health care reform

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Texas Rep: I Shouted 'Baby Killer'
 Texas Rep: 
 I Shouted 
 'Baby Killer' 

Texas Rep: I Shouted 'Baby Killer'

Randy Neugebauer of Texas says he wasn't talking about Bart Stupak

(Newser) - A Republican Congressman from Texas came forward this afternoon and copped to yelling "baby killer" on the floor of the House last night—but says he wasn't talking about Bart Stupak. "In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase 'it's a baby killer' in...

Obama's Pull in Home Districts Swayed Reps' Votes

Obama's share of vote in 2008 best predictor of House Democrats' positions

(Newser) - Barack Obama may have sown the seeds to last night's victory with the one in 2008: House Democrats in districts Obama carried were much more likely to vote in favor of health reform. Retiring members aside, Nate Silver writes, “all 12 Democrats running in a place where Obama received...

How Obama Did It —and What We Now Know About Him

You can forget all those comparisons to Jimmy Carter

(Newser) - Barack Obama earned a historic victory when the House passed health care reform last night. How did he do it and what does it mean? Here’s what people are saying:
  • “Obama didn't just work harder to clear this hurdle. He worked deeper,” writes John Dickerson of Slate

Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy
 Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy 

Pelosi Is the New Ted Kennedy

Kept up fight for comprehensive reform as other Dems wavered

(Newser) - President Obama may be the one history remembers for pulling off the biggest domestic policy reform in decades, but Nancy Pelosi "emerges from this battle as the real powerhouse in Washington," Julian Zelizer writes for CNN . Wielding both a "clear ideological agenda" and the "pragmatic political...

Next Up: Selling Historic Reform to Skittish Public

  Next Up: 
 Selling Historic 
 Reform to 
 Skittish Public 
2010 Campaign starts now

Next Up: Selling Historic Reform to Skittish Public

Obama push to up bill's public approval starts now

(Newser) - Now that the bill has passed, on to the PR blitz: The White House is planning a multi-phase campaign to turn around public opinion of health care reform ahead of the midterm elections, in the hopes of backing the GOP into a corner. In the next few days President Obama...

Hunt on for Rep Who Yelled 'Baby Killer' at Stupak

 Hunt on for Rep 
 Who Yelled 
 'Baby Killer' 
 at Stupak 

Hunt on for Rep Who Yelled 'Baby Killer' at Stupak

Was likely a Texas Republican, rep says

(Newser) - Wonder if Joe Wilson has an alibi: The search continues for the person who hollered "baby killer" at pro-lifer Bart Stupak last night as he urged Democrats to vote down a bill-killing Republican amendment on the issue. The shout came from the GOP side of the aisle, reports the...

Palin Charges Obamacare Hurts Soldiers

But 'shocking new questions' she raises are bogus, says VA

(Newser) - After scoring big with her “death panels” whopper, Sarah Palin tried to tweet another monkey wrench into the works yesterday, posting on Twitter: “Shocking new questions re:whether military healthcare plans r protected under Obamacare. How will underpaid troops afford their own purchase?” Palin was apparently unaware that...

For Obama, Health Care a Huge Victory, at a High Price

David Sanger: President proved he's willing to risk all

(Newser) - President Obama won a historic victory last night, David Sanger writes in the New York Times : Now one of a "handful of presidents who found a way to reshape the nation’s social welfare system," he "can lay credible claim, for the first time in his presidency,...

Yes, We Did It

 Yes, We Did It 

Yes, We Did It

Dionne hails historic moment that launches US on 'new path'

(Newser) - At long last, the US will no longer be the "outlier among wealthy nations in leaving so many without basic health coverage," crows EJ Dionne. The passage of the health care bill is "incontestable evidence that Washington has changed" and that Democrats "can govern, even under...

'We Are Still Capable of Doing Great Things': Obama

President calls health reform bill 'a victory for common sense'

(Newser) - President Obama says the health care legislation the House passed tonight is "a victory for the American people" and "a victory for common sense." The bill "will not solve every problem" in the health care system, the president said, but "moves us in the right...

House Passes Health Reform
 House Passes Health Reform 

House Passes Health Reform

Historic measure advances after late deal-making

(Newser) - Cheers erupted on the floor of the chamber as the House passed the Senate health care reform bill tonight, 219-212, after a late compromise on abortion funding gave Democrats the votes they needed to advance the historic measure. The vote followed 9½ hours of contentious debate that wrapped up with...

5 Myths About Health Bill Passage
 5 Myths About 
 Health Bill Passage 

5 Myths About Health Bill Passage

Americans aren't undecided, and the public option was DOA: Cillizza

(Newser) - With health care reform seemingly headed for passage now that Bart Stupak's on board, Chris Cillizza looks back at the debate and finds five persistent arguments with little or no grounding in reality.
  • Scott Brown was a game-changer: "Yes and no," Cillizza writes for the Washington Post . Lacking

Stupak Agreement Makes Passage All But Certain
 Stupak Agreement Makes 
 Passage All But Certain  
health care reform

Stupak Agreement Makes Passage All But Certain

Obama will issue executive order reiterating Hyde Amendment

(Newser) - President Obama will sign an executive order forbidding the use of federal funding for abortion, and Bart Stupak and his anti-abortion allies will vote to pass health care reform, the Michigan Democrat announced this afternoon. The shift means the measure is almost certain to pass when it's voted on tonight....

Health Bill Protesters Create 'Mass Hysteria': Frank

Mass. Democrat invokes witch trials as anti-gay slurs continue

(Newser) - Dueling groups of protesters created a chaotic scene on Capitol Hill today as opponents and advocates of the health reform bill made their voices heard in a scene Rep. Barney Frank called "mass hysteria." A protester who made it into a House office building yelled at Nancy Pelosi,...

Stupak: No Deal Yet on Health Bill
 No Deal Yet 
 on Health Bill 

Stupak: No Deal Yet on Health Bill

Rep reportedly has deal with White House to secure his vote

(Newser) - The health reform bill still doesn't contain abortion language Bart Stupak is comfortable with, and he's still negotiating with the White House, the Michigan Democrat said this afternoon. "There is no agreement, so until there's agreement I'm a no vote," Stupak told Talking Points Memo . Earlier reports suggested...

Reps Get Last Health Reform Jabs In
 Reps Get Last 
 Health Reform Jabs In 

Reps Get Last Health Reform Jabs In

House members debate whether Dems have the votes

(Newser) - If you hadn't heard, the House votes on a little thing some like to call health care reform today—and the debate got an early start on the Sunday shows with Democrats signaling they had the votes, and Republicans digging in their heels. David Plouffe and Karl Rove also went...

Screw Bart and Benedict, Time for Nun-Sense
Screw Bart and Benedict, Time for Nun-Sense
Maureen Dowd

Screw Bart and Benedict, Time for Nun-Sense

Sisters want health reform, get only grief from good old boys

(Newser) - When he's penning his latest right-to-life language, Bart Stupak certainly doesn't "call up nuns" for advice—rather, he looks to bishops and anti-abortion groups. But the nuns have broken with the bishops to endorse health reform, and Maureen Dowd thinks she might have "to bang Bart’s head...

Key Dem: 'We Have the Votes&mdash;Now, as We Speak'
 Key Dem: 'We Have the 
 Votes—Now, as We Speak' 

Key Dem: 'We Have the Votes—Now, as We Speak'

Chair of House Democratic caucus says they've got it done

(Newser) - The chairman of the Democratic caucus in the House says his party has the 216 votes needed to pass President Barack Obama's historic health care bill. Speaking Sunday on ABC's This Week, Connecticut Rep. John Larson said, in his words, "We have the votes now—as we speak."

Tea Partiers Hurl Slurs at Black, Gay Reps

'People have been just downright mean,' says one rep

(Newser) - Congressional Black Caucus members John Lewis and Andre Carson ran smack into a large crowd of protesters screaming "kill the bill"—and punctuating their chants with the N-word. The sentiment didn't appear to be a rogue one: As Barney Frank waded through a crowd of protesters, he was...

Obama Makes Final Plea: 'We're 24 Hours Away'

Says it's the most important step since Medicare

(Newser) - Victory within reach, President Obama rallied House Democrats today for a final health care push. "After a year of debate ... we're 24 hours away," said the president during a visit to Capitol Hill. “Every once in a while a moment comes where you have a chance to...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>