political advertising

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Facebook: Government, Not Us Should Regulate Political Ads

Company says it won't fact-check ads

(Newser) - Despite escalating pressure ahead of the 2020 presidential election, Facebook reaffirmed its freewheeling policy on political ads Thursday, saying it won’t ban them, won’t fact-check them and won’t limit how they can be targeted to specific groups of people. Instead, Facebook said it will offer users slightly...

Social Network Writer to FB CEO: Stop 'Assaulting Truth'

Aaron Sorkin takes Mark Zuckerberg to task for not vetting political ads

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg has been making the rounds defending Facebook's decision not to fact-check or censor political ads, saying he doesn't feel the social media site should be in the business of stymieing free speech. Except screenwriter Aaron Sorkin doesn't exactly think that's what Facebook's move...

Twitter Making a Big Move on Political Ads

Social media company is banning them starting November 22

(Newser) - Twitter is banning all political advertising from its service, saying social media companies give advertisers an unfair advantage in proliferating highly targeted, misleading messages, the AP reports. "While internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, that power brings significant risks to politics, where it can...

As Facebook Turns Down Biden, Warren Makes Big Claim

Senator suggests social media site will help elect Trump

(Newser) - Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter have refused to pull a Trump campaign ad claiming Joe Biden offered $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if the country removed a prosecutor investigating a company linked to Biden's son. CNN refused the grainy, 30-second ad released Sept. 27, citing false claims, reports the...

Volatile Ad During Debate Takes Aim at AOC
Another Debate Flashpoint:
A Volatile Ad About AOC
the rundown

Another Debate Flashpoint: A Volatile Ad About AOC

GOP group makes a comparison to her and the Khmer Rouge

(Newser) - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was not, of course, on stage Thursday night with the Democratic candidates for president. But the freshman congresswoman nevertheless is in the center of a debate-related controversy on Friday. It all stems from a jarring ad from a new GOP group that aired during the debate on ABC,...

Politician's New Ad Platform: Pornhub

Danish MP Joachim Olsen encourages voters to vote for him 'when you're done wanking'

(Newser) - "You have to be where the voters are," according to Danish politician Joachim Olsen—who explains that's why he's now advertising on Pornhub. "When you're done wanking, vote for Jokke," reads the ad, which refers to a nickname for Joachim and depicts the...

6 Siblings of Ariz. Rep Appear in Political Ads— for His Opponent

Paul Gosar's brothers and sisters don't hold back

(Newser) - Recruiting one of your opponent's family members to appear in your political ad would be considered a minor coup; pulling in six of them would be quite "stunning." That's how ABC News describes the latest spots from David Brill, a Democrat running against GOP incumbent Paul...

Facebook Will Use Postcards to Stop Russian Meddling

New system will be rolled out for midterms

(Newser) - Facebook will soon rely on centuries-old technology to try to prevent foreign meddling in US elections: the post office. Baffled in 2016 by Russian agents who bought ads to sway the presidential campaign, Katie Harbath, Facebook's global politics and government outreach director, told a meeting of the National Association...

Clinton Resurrects Famous Ad in New Spot Against Trump

The 'Daisy' girl is all grown up now

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign is going nuclear in a new ad against Donald Trump. The spot revisits the famous "Daisy" ad of 1964 in which a girl plucking a daisy is used to raise the specter of nuclear war, reports the Arizona Republic . (Here's the original .) Back then,...

This May Be the Zenith of Candidates Using Guns in Ads

Or maybe it's the nadir

(Newser) - How gun crazy have political ads gotten? Missouri's supposedly anti-gun candidate for US Senate just released one in which he assembles an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle while blindfolded and bragging that he'd "like to see Sen. Blunt do this." The ad , from Democrat Jason Kander, was created...

NRA Makes $2M Pro-Trump Benghazi Ad Buy

Marine Corps vet who fought against Libyan assault featured in 'Stop Clinton' promo

(Newser) - One of the biggest political ads for Donald Trump yet is being released, and none other than the National Rifle Association is behind it, USA Today reports. The NRA's Political Victory Fund PAC put up $2 million to back the 30-second spot , the association's first ad campaign of...

Wheel Scoring Fortune Off of Political Ads

Game show has 'very loyal' audience that votes

(Newser) - Ads on ESPN may get the president's ear , but an ad during Wheel of Fortune is far more important, at least in the eyes of candidates and super PACs. The show brought in $57 million in campaign spending during the 2012 election—the most of any TV show ahead...

Rubio's Patriotic Ad Actually Shows Canada

'It's morning again in America,' or maybe not

(Newser) - Marco Rubio can't seem to catch a break . Over the weekend, the Republican contender shared a new ad, "Morning Again," which appears to be a bleaker play on Ronald Reagan's 1984 "Morning in America" ad. It opens with a boat passing through a harbor as...

Ted Cruz Mocks Clinton in Office Space Parody

'It feels good to be a Clinton'

(Newser) - The people making ads for Ted Cruz may not be familiar with softcore porn , but they've clearly seen Office Space. A newly released video goes after Hillary Clinton in memorable fashion by parodying a scene from the movie. In "It Feels Good to Be a Clinton," an...

Trump's First TV Ad Is Not Subtle

'He’ll quickly cut the head off ISIS and take their oil'

(Newser) - Donald Trump's first TV ad of the 2016 election is about as understated as Trump himself is on the campaign trail. Which is to say, not very understated. It makes ominous references to ISIS ("he'll quickly cut the head off" and "take their oil"), banning...

Weiner's Latest 'Supporters:' Interns, Paid Actors

Latest ad features current and former intern; source says he's stacking own events

(Newser) - And the hits keep coming for Anthony Weiner. The latest allegations: He studded his latest TV ad with current and former interns and has hired "supporters" to pack his events. The former claims comes courtesy of the NY Daily News , which found that two of the four "everyday"...

How to Grab Obama's Ear: Buy ESPN Airtime

Companies target influencers, elite with ads on network

(Newser) - How to woo Barack Obama to your cause? Via ESPN, apparently. Companies and organizations have been buying up ad time on the sports network with the hope of catching the known sports fan's attention, Politico reports. "It's certainly a tactic that’s talked about a lot,"...

Sanford Talks Mistress Scandal in New Ad, Sort Of

Says he's learned about 'God of second chances'

(Newser) - Mark Sanford doesn't shy away from the Argentina-mistress scandal that abruptly ended his tenure as governor of South Carolina in his first television ad for the 1st District congressional race . After pointing out that he has a history of fighting government spending, he says he recently "experienced how...

Will Ferrell: Vote, and I&#39;ll Eat Toenails

 Stars Come Out 
 for Tomorrow's 
ferrell will eat toenails

Stars Come Out for Tomorrow's Election

Will Ferrell is willing to eat toenails to get you to vote

(Newser) - The stars are coming out in a big way as Election Day looms. The latest:
  • Will Ferrell really, really wants you to vote—and he'll do anything to make sure you do, he promises in a new video for President Obama. "Hungry? How about a home-cooked meal? Hope

'Base' Michael Moore Ad Riles Conservatives

Feisty seniors use some salty language

(Newser) - Michael Moore and MoveOn.org put together a pro-Obama ad, and it’s predictably controversial. It features a message from the Greatest Generation to the GOP and Mitt Romney: “If your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables Romney to oust Barack Obama, we will burn this motherf***er down,...

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