health care reform

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

House Scraps 'Deem and Pass' Procedure

It will hold a standard vote on the Senate bill tomorrow

(Newser) - "Deem and pass" is heading back into legislative obscurity. House leaders today decided not to use the controversial procedure on health care reform. Instead, the chamber will hold a standard vote on the Senate health bill and another on a package of amendments, reports the Washington Post . The final...

Pelosi Rejects Stupak's Abortion Deal

New possibility: Obama might issue executive order

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi may have lost Bart Stupak's vote today, but she's still got a chance of winning over some in his anti-abortion bloc. Pelosi rejected Stupak's idea of calling a separate vote to require stricter abortion language in the health care bill. Instead, she's holding out the "possibility" that...

Tomorrow, Obama Validates Presidency

Tomorrow, Obama Validates Presidency

Through it all, president stubbornly pushed for change

(Newser) - When the right and left can't even agree on which St. Joseph had his feast day yesterday, "the moral is that nothing about health care reform is easy," writes Gail Collins in the New York Times . "Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing." Yet against all odds, we...

'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans
'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans
Dana Milbank

'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans

They tried it before on Social Security and failed miserably

(Newser) - Health care reform hasn't even passed yet, and Republicans can't wait to base their election campaigns on repealing it. Big mistake, writes Dana Milbank, who raises the "ghost" of Alf Landon. The Republican candidate ran for the White House in 1936 by promising to repeal the "folly" of...

Anti-Abortion Dems, Pelosi Square Off
 Dems, Pelosi 
 Square Off 
216 In Sight

Anti-Abortion Dems, Pelosi Square Off

Speaker lacks votes, Stupak says, or she 'wouldn't be talking to me'

(Newser) - As Democrats picked up momentum in their march toward a health reform vote tomorrow, a few familiar anti-abortion reps led by Bart Stupak threatened to trip them up—and a bloc of pro-choice congresswomen warned of mutiny, calling Stupak's proposed language a "non-starter." But Nancy Pelosi is nearing...

'We'll Have the Votes': Hoyer

 'We'll Have the 
 Votes': Hoyer 

'We'll Have the Votes': Hoyer

House majority leader, whip confident about health reform passage

(Newser) - Health care reform legislation will sail through the House of Representatives in Sunday's vote, Steny Hoyer says. “We'll have the votes when the roll is called,” the majority leader tells Politico . Democrats haven’t lined up enough yeas for President Obama’s key domestic agenda, but the majority...

Obama on Health Care: 'If This Vote Fails...'

President delivers closing argument to enthusiastic crowd

(Newser) - President Obama described the stakes of this weekend's health care vote in stark terms today, using words uttered so rarely out of the White House that they seem all but banned: "If this vote fails." What then? "The insurance industry will continue to run amok," the...

Why This Bill Is Right &mdash;and Why It's Wrong
Why This Bill Is Right
—and Why It's Wrong
The final push

Why This Bill Is Right —and Why It's Wrong

Pundits make closing arguments on health care before vote

(Newser) - This weekend's vote on health care reform is the main agenda for today's pundits:
  • Eugene Robinson, Washington Post : "If health-care reform finally staggers across the finish line, it will be because President Obama and congressional Democrats recognized—at long last—the truth that has been staring them in the

US Health Care System Is 'Unique in Its Cruelty'
US Health Care System Is 'Unique in Its Cruelty'
Paul Krugman

US Health Care System Is 'Unique in Its Cruelty'

Blow this chance, and the status quo will be in place for years

(Newser) - The recent allegations that insurance giant Assurant Health beefed up profits by weeding out policy holders with HIV is a prime example of why we need comprehensive reform of health care coverage, writes Paul Krugman. Assurant is not the only insurer doing this, and for a simple reason: "It...

Nate Silver: Bet on Health Bill to Pass
 Nate Silver: Bet on 
 Health Bill to Pass 
votes nearly locked up

Nate Silver: Bet on Health Bill to Pass

Barring catastrophe, reform should pass

(Newser) - The smart money is on health care reform passing this weekend, writes Nate Silver. It's becoming clear that there are not enough "hard no's"—representatives who will vote against the bill no matter what—to keep Nancy Pelosi from getting her 216 votes. The only task left is...

Kudos to Baier for Showing How to Handle Obama
  Kudos to Baier for Showing 
 How to Handle Obama 

Kudos to Baier for Showing How to Handle Obama

Health care interview was 'startling and revealing'

(Newser) - Fox's Bret Baier performed a vital public service in his "startling and revealing" interview with President Obama on health care, writes Peggy Noonan. Unlike the vast majority of reporters, Baier refused to let Obama filibuster his way through the interview, and by doing so exposed the amazing fact the...

Bastards! Health 'Reform' Isn't Worthy of Name

Dems should be ashamed of bill, but pass the damn thing

(Newser) - The Democrats should hurry up and pass their sorry excuse for a health bill, but they should stop calling it "health care reform," writes Michael Moore. The president and Democratic leaders should apologize to the American people for coming up with a bill that leaves 12 million people...

CBO Numbers 'Thoroughly Gamed' and Useless
CBO Numbers 'Thoroughly Gamed' and Useless

CBO Numbers 'Thoroughly Gamed' and Useless

The health bill is a fiscal time bomb, writes Megan McArdle

(Newser) - Under reconciliation rules, Democrats had to improve the budget numbers in the health care bill by $1 billion. Surprise, surprise: Today's CBO analysis shows "they improved it by exactly $1 billion," writes Megan McArdle. She sees it as further proof that "the CBO process has now been...

Reconciliation Bill Posted Online

House still on track for a Sunday vote

(Newser) - The last piece of the puzzle is in place for this weekend's vote on health care reform: The House Rules Committee has posted the reconciliation bill online. Politico has the pdf here . The House is on track for a final vote sometime Sunday afternoon, with Democrats "giddy" over today's...

'This Is Pelosi's Moment'

 'This Is 

'This Is Pelosi's Moment'

House speaker excels at Washington's 'inside game'

(Newser) - No doubt there's some serious backroom dealing going on right about now in the halls of Congress. And that's perfect for Nancy Pelosi, writes Marc Sandalow. She didn't become Speaker because of her tact but because of her "mastery of the inside game." A West Coast liberal? Remember,...

On Health Care, Nuns Are Right
 On Health Care, Nuns Are Right 

On Health Care, Nuns Are Right

Bishops allow abortion bias to cloud judgment

(Newser) - Catholic bishops used to be some of the biggest supporters of universal health care—now, thanks to controversial abortion provisions, those same bishops could play “a major role in its demise”…that is, unless the nuns have their way. The bishops are upset that the Nelson-Casey anti-abortion amendments...

Obama Postpones Asia Trip for Health Care

White House postpones journey until June

(Newser) - President Obama is postponing his already delayed overseas trip as the health care push nears crunch time. The president wants to be in town for an expected vote this weekend, probably Sunday. He phoned the leaders of Indonesia, Australia, and Guam to let them know the trip's been pushed back...

Bart Stupak: Health Care Fight Is a 'Living Hell'

He and his wife have disconnected their home phone

(Newser) - Bart Stupak says his unwanted role as a stumbling block to health care reform has been a "living hell." The Michigan Democrat, who insists on tougher anti-abortion language, says the phones are jammed at his office and his home. “All the phones are unplugged at our house—...

Health Bill to Shave $130B Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer
Health Bill to Shave $130B
Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer
house votes on sunday

Health Bill to Shave $130B Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer

Vote scheduled for Sunday as Dems try to wrangle 10 yeas

(Newser) - The Congressional Budget Office numbers aren’t in yet, but House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer assures wary legislators that health care reform will save billions, even trillions, over the next 20 years. His statement comes as House Democrats try to wrangle the 10 additional votes needed to pass the bill,...

GOP: Use Obscure Senate Rules to Kill Health Bill

Plan for reconciliation bill to die slow procedural death

(Newser) - The White House may not be as close as it thinks to having a health care reform bill to sign, as Republicans are hard at work brainstorming every possible procedural way of weakening and killing it in the Senate. GOP senators plan to use arcane parliamentary rules to hack off...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>