health care reform

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Public Doesn't Want to Pay for Health Care Fix

Americans support goals, but not if it will cost them personally

(Newser) - Americans are enthusiastic about health care reform, but only as long as it doesn't drive up the price of their own premiums, a new AP poll finds. Whenever questions were framed broadly, voters seemed to support Democrats’ plans, but when asked about specific trade-offs they balked. A whopping 82%, for...

Wanted: Economist to Trash Health Bill

Foes look for an expert to prove that Obamacare kills jobs

(Newser) - Pro-business groups opposed to the president's health care reform are raising funds to hire a "respected economist" to study the impact of the reform—and find that it is a threat to jobs and the economy. In an email obtained by the Washington Post , a top official at the...

Obama, Dems Catch Flak From MSNBC
Obama, Dems Catch Flak From MSNBC

Obama, Dems Catch Flak From MSNBC

Left-leaning networks not afraid to hammer prez for moving right

(Newser) - Forget Fox News, Barack Obama is catching just as much grief from MSNBC, as the network’s liberal hosts hammer Democrats for drifting right. Rachel Maddow, for example, spent most of last week lambasting House Democrats over the anti-abortion Stupak amendment, calling it an “electoral defeat,” and contemplating...

Drugmakers Hike Prices Ahead of Reform

9% rise, in a year of falling prices, will add $10B to drug spending

(Newser) - Bracing for health care reform, drug companies have been raising prices at the fastest rate in almost 20 years—even as they pledge to support Washington's goal of cutting the nation's drug bill. The pharmaceutical industry is scrambling to get the price base as high as possible before legislation to...

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous
Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

New 'author' irresistible to both right and left: parody editors

(Newser) - Sarah Palin remains a major player on the national stage because "neither the left nor the right can get enough of her," write Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, the editors of Going Rouge, the parody that comes out the same day as the former Alaska governor's memoir, Going ...

Call Lieberman's Bluff&mdash;Make Him Filibuster
Call Lieberman's Bluff—Make Him Filibuster

Call Lieberman's Bluff—Make Him Filibuster

Senate rules make delay tactic too easy for fence-sitters

(Newser) - The filibuster is supposed to be a last resort. It allows the Senate minority, when it's willing to engage in endless debate—at the cost of holding up the chamber’s other business—to challenge legislation. But today, senators need only signal their intention to filibuster to stall a bill,...

Goldman to Insurers: Health Reform Will Hurt

 Goldman to Insurers: 
 Health Reform Will Hurt 

best plan is no plan

Goldman to Insurers: Health Reform Will Hurt

Who knew Wall Street and teabaggers could agree?

(Newser) - Here's a reason for Goldman Sachs to be even more popular with the public: The investment bank has issued research on private health insurers advising that fighting off reform would best for their bottom line. Goldman takes as the “base” case passage of the bill that exited the Senate...

Steele Orders End to RNC Abortion Coverage

'Money from our loyal donors should not be used for this purpose'

(Newser) - An embarrassed Michael Steele has ordered elective abortion to be stripped from services covered by medical insurance offered to RNC employees. The ban, prompted by a Politico report yesterday that abortion coverage has been included in RNC policies since 1991, brings the RNC in line with what the Republican Party...

RNC Insurance Plan Covers Employees' Abortions

A Steele spokesman says it's going to be changed

(Newser) - With abortion emerging as a sticking point in the health care debate, Politico has dug up a zinger on the Republican National Committee: Its own employee insurance policy covers elective abortions. "We are taking steps to address the issue," says an RNC spokeswoman, adding that the policy goes...

Abortion Activists Mobilize Against Stupak-Pitts

Aim is to kill bill in Senate, or back in House, at any cost

(Newser) - Abortion rights activists are organizing a massive grassroots effort and targeting lawmakers to ensure the hated Stupak-Pitts Amendment never reaches the president’s desk. The coalition of groups is first meeting with senators and organizing a phone drive and petition to keep the House language out of the Senate's bill....

Why the Senate Health Bill Will Move at a Crawl
Why the Senate Health Bill Will Move at a Crawl

Why the Senate Health Bill Will Move at a Crawl

Dems will be lucky to get it through before xmas

(Newser) - The House version of the health bill galloped from introduction to passage in just 10 days, but the Senate's version won't be through until Christmas at the earliest. Suzy Khimm at the New Republic explains the reasons for the snail's pace.
  • The Senate has to vote on a “motion

Dems Should Embrace a Health Care Filibuster
Dems Should Embrace a Health Care Filibuster
Steven Pearlstein

Dems Should Embrace a Health Care Filibuster

Open, Senate debate is preferable to backroom negotiations

(Newser) - The Senate is broken, writes Steven Pearlstein , its members so mired in dysfunction they don’t even realize how undemocratic current legislative practice is. The mere threat of a filibuster is enough to kill a bill, a fact that "violates the letter and spirit of the US Constitution."...

Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives
Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives

Dem Agenda Hijacked by Christian Conservatives

Shadowy 'Family' behind Stupak-Pitts abortion amendment

(Newser) - The US Council of Catholic Bishops is getting credit for the 11th-hour inclusion of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment in the House health bill last weekend, but the real force is the shadowy alliance of evangelicals and Democratic lawmakers called the Family, Jeff Sharlet writes on Salon. Though Stupak—a Dem and...

Stewart Catches Hannity Faking Video Footage

'If I didn't know better, I'd think they put two different days together'

(Newser) - Sean Hannity should know by now that Jon Stewart will go to the tape. The Daily Show host caught Hannity using old footage—from Glenn Beck’s 9/12 rally, no less—to make Thursday’s anti-health care bill rally appear to have, as Michele Bachmann and Hannity claimed, 20,000...

Clinton to Dems: 'The Worst Thing to Do Is Nothing'
Clinton to Dems: 'The Worst Thing to Do Is Nothing'

Clinton to Dems: 'The Worst Thing to Do Is Nothing'

And, former prez adds, tea-baggers mad 'because we are winning'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton pounded Democratic senators on health-care reform today, telling them that passing a bill this year is imperative. “Just pass the bill, even if it’s not exactly what you want,” Clinton said. “When you try and fail, the other guys write history. … The worst...

Senate Dems Say Obama Plans Don't Fix Spending

Say legislation isn't aggressive enough on fee-for-service model

(Newser) - Some Democrats in the Senate are worried that reform legislation under consideration doesn't do enough to rein in out-of-control health care spending. President Obama has promised $2 trillion in savings over the next 10 years, but critics say the proposed changes aren't nearly aggressive enough on the current pay-per-visit system...

Senate Health Bill Runs Into Abortion Divide

Both sides have vocal opponents, could halt bill without compromise

(Newser) - With a last-second concession barring federal dollars from funding abortions, Nancy Pelosi largely skirted the full brunt of the issue, but Harry Reid may not be so lucky. The Senate majority leader likely won't get the 60 votes he needs without similar language— which a Planned Parenthood VP calls a...

Dems Gird for Battle Over Veterans Day Recess

This time, they have something to crow about (and be criticized for)

(Newser) - Given what happened last time they took a vacation, Democratic lawmakers are steeling themselves for the Veterans Day recess, anticipating a fresh round of battles on health care reform. Members of Congress from both sides have been armed with fact sheets and talking points on what Republicans dub "The...

Prop-Wielding Senators: Beware Jon Stewart

 Senators: Beware 
 Jon Stewart 

Prop-Wielding Senators: Beware Jon Stewart

Daily Show host questions validity of comparing reform to Holocaust

(Newser) - Republicans who rallied against the health care bill used everything from a picture of a Nazi concentration camp to a baby to make their point, and none of it got by Jon Stewart . When Michele Bachmann used a lei brought to her by Hawaiian constituents as a prop, saying, “...

Bill Clinton to Corral Senate Dems on Health Care

Meets with caucus as fight over abortion funding heats up

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is expected to speak to Senate Democrats about health care legislation during their weekly caucus today. Clinton's appearance comes as fragile Democratic unity is threatened by abortion opponents in the Senate seeking similar restrictions in the bill to those in the House version passed Saturday. Nebraska Sen. Ben...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>