enacted, but some provisions went into effect the moment President Obama signed it into law today. One of the most wide-ranging prevents states from cutting Medicaid and children’s health insurance coverage—or tightening rules to...

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