New Hampshire

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Some Sarkozy Lost in Translation
Some Sarkozy Lost in Translation

Some Sarkozy Lost in Translation

Photo altered to reduce president's love handles

(Newser) - The French president’s “love handles” got a makeover this week when Paris Match Photoshopped them down to size in pics from his US holiday. An otherwise manly bare-chested shot of Sarkozy canoeing with his son shows his stomach to be distinctly slimmer than in Reuter’s original photo....

New Hampshire Could Give McCain a Jolt

Vote-second state has rescued flailing frontrunners before

(Newser) - John McCain’s candidacy may be getting dragged through the mud lately, but the presidential hopeful might have an ace up his electoral sleeve—New Hampshire. The Granite State has a history of rescuing listless frontrunners, the Boston Globe reports, and the straight talker understands the state’s importance better...

South Carolina Prompts Primary Chaos

SC to jump to January, pushing primary schedule as early as December

(Newser) - South Carolina's Republican Party is about to shift its primary to January 19, triggering a chain reaction of primary rescheduling that is infuriating candidates and campaign managers, the Washington Post reports. The New Hampshire primary will likely be rescheduled for early January and the Iowa caucuses as early as December....

Zut Alors! Sarko Blasts Photogs on US Boat Trip

Jumps on board, demands they stop snapping pics

(Newser) - Clad only in swim trunks, French President Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday lashed out at two US news photographers—screaming at them in French to scram—while he was vacationing with his family on a New Hampshire lake. "The president was very agitated, speaking French at a loud volume very rapidly,...

New French Prez Heads to Primary Country

Finally off the campaign trail, Sarkozy plans vacation in NH

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy will set aside French-US tensions when he visits New Hampshire on vacation this month. The trip to Lake Winnipesaukee appears to be purely leisure, the Boston Globe reports, but it may part of the new PM’s promise to improve trans-Atlantic relations. And the town of Wolfeboro already...

Paul Challenges GOP Agenda on Campaign Trail

"Lone wolf''s" campaign gains traction with the young and wired

(Newser) - Most Americans know him—if at all— as the firebrand Texas congressman who’s always pushed to the end of the line during debates. Ron Paul flounders at the bottom of national polls, but he's is the most “friended” Republican on And he's the lone GOP presidential...

Giuliani Grabs Biggest Slice of Campaign Pie

Rudy rakes in $17M, but Q2's a downer for the GOP

(Newser) - Score one for America's mayor: Rudy Giuliani was the top Republican fundraiser in the second quarter, pulling in nearly $3 million more than runner-up Mitt Romney. Giuliani raised $17M; Romney added $6.5M of his own money to a $14M take. John McCain brought in only $11M, widening the cash...

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up
Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

NM governor raises $7 million and his profile in 2nd quarter

(Newser) - Democratic contender Bill Richardson raised $7 million in the second quarter of this year, beating  his first quarter take, the AP reports, and giving him a solid fourth place in the competition for funds. The New Mexico governor, who has benefited from clever advertising, has also gained in polls in...

Romney Takes Lead in New Hampshire Poll

After trailing in April, former gov pulls to the head of the GOP pack

(Newser) - The latest CNN poll in New Hampshire shows Mitt Romney leading the GOP primary pack after last week's debate, leaping from 17% to 28% of the vote. In early April, John McCain and Rudy Giuliani were tied in the lead; they're still tied, but now at 20%. The rest of...

NH Voters Like What They See of Clinton

Post-debate numbers show senator surging ahead in Granite State

(Newser) - In the race for New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton has shot ahead of her Democratic opponents, opening a 14-point lead over Barack Obama since the June 3 debate. With the primary 7 months away, Clinton is overwhelmingly considered the strongest leader, thumping a list of rivals that includes Al Gore. And...

New Hampshire Says "We Do" To Gay Unions

State's gay bishop welcomes same-sex civil unions

(Newser) - New Hampshire is about to become the fourth state to offer civil unions for gays—and one of the first couples in line may be the state’s gay Episcopal bishop and a senior state bureaucrat. “My partner and I look forward to taking full advantage of the new...

NH to OK Civil Unions
NH to OK
Civil Unions

NH to OK Civil Unions

Governor says he will sign bill to "prevent discrimination"; opposes gay marriage

(Newser) - With the stroke of a pen rather than a protracted legal battle, New Hampshire will become the fourth state to allow same-sex civil unions. Gov. John Lynch, who had not previously taken a position on the issue, said today that he will sign the legislation after the state senate votes...

Edwards Gains on Clinton, Passes Obama

In New Hampshire poll, it's suddenly a three-way race

(Newser) - John Edwards pushed past Barack and sliced into Hillary's comfortable lead in the latest New Hampshire poll, putting all three cadidates in a statistical dead heat. Clinton dropped from 35% of likely Democratic voters in February  to 27%. Edwards rose from 16% to 21%, and Obama lost a point, from...

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