political advertising

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Obama Is the 'Bullsh***er' on the Auto Bailout

Romney wanted to save Detroit too: Marc Thiessen

(Newser) - President Obama called Mitt Romney a "bullsh***er" the other day, but it's "Obama who is peddling the BS when it comes to Romney and automobile-company bankruptcy," writes Marc Thiessen at the Washington Post . An Obama campaign ad claims that Romney would have let the auto industry...

Lena Dunham's 'First Time' Obama Ad Causes a Fuss

Conservatives outraged over new video

(Newser) - Lena Dunham released an ad for the Obama campaign yesterday, and it's about as titillating as you'd expect from the creator of HBO's Girls: In it, she talks quite a bit about her first time … voting, of course. "Your first time shouldn’t be with...

ScarJo, Longoria Release Incensed Pro-Obama Ad

 Now Jay-Z Does 
 Pro-Obama Ad 

Now Jay-Z Does Pro-Obama Ad

Plus: ScarJo, Eva, Kerry are quite unhappy with Romney's politics

(Newser) - President Obama brought in the big guns for his latest video: Jay-Z. The rapper appears in a new, nearly 2-minute video for the Obama campaign that's basically a mutual lovefest. "When the president got into office initially, what he represented to a nation of kids was hope,"...

Morgan Freeman Narrates Latest Obama Ad

Plus, Bruce Springsteen campaigning for the prez

(Newser) - President Obama made a good choice for his latest ad: He got Morgan Freeman to narrate it. Freeman, a huge Obama supporter, has one of the most recognizable voices in the country, the Atlantic Wire notes—and if he says you're better off now than you were four years...

Romney, Obama Play Defense on 60 Minutes

New Obama ad slams Mitt on taxes

(Newser) - President Obama is unleashing the latest attack on Mitt Romney's taxes, following the candidates' dueling appearances on 60 Minutes last night, referencing his 47% comments as well as questions over his own tax rate. "Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes, he should come clean on his,"...

Romney Ad: Pelosi Put Obama on Mute

Bashes president's leadership via Woodward account

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is out with a new ad this morning that's generating some buzz, reports CNN . Repeating Bob Woodward's account of tensions between President Obama and top Democrats during negotiations over raising the debt limit, the ad alleges that during a phone conference, "As President Obama spoke,...

Citizens United Anti-Obama Film Set to Bombard TV

'The Hope and the Change' airing on 12 stations

(Newser) - Coming to a dozen TV stations near you, for the next seven weeks: An hour-long film in which former Obama supporters talk about their disillusionment with the president. The Hope and the Change—directed by the same guy who made pro-Sarah Palin film The Undefeated —debuted at the Republican...

Pols Avoid Ground Zero as Cost Debate Rages

Obama, Romney put negative ads on hold

(Newser) - For the first time, no elected officials will speak at Ground Zero on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the AP reports. While many hailed the change as a separation of 9/11 from any sort of political agenda—"The fact that the politicians will not be involved, to...

Meet the 'Mad Men' Behind Romney's Ads

Ad whizzes toil over message

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been raking in the big bucks, and the Washington Post takes a look at what he has done with some of that campaign cash: assembled his own "Mad Men" team. The candidate has hired a motley crew of Madison Avenue all-stars to bolster his advertising campaign,...

Akin's Next Move: TV-Ad Apology

Senate candidate asks 'for your forgiveness'

(Newser) - Todd Akin has been backtracking all over the place since he said that "legitimate rape" victims don't get pregnant , but now he's offered a mea culpa in the form of a new campaign ad. "Rape is an evil act. I used the wrong words in the...

Biggest Loser This Election? The Truth

Inaccurate ads abound, despite fact-checking

(Newser) - Maybe George Washington couldn’t tell a lie, but today’s candidates sure can. Among the latest “facts” in campaign advertising: Bain Capital’s merger of a steel mill ensured that a woman would die of cancer, and President Obama plans to gut work requirements from welfare. Despite the...

Now Obama Ad Gets in on 'Taxless Mitt' Narrative

Plus, ad discusses Romney role in huge tax avoidance scheme

(Newser) - Did Mitt Romney pay no taxes for 10 years, as Harry Reid has been alleging ? Well, the Obama campaign doesn't know, but it certainly implies that's a possibility in its latest ad. "Did Romney pay 10% in taxes? Five percent? Zero? We don't know,"...

Romney Aide Embraces Massachusetts Health Law

Pundits aren't sure whether it's a gaffe or calculated strategy

(Newser) - A Romney spokeswoman went on Fox today to criticize a brutal new anti-Romney ad, but now her comments are coming under fire from some conservatives. It's all about health care, as Politico explains. Spokeswoman Andrea Saul denounced a new Super PAC ad in which a steelworker laid off by...

Obama Sets Campaign Spending Record

And that may not be a good thing

(Newser) - The Obama campaign shelled out around $400 million between the beginning of 2011 and June 30 of this year, more than any incumbent in recent history has spent in such a short span, shows a New York Times analysis of Federal Election Commission records. In June alone, Obama spent a...

Romney Grabs $26M Lead in Fundraising

But Obama spends heavily on advertising

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign is cash-light compared to Mitt Romney's, just as Mitt is showing unexpected muscle with small-dollar donors, Politico reports. Romney's campaign and fundraising committees boasted $170 million in the bank last month, $26 million more than Obama and his committees. A big reason why: Team...

Mitt Slaps Obama Singing Ad, Foiled By Copyright Claim

Romney's response ad gets yanked from YouTube

(Newser) - President Obama recently jeered at Mitt Romney with a campaign ad featuring Romney's terrible rendition of "America the Beautiful." Team Romney's attempted shot back, using a clip of Obama singing "Let's Stay Together," fell short on a couple of levels: Obama can actually ...

In Obama Attack, Romney Ad Cites... Hillary Clinton

Spot accuses Obama of dishonest campaigning

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign is looking to Barack Obama's own buddies for help attacking the president. A new ad shows Hillary Clinton slamming Obama for negative ads in 2008, the New York Daily News notes. "Shame on you, Barack Obama," she says. The narrator says Obama lied...

NY Probes Chamber of Commerce Political Funding

Did 'charity' funnel bucks to organization for anti-Democrat issue ads?

(Newser) - The New York Attorney General has launched an investigation to determine if organizations are secretly channeling money to the US Chamber of Commerce to be used to impact political campaigns. The tax-exempt chamber is a major player in US politics, but not required to disclose the identities of its donors....

Obama Ads Blast Romney as 'Outsourcer-in-Chief'

Campaign capitalizes on Washington Post article

(Newser) - The Obama campaign is once again attacking Mitt Romney's past at Bain Capital, this time capitalizing on a Washington Post article on the firm's propensity for sending jobs overseas. "Does Virginia really want an outsourcer-in-chief in the White House?" asks one of three new ads the campaign...

Incumbent Ads Avoid &#39;C&#39; Word
 Incumbent Ads Avoid 'C' Word 

Incumbent Ads Avoid 'C' Word

(Meaning 'Congress' of course)

(Newser) - Lawmakers running for reelection this year have been carefully avoiding some loaded words—like "Congress," "representative," and "senator," the Washington Post observes. With Congress' approval rating standing at just 17% (hey, it's been worse ), lawmakers are eager to distance themselves from the...

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