New Hampshire

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Conservative Anglicans Plan Splinter Summit

US bishop blasts gay clergy cover-ups

(Newser) - Widening the Anglican gay divide, conservative leaders unveiled plans today for a summit to challenge the traditional Lambeth conference this summer, the Guardian reports. Planners of the Global Anglican Future Conference wrote on their website that Anglicans are "divided into liberal and conservative factions" and will likely splinter over...

NH Rings in Civil Unions With New Year

First primary state becomes 4th to recognize same-sex vows

(Newser) - At midnight, New Hampshire became the fourth state to allow same-sex civil unions, and more than 40 couples came from across the state to ring in 2008 with vows under the State House arch, the Concord Monitor reports. Planned as a small ceremony for about 20 couples, the event drew...

Another NH Paper Slams Romney
Another NH Paper Slams Romney

Another NH Paper Slams Romney

Union-Leader lambastes Mitt as a phony conservative

(Newser) - Hot on the heels of Sunday’s Concord Monitor “undorsement,” another New Hampshire newspaper has issued a blistering indictment of Mitt Romney. A Union-Leader editorial says Granite Staters are unconvinced by Romney’s “expertly rehearsed sales pitch,” because despite having “all the advantages: money, organization,...

NH Paper Gives Mitt the Anti- Endorsement

Concord Monitor officially backs Not Romney

(Newser) - Newspapers roll out endorsements every election cycle, but there’s nothing traditional about the Concord Monitor’s anti-endorsement today—the New Hampshire paper urged its readers to vote for someone, anyone, other than Mitt Romney. The paper calls Romney “a disquieting figure who sure looks like the next president...

Giuliani, Feeling 'Great,' Back in the Game

But recovering from flu may be easier than battling slide in polls

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, out of the hospital and without his comfortable double-digit lead in the polls, is back on the campaign trail but planning to take it a little easier for a few days, the New York Times reports. "I feel great," he told reporters on his way to...

Obama Draws Dead Even in NH
Obama Draws Dead Even in NH

Obama Draws Dead Even in NH

But four of ten say they may change their minds

(Newser) - Presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are dead even in New Hampshire, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll. The two are tied at 32%, with John Edwards a distant third at 18% and no other Democratic candidates in double digits. Like Clinton, Republican Mitt Romney has seen his...

McCain&rsquo;s 'All-In' NH Strategy
McCain’s 'All-In' NH Strategy

McCain’s 'All-In' NH Strategy

No longer the maverick, the Arizona Republican makes his last stand in the Granite State

(Newser) - His maverick days over, John McCain is making his last stand as presidential timber in New Hampshire, the first-in-the-nation primary he won in 2000 only to get bulldozed by George W. Bush. McCain is banking on big Granite State momentum to set off a financial and popularity surge in Michigan,...

Rudy Loses His Lead
Rudy Loses His Lead

Rudy Loses His Lead

He's now tied with Romney, with Huckabee coming on strong

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s lead among the field of Republican presidential hopefuls is gone. In the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, the ex-mayor lost his double-digit advantage and is now tied nationally with Mitt Romney at 20%. Mike Huckabee has surged and is now nipping at their heels with 17%,...

NH Operative Fingers GOP Brass in 2002 Phone Scam

Author claims he's goat in 'old-school cover-up'

(Newser) - A political operative jailed in a scheme to jam Democratic phones during 2002's Senate race in New Hampshire claims the scandal originated in the upper reaches of the Republican Party, McClatchy Newspapers report. Allen Raymond’s book, How to Rig an Election, accuses the party of an “old-school cover-up,...

Surging McCain Hopes History Repeats in NH

Once-faltering bid rides endorsements, rivals' disappearance

(Newser) - John McCain, whose candidacy barely registered in polls a few months ago, is enjoying a momentum surge in New Hampshire. “I am obviously going to try to capitalize” on three key newspaper endorsements and Joe Lieberman’s support, McCain said. He's seeking the same independents who gave him the...

Clinton Hostage Suspect Very, Very, Very Sorry

Deeply self-critical open letter says he'll 'never forgive myself'

(Newser) - The "crazy man with the bomb" charged with holding hostage workers at Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire headquarters released a passionately worded apology, reports the AP. A keenly remorseful Leeland Eisenberg wrote that "I want to fully and sincerely acknowledge the fear, pains, and lasting effects my senseless actions...

Clinton Hopes NH Foundation Will Hold
Clinton Hopes NH Foundation Will Hold

Clinton Hopes NH Foundation Will Hold

Obama's recent surge threatens old ties the Clintons cultivated

(Newser) - As Barack Obama draws into a tie with Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire polls, the New York senator looks to be leaning more and more on the relationships she and her husband established back in Bill's campaigning days. Clinton officials shrug off the tightening polls, but some find her camp's...

Underdog Romney Readjusts
Underdog Romney Readjusts

Underdog Romney Readjusts

He plans to take specific aim at Iowa front-runner Huckabee

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, recognizing his newfound position as underdog in the Iowa polls, says he will use the remaining three weeks before the caucuses to take aim at front-runner Mike Huckabee, Politico reports. Romney concedes that his big expenditures in time and money have, for the moment, been trumped by Huck’...

Hillary Aide Out Over Obama Drug Comments

Shaheen misstep forced personal apology from Clinton to rival

(Newser) - Bill Shaheen, Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire campaign co-chairman, resigned today over his remarks that rival Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s teenage drug use could leave him vulnerable to Republican attacks in a general election, the Boston Globe reports. Clinton apologized personally to Obama for Shaheen’s remarks at Reagan National...

Obama Catches Up in NH Polls
Obama Catches Up in NH Polls

Obama Catches Up in NH Polls

Clinton's popularity plummets among women

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s lead in New Hampshire has evaporated, a CNN poll finds. Clinton's approval rating is at 31%, off 5% since November, leaving her in a statistical tie with Barack Obama, who's at 30%. Clinton’s support among female Democrats has fallen from 43% to 33%. Mike Huckabee hasn't...

Paul Hopes Blimp Gives Him a Lift
Paul Hopes Blimp Gives
Him a Lift

Paul Hopes Blimp Gives Him a Lift

GOP candidate launches political zeppelin next week

(Newser) - The offbeat GOP presidential campaign of Texas Libertarian Ron Paul is soon to have a zany new form of publicity: a blimp. The blimp will launch next week in North Carolina and sail up the East Coast with banners in support of Ron Paul, Politico reports. Bearing slogans such as...

Hostage Drama Suspect a Rapist
Hostage Drama Suspect a Rapist

Hostage Drama Suspect a Rapist

Man accused of holding six at Clinton campaign office

(Newser) - The man accused of holding six people hostage at a Hillary Clinton campaign office in New Hampshire is a twice-convicted rapist with an extensive criminal record, the Boston Globe reports. Leeland Eisenberg, 46, taped road flares to his chest and burst into Clinton's Rochester campaign office Friday. His attorney said...

Hillary Hostage Suspect Claims Priest Abuse

Long-troubled man faced divorce, domestic violence charges

(Newser) - Leeland Eisenberg's problems began long before he seized five hostages yesterday in a New Hampshire campaign office of Hillary Clinton. In 2002, Eisenberg filed a lawsuit charging that a Catholic priest had sexually abused him when he was 21 years old, homeless, and emotionally vulnerable, ABC News reports. The accused...

New Hampshire Primary Jan. 8 Earliest Ever

State moves up its date to stay ahead of several others

(Newser) - New Hampshire today set its primary for January 8, the earliest in state history. New Hampshire always stages the first primary in the nation, and it had to start even earlier this year because several other states moved up their dates to gain influence, the AP reports. New Hampshire will...

Rudy's Won the Pundit Primary
Rudy's Won the Pundit Primary

Rudy's Won the Pundit Primary

The conservative rush to back Giuliani isn't good for the cause, says National Review

(Newser) - Conservative pundits have piled on to the Rudy Giuliani bandwagon in greater numbers  and with more naked boosterism than in previous primary races, writes the National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru—who happens to prefer McCain. Why all the Rudy love—and willingness to forgive his weaknesses? Many right-wing journos live...

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