Rudy Giuliani

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Mitt Lets the Dogs Out
Mitt Lets the Dogs Out

Mitt Lets the Dogs Out

Oblivious Romney's comments to African Americans so tone-deaf they're stunning

(Newser) - Mitt Romney’s attempts to make small talk with black voters on Martin Luther King Day were so tone deaf, Slate’s Christopher Beam blogs, that they were less offensive than stunningly clueless. Posing for a photo op with young African Americans, Mitt riffed, “Who let the dogs out?...

Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll
Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll

Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll

Clinton enjoys African-American support in home state

(Newser) - Onetime favorite Rudy Giuliani lags John McCain in his home state, two polls out today report, in another blow to the ex-New York mayor's sputtering campaign. In a Siena College poll, 36% of New York Republicans support McCain, to Giuliani's 24%, while a WNBC poll put the split at 34%...

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP
Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Sunshine State can boost, dash electoral dreams

(Newser) - The Republican field has made a mad dash for wide-open Florida, where Mike Huckabee prays for the Panhandle pious, John McCain hustles veterans, and Rudy Giuliani reminds ex-New Yorkers how much he did for them. The Jan. 29 primary is the first closed contest, meaning McCain can’t rely on...

Rudy Scrambles to Catch Up in Florida

As rivals edge up in polls, Giuliani's focus on single state is questioned

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's strategy of skipping ahead to Florida could still pay off big, or could leave him dead in the Gulf Coast water, reports the Guardian. Giuliani is now pulling out all the stops as he sinks behind John McCain in polls, and the rest of the field joins the...

McCain Wins Tight Race in SC
McCain Wins Tight Race in SC

McCain Wins Tight Race in SC

He edges Huckabee in nation's first Southern primary

(Newser) - John McCain reclaimed the ever-elusive momentum in the GOP race tonight with a narrow victory over Mike Huckabee in South Carolina, the State reports. McCain got 33% of the vote to Huckabee's 30%. Fred Thompson, for whom South Carolina was a make-or-break state, finished a distant third (16%), just ahead...

'08 Prez Campaigns Going Broke
'08 Prez Campaigns Going Broke

'08 Prez Campaigns Going Broke

Early spending saps all coffers ... except Romney's

(Newser) - Despite record fund-raising, top presidential hopefuls in both parties have blown almost all of their cash, the New York Times reports. Efforts to knock out opponents early have cost candidates at least $320 million, or 80% of what they have raised. With Super Tuesday fast approaching, “there is definitely...

Romney Wins Silver State Caucuses
Romney Wins Silver State Caucuses

Romney Wins Silver State Caucuses

Ron Paul takes second place in surprise finish

(Newser) - Mitt Romney won the Nevada Republican caucuses today, the AP reports, his second straight victory. Romney nabbed 51% of the vote with nearly all returns in. In a surprise, Ron Paul (14%) edged past John McCain (13) to take second place. Fred Thompson and Mike Huckabee both got 8%, and...

Giuliani Goes for Broke in Fla.
Giuliani Goes
for Broke
in Fla.

Giuliani Goes for Broke in Fla.

In run-up to must-win primary, GOP hopeful maxes out time, money

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has put every penny toward victory in Florida, hoping to build a dam that rising waters can’t breach. Come Jan. 29, says his campaign chairman, “we'll be the smartest guys in America or the dumbest guys in America.” Giuliani’s been to Florida nearly 30...

Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY
Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY

Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY

Anything but first or a super-close second puts tri-state success in jeopardy

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's supporters predict a distant finish in Florida's Jan. 29 primary will cost him in Feb. 5 voting in strongholds New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A strategy of focusing on Florida while ignoring early states has seen Giuliani plummet in Republican polls. "If he carries Florida, he...

Romney Trims SC Prospects, Eyes Nevada

Concedes Palmetto State to McCain, eyes overall delegate count

(Newser) - With polls placing him third in South Carolina's primary Saturday, Mitt Romney is conceding and turning attention to all-but-forgotten Nevada caucuses. Romney says “it doesn’t make a lot of sense to put a few drops” in a GOP bucket that John McCain’s already filled, but Politico says...

Romney Wins Michigan Primary
Romney Wins Michigan Primary

Romney Wins Michigan Primary

State's native son gets much-needed victory to salvage campaign

(Newser) - Native son Mitt Romney won the Michigan primary tonight, salvaging his campaign and scrambling the Republican race anew, MSNBC reports. With 99% of returns in, Romney had 39% of the vote, John McCain 30%, and Mike Huckabee 16%. Ron Paul finished a distant fourth, but he had nearly as many...

Candidates Talk Health Care, But Not Their Own

Most GOP hopefuls keep mum on their personal coverage

(Newser) - With health insurance heating up campaign trails, NPR takes a look at how the candidates are covered, and finds not all of them forthcoming. Sitting senators are eligible for a federal plan, which is good but no panacea—packed with co-pays and deductibles. John Edwards reports he and his family...

Rivals Catch Giuliani in Fla.
Rivals Catch Giuliani in Fla.

Rivals Catch Giuliani in Fla.

Come-from-behind strategy looks problematic as 4-way tie develops

(Newser) - The strategy that had Rudy Giuliani waiting until the Jan. 29 Florida primary to make a grand entrance—and then running away with the race—is looking pretty rocky, says Salon blogger Tim Grieve. The New Yorker is now in a virtual four-Republican tie in Florida, says a Quinnipiac poll....

Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors
Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors

Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors

Campaign reportedly low on funds after Florida advertising spree

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's campaign is urgently requesting funds, the New York Daily News reports, seemingly contradicting the camp’s denials of financial hardship. While staffers are going without paychecks this month—voluntarily, they say—Giuliani’s campaign manager emailed a plea to prospective donors yesterday. “I am asking you to...

Romney Leads McCain in Michigan: Poll

Favored by voters who cite economy & jobs as top concerns

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has grabbed an 8-point lead over closest rival John McCain heading into the Michigan primary, according to the latest MSNBC/McClatchy poll of the state's voters. Romney needs the good news: he has reduced advertising in South Carolina and staked his continuing candidacy on Michigan. The poll puts Romney...

Clinton Unveils $70B Fix for Economy

GOP hopefuls attack plan and each other; Bush mulls tax rebate

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton upstaged her rivals today by proposing $70 billion in emergency spending to help avoid a US recession, Reuters reports. Her plan would include $30 billion for homeowners, $25 billion for families with high energy bills, and another $15 billion aimed at unemployment insurance and alternative energy plans—all...

Giuliani Aides Working Without Pay
Giuliani Aides Working Without Pay

Giuliani Aides Working Without Pay

Staff takes hit as campaign pumps up Fla. ad budget

(Newser) - Top Rudy Giuliani staffers are working without pay this month, an aide to hizzoner tells Politico. After weeks of rumors that donations were drying up, the campaign manager and other high-ranking advisers either volunteered to work free or were asked to forgo wages so that all resources could be put...

Republicans Square Off in SC
Republicans Square Off in SC

Republicans Square Off in SC

GOP hopefuls swap heated words on economy, Iran, immigration

(Newser) - GOP presidential hopefuls jostled for position during a South Carolina debate last night, with Mitt Romney taking aim at new front-runner John McCain and an aggressive Fred Thompson going after Mike Huckabee. Romney criticized McCain for giving up on manufacturing jobs in Michigan, a crucial primary state, but McCain defended...

Will the Right Ever Back Mac?
Will the Right Ever Back Mac?

Will the Right Ever Back Mac?

He again looks like the GOP's best bet, but critics may not be able to tolerate him

(Newser) - GOP conservatives have long been suspicious of John McCain—angered that the maverick won’t hold the party line—but now they're forced to decide if they can stomach the man who seems the best bet for holding the White House. The same party activists who crippled his candidacy last...

Rudy Did Try in NH—and Still Failed

Campaign downplayed effort in early states, but numbers don't lie

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani shrugged off his 9%, fourth-place showing in New Hampshire last night, citing his strategy to skimp there and go for the bigger states with later primaries — Florida, New York and California. But the numbers belie that claim, reports ABC News. Giuliani attended 126 pre-primary events in New...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>