New Hampshire

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GOP Penalizes 5 Early Primary States

Party leaders will deprive them of half their delagates at convention

(Newser) - Republican party leaders voted today to punish five states for holding their primaries too early, the AP reports. New Hampshire, Florida, South Carolina, Michigan, and Wyoming will lose half their delegates to next summer’s national convention because they plan to stage primaries before Feb. 5. Iowa gets off on...

Class Appeal: Why Dennis Kucinich Keeps Hanging On

Cleveland's finest won't give up the good fight

(Newser) - It's a truism that Dennis Kucinich doesn't fit the coiffed presidential mold. He is plainspoken, pro-union, vegan; his wife has a tongue ring. Kucinich is "poor beyond corruption and honest as spit, hauling balls big enough to … choke Dick Cheney," Esquire's Scott Raab writes of a man...

Small Bloggers Cut a Wide Swath in NH

Candidates come calling as locals' influence widens

(Newser) - Average Joes moonlighting as political bloggers are wielding the power of kingmakers in tiny New Hampshire, and candidates—at least the second-tier—are noticing. Says a high school Latin teacher of his Blue Hampshire blog: “One minute I'm in the teachers' lounge making copies and the next I'm spending...

Iowa Dems to Join GOP for Early Caucus

Latest ‘first in the nation’ move should be okayed Sunday

(Newser) - Dems will likely okay a January 3 date for Iowa caucuses and help the state stay ahead of New Hampshire in the rush for earliest caucus. Iowa Democratic Chairman Scott Brennan has already endorsed the date. "It was a recommendation that was not come to lightly," said a...

Clinton Up by 21 Points in NH
Clinton Up by 21 Points in NH

Clinton Up by 21 Points in NH

Key nomination state also prefers Romney over Giuliani, poll says

(Newser) - Hillary's up by 21 points over Obama in New Hampshire, a new poll says, and Mitt's got a 6% edge on Giuliani. More than half of state Dems say Hillary has the best shot at beating a Republican in 2008, but roles reverse on the GOP side: "While Mitt...

NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary
NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary

NH Pol Toys With Dec. Primary

Granite State election head won't rule out moving up poll

(Newser) - With upstarts Florida and Michigan threatening to crowd New Hampshire's sacred kickoff primary, the Granite State's secretary of state is shaking campaigns by dangling a December 2007 polling date. Endowed with god-like election powers, Bill Gardner can do whatever he needs in order to make sure candidates pay his tiny...

Obama, Edwards Bail on Michigan Primary

Clinton remains on ballot despite scheduling standoff

(Newser) - A crack at revising the primary schedule appears at risk today after Barack Obama and John Edwards removed their names from Michigan's ballot, the Detroit Free Press reports. Joe Biden and Bill Richardson have also withdrawn, marking the latest attempt to punish Michigan for moving its primary to January 15,...

Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH
Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH

Rudy, Mitt Mix It Up in NH

Giuliani, Romney get serious about pivotal primary state

(Newser) - GOP presidential frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have been stumping hard in New Hampshire in advance of the primary, desperately trying to highlight their differences. Romney is blasting Giuliani's record as mayor of New York City and claims he backs unlimited government spending. Giuliani, capitalizing on his renown in...

Feds Nab Tax Evaders With No Bloodshed

New Hampshire couple gets 5+ years in prison after standoff

(Newser) - US Marshalls arrested an anti-tax couple yesterday after an 8-month standoff in New Hampshire, the Concord Monitor reports. Holed up in a solar-powered, concrete home, Ed and Elaine Brown vowed to leave "either as a free man and as a free woman or in body bags." The Browns...

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline
Dems Stonewall on
Pullout Deadline

Dems Stonewall on Pullout Deadline

Obama, Edwards, Clinton won't guarantee withdrawal by 2013

(Newser) - None of the three leading Democratic White House contenders were willing last night to guarantee that they would get US troops out of Iraq by 2013. During a Democratic debate at Dartmouth College, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards—who all support a timetable for troop withdrawal—each declined...

Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH
Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH

Rudy, Mitt in Dead Heat in NH

Giuliani Catches Romney in run up to New Hampshire primary

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's early lead in the GOP race for New Hampshire has evaporated; Rudy Giuliani is now in a dead heat with the former Massachusetts governor in a new CNN-University of New Hampshire poll. Though Giuliani has been the nationwide frontrunner, Romney had a 14-point lead in NH in July....

South Carolina Black Women Key for Dems

Early primary could make or break Obama in battle with Clinton

(Newser) - The Jan. 29 Democratic primary in South Carolina might come down to black women, the Los Angeles Times reports. Half of Democratic voters in the state are African American, and most of those are female—40% of whom have yet to pick a horse. That decision may hinge largely on...

Green Eggs and Slammer: NH Judge Channels Seuss

Inmate can't keep quiet about his prison diet

(Newser) - When a New Hampshire state prison inmate used a hard-boiled egg to illustrate his grievance with his institutional diet, the federal judge overseeing the case sought lofty counsel—Dr. Seuss. "I do not like eggs in the file. I do not like eggs any style," James Muirhead responded,...

Church Near Breaking Point over Gay Priests

World Anglicans frown on homosexuals among top US Episcopalians

(Newser) - US Episcopal bishops are about to sit down to talk with leaders of the greater Anglican communion on the simmering issue of homosexuality within the church, but the fact that a lesbian is under serious consideration as a candidate for bishop of Chicago may be a signal that the Americans...

Shaheen Enters NH Senate Race
Shaheen Enters NH Senate Race

Shaheen Enters NH Senate Race

Ex-governor will challenge newly weakened Republican incumbent in rematch

(Newser) - Democrat Jeanne Shaheen will run again for US Senate from New Hampshire, hoping to set up a rematch against Republican rival John Sununu. The ex-governor lost to Sununu in a tight, bitter race in 2002, and the freshman senator’s tireless support of the war has eroded his support and...

Get Some Color This Fall
Get Some Color This Fall

Get Some Color This Fall

(Newser) - Heading into prime leaf-peeper season, Travel + Leisure leads a pack of sites offering fun and affordable trip ideas. Serve yourself a double portion of red, ochre, and yellow at the Celtic Colours International Festival in Nova Scotia. Or, if Canada seems too far away, swing by the Pumpkin Festival...

Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate
Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate

Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate

Giuliani challenged on fractured family, Romney on Iraq

(Newser) - GOP presidential frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani came under a barrage of criticism from rivals and residents at the New Hampshire Republican debate last night. Attacks on Romney focused on his missteps on Iraq, and criticism of Giuliani centered on his personal life, reports Chris Cillizza of the Washington ...

Fred to Appear in Debate — for 30 Seconds

Rivals cast Thompson’s TV ad as NH snub on announcement eve

(Newser) - Fred Thompson will run his first TV ad during tonight’s GOP debate in New Hampshire, and his rivals are taking advantage of one last chance to chide the non-candidate before he officially joins the race tomorrow. Mitt Romney’s spokesman is encouraging Granite State voters to feel neglected: “...

Michigan Joins Herd to Move Up Primary

Jan. 15 date likely to push NH, Iowa races to first week of 2008

(Newser) - Michigan's governor yesterday bumped the state primary up to Jan. 15 as part of a national scramble for earlier, higher-profile contests. New Hampshire's primary and Iowa's caucuses are now expected to be moved up to the first week of January. States picking candidates before Feb. 5 face penalties from both...

Clinton, Obama Oppose Primary Leapfrogging

Candidates bow to pressure from states protecting their early primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama joined three of their presidential rivals yesterday in pledging not to campaign in states that have defied Democratic primary rules by pushing their primaries to early 2008. In recent weeks, Michigan and Florida have announced votes before February 5, challenging the first dibs the party...

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