health care reform

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Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
That Was Fast

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform

Poll shows 49% in favor of new law, to 40% opposed

(Newser) - The ink is barely dry on the new health care reform law, but the public has already come around on it, says a new USA Today/Gallup poll . Among those surveyed, 48% called the law “a good first step,” saying more should be done to reform the system. Roughly...

Before Ink Dries, 14 States Sue Over Health Law

13 Republican AGs, 1 Dem charge health care reform is unconstitutional

(Newser) - The threatened lawsuits over the health care reform law started arriving at courthouses today shortly after President Obama signed the measure. Thirteen attorneys general headed by Bill McCollum of Florida—who is also a candidate for governor— sued the Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services departments and their secretaries....

Michael Steele Defends Fiery Pelosi Page

RNC chief calls her 'architect of the demise' of economy

(Newser) - Michael Steele doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the RNC web site’s current front page , which shows Nancy Pelosi surrounded by flames next to the headline, “FIRE PELOSI.” Asked in a CBS interview if he thought the page was “a little bit extreme,”...

'Baby Killer' Rep. Gets Razzed on House Floor

Democratic lawmaker jokes about 'homeownership killer' bill

(Newser) - Randy Neugebauer can’t catch any slack after copping to his “baby killer” outburst in the House. Today, Massachusetts Democrat Michael Capuano aimed a jab during a hearing on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. “My emotions might overcome me and I might be tempted to scream out that...

Meet Marcelas Owens, 11, Health Reform Activist

Seattle fifth-grader lost uninsured mother to illness, became activist

(Newser) - That little boy standing at President Obama’s right hand as he signed health care reform legislation into law is, somewhat improbably, one of the nation’s preeminent reform advocates. Marcelas Owens, 11, has been sharing the story of his mother since she died in 2007, uninsured and unable to...

Suddenly, Conservatives Are the Judicial Activists

Health reform challenge a political maneuver to rally base

(Newser) - For a group that has long derided liberals’ use of “activist judges,” conservatives seem to have no problem calling for a little bit of judicial activism when it comes to health care reform legislation, writes Gabriel Winant. Except now, instead of your “chardonnay-swilling Manhattanites” calling up “...

Oh, Joe: Biden Drops F-Bomb
 Oh, Joe: Biden Drops F-Bomb 

Oh, Joe: Biden Drops F-Bomb

VP reminds president health care reform is a big deal

(Newser) - Get out the equipment you used to break down the Zapruder film, and set it to "lip-read"—did Joe Biden really remind President Obama that signing health care reform bill is "a big f---ing deal"? Talking Points Memo asks—and White House press secretary Robert Gibbs...

5 Reasons the GOP Should Back Off Health Bill

Why the 'repeal' campaign is a loser for Republicans

(Newser) - Republicans will stop banging the “repeal” drums if they know what’s good for them, Jay Newton-Small writes in Time, listing the reasons it’s risky for conservatives to keep health care front-and-center.
  • No one’s actually going to kill grandma. What happens when the doomsday scenarios they've been

Obama Signs Health Reform Into Law

Battle over $938B measure sets tone for midterm elections

(Newser) - A broadly smiling President Obama signed a historic $938 billion health care overhaul this morning at the White House. The measure guarantees coverage for 32 million uninsured Americans and will touch nearly every citizen's life, representing the biggest shift in US domestic policy since the 1960s. A joyous crowd of...

Al Sharpton Admits Obama Is a Socialist!*
Al Sharpton Admits Obama
Is a Socialist!*

Al Sharpton Admits Obama Is a Socialist!*

*According to right-wing pundits and an out-of-context sound bite

(Newser) - The conservative media is doing backflips over a video they’re touting as the long-sought smoking-gun proof that Barack Obama is a socialist. In an interview with Geraldo Rivera Sunday on Fox News, Al Sharpton uttered—get this!—that “the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they...

GOP Repeal Chances Little Better Than Snowball in Hell

Need big gains in Congress ... and GOP president

(Newser) - While the idea of repealing the health-reform measure passed last night has Republicans buzzing nationwide, the actual chances of it happening are tiny, Nate Silver writes. At very least, nothing happens before January 2013, and that’s if President Obama and his veto are out of office. So from there,...

Racial Slurs, Image of Noose Faxed to Clyburn

Democratic lawmakers attacked over health bill

(Newser) - House Majority Whip James Clyburn was sent racist messages after Sunday's health reform vote. Clyburn, a veteran of the civil rights movement, told Keith Olbermann, "If you look at some of the faxes that I got today, racial slurs, nooses on gallows, and I'm telling you, some very vicious...

Democrats Are Out of Gas
 Democrats Are Out of Gas 

Democrats Are Out of Gas

Party 'lacks vigor now that welfare state is complete'

(Newser) - The Democrats' passage of health care reform felt like a family reunion where you saw "the whole panoply of what you loved and found annoying about these people" to David Brooks. President Obama and Nancy Pelosi deserve posterity "for sheer resilience," he writes, but as the last...

Steamed Tea Partiers Vow Revenge

Legislation 'has awakened a giant,' activists warn

(Newser) - The Democrats are in for a rude awakening if they think they can pass health care reform and get away with it, incensed Tea Party leaders warned yesterday. Tea Party groups across the country plan protests and a campaign to force the people who voted for reform out of Congress...

Like Health Reform? Thank John Edwards

Remember, that was his deal in '08 campaign

(Newser) - If there’s one person to thank for the health-reform measure that passed the House yesterday, it’s John Edwards … really. It was Edwards, Chris Good points out, who was on stump talking about health care in 2007, even when it wasn’t a huge issue for voters, and...

McCain Vows to Keep Fighting Health Reform, Democrats

Senator, in tough re-election fight, promises 'no cooperation'

(Newser) - The divisive fight over health care reform is over—for now—but the fallout will foil any attempts at bipartisanship, John McCain vowed today. "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year," he told an Arizona radio station. "They have poisoned the well in...

Website Tests Rush's Pledge to Flee Obamacare

Limbaugh vowed to move to Costa Rica if health reform passed

(Newser) - The final stages of the battle for health care reform have been dramatic, so you could be forgiven for forgetting about Rush Limbaugh. He recently said he'd to move to Costa Rica if "Obamacare" passed. Now that it has, one website is soliciting donations to make sure he keeps...

GOP AGs Will Sue to Overturn Health Reform

Eleven states plan to cite constitutionality of newly passed measure

(Newser) - Florida and nine other states—all of which have Republican attorneys general—will sue to overturn health care reform, arguing that it’s unconstitutional. Florida AG Bill McCollum, who is running for governor, said today he views the expansion of Medicaid as a violation of states' rights, and called the...

From the Right, Scorn and Talk of Repeal

 From the Right, 
 Scorn and Talk 
 of Repeal 

opinion roundup

From the Right, Scorn and Talk of Repeal

Conservatives hold out hope for success in 2010, 2012

(Newser) - Conservatives are not happy about the House's passage of health care reform legislation. Some opinions:
  • Paraphrasing Marx in the Weekly Standard , William Kristol writes that while the "the first appearance in full flower of modern American liberalism" in the 1960s was a "tragedy," this second coming is

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers
 Health Care Reform 
 Winners and Losers 

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers

Obama, Pelosi, GOP come out looking good; flip-floppers, not so much

(Newser) - The winners and losers of the health care reform battle will take years to determine, but Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has some early choices. The winners:
  • President Obama: "He ran on doing big things and now will have health care to show for that pledge when he

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