Rudy Giuliani

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Judi Could Be a Huge Liability for Rudy

Especially if, as Vanity Fair suggests, marriage No. 3 is on the rocks

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani’s third wife may be the mother of all liabilities for a candidate who’s already toting heavy baggage. Vanity Fair details her foibles and follies in a gossipy expose including the suggestion that the marriage has hit a rough spot. Judi, described as generally insufferable, is also...

Thompson (Already) Falters
Thompson (Already) Falters

Thompson (Already) Falters

Campaign sinking before it starts swimming

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's White House campaign is in trouble before it has even officially begun, according to the Washington Post's campaign diary. Short of money and minus a manager, the unannounced Thompson is tied for last in the polls with the floundering John McCain.

So Many Candidates, So Little Electability

Why GOP voters are yawning

(Newser) - Republican voters choose “none of the above” over every announced primary candidate, and their distaste for the GOP field is no surprise, says Salon’s Thomas F. Schaller. Not only is there no heir apparent to Bush—a dubious honor anyway—but each Republican is carrying a critical flaw.

Rudy Calls for Truce in Culture Wars

Leave social issues to the states, candidates argues

(Newser) - Giuliani may be running as a terrorist slayer, but what sets him apart is his plan to leave social issues up to the states, says LA Times columnist Ronald Brownstein. Localizing gay marriage, gun control and even abortion decisions would allow states to make policies that reflect the proclivities of...

Democrats Winning Money Race
Democrats Winning Money Race

Democrats Winning Money Race

$100M ahead of GOP in fund raising

(Newser) - Democrats are trouncing Republicans in the fundraising race leading up to 2008, raking in $100 million more in contributions for their presidential and congressional campaigns, the Journal reports. The trend puts the Democrats on track to outspend the GOP in a general election for the first time since records were...

Paul Challenges GOP Agenda on Campaign Trail

"Lone wolf''s" campaign gains traction with the young and wired

(Newser) - Most Americans know him—if at all— as the firebrand Texas congressman who’s always pushed to the end of the line during debates. Ron Paul flounders at the bottom of national polls, but he's is the most “friended” Republican on And he's the lone GOP presidential...

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy
GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

GOP Voters Undecided, Unhappy

'None of the above' leads Republican hopefuls; Dems heavily favor Clinton

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has the support of 21% of Republicans in a new poll—down from 27% in June, which is bad enough, and second to the most popular option: none of the above. John McCain stands fourth, a notch below undeclared candidate Fred Thompson, in the most recent AP-Ipsos poll,...

Dems Raise Big Bucks Online
Dems Raise Big Bucks Online

Dems Raise Big Bucks Online

GOP trails 2 to 1; Obama has the biggest online presence

(Newser) - The three leading Democrats in the presidential race have raised more than twice as much money online as the three leading Republicans, the Times reports. For the first 6 months of the year, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards combined to top $28 million, against $14 million for Rudy...

Rudy Shouldn't Get Credit for Crime Busting

New study argues real victor in war on crime is 70s-era campaign to reduce lead

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, who's running for commander-in-chief on his tough-guy cred, can thank early-1970s reductions in lead levels for his crime-busting success, a new study argues. Economist Rick Nevin concludes that the nearly 60% decrease in violent crime during Rudy's stint as mayor is a result of government programs to cut...

Mayor Mike Threatens to Upstage Rudy

Comparisons with successor would dim Giuliani's luster

(Newser) - Speculation about a Michael Bloomberg run for president is casting a shadow on the other New York mayor, as Rudy Giuliani’s bona fides are scrutinized more carefully in comparison, the Washington Post reports. The shorter, richer man has sustained New York City’s progress in cutting crime and curbing...

Giuliani Grabs Biggest Slice of Campaign Pie

Rudy rakes in $17M, but Q2's a downer for the GOP

(Newser) - Score one for America's mayor: Rudy Giuliani was the top Republican fundraiser in the second quarter, pulling in nearly $3 million more than runner-up Mitt Romney. Giuliani raised $17M; Romney added $6.5M of his own money to a $14M take. John McCain brought in only $11M, widening the cash...

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up
Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

NM governor raises $7 million and his profile in 2nd quarter

(Newser) - Democratic contender Bill Richardson raised $7 million in the second quarter of this year, beating  his first quarter take, the AP reports, and giving him a solid fourth place in the competition for funds. The New Mexico governor, who has benefited from clever advertising, has also gained in polls in...

For Rudy, It Aways Comes Back to 9/11

The pros and cons of having terror as your touchstone

(Newser) - The Los Angeles Times tracks Rudy Giuliani's rhetoric on the stump, and marvels at the way he manages to bring just about any topic around to the threat of  terror. Fourteen seconds into in a speech in Des Moines called "Restoring Fiscal Discipline and Cutting Wasteful Washington Spending" the...

Rudy Woos Religious Right
Rudy Woos Religious Right

Rudy Woos Religious Right

But doesn't mention gays, intelligent design or the "A" word

(Newser) - White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani managed to made a campaign stop at one of the evangelical capitals of America without once mentioning  abortion, same sex marriage or intelligent design, Salon reports. Giuliani, who appeared at Pat Robertson's Regent University, is struggling to win the votes of social conservatives without flip-flopping...

Questions Dog Longtime Giuliani Friend

Candidate's company employs priest accused of child sex abuse

(Newser) - A Catholic priest who was best man at Rudy Giuliani's first wedding, performed his second marriage, and presided at his parents' funerals is on the payroll of the candidate's consulting firm—and suspended from his pastoral duties because he has been accused of sexually abusing children. Salon looks at the...

Fallen Firefighters Mourned
Fallen Firefighters Mourned

Fallen Firefighters Mourned

Thousands attend SC ceremony for 9 killed in blaze

(Newser) - Thousands of firefighters from across the country gathered today for a memorial ceremony honoring their nine colleagues who died Monday battling a blaze in Charleston, SC. Their chief shared humorous stories about the men, adding a personal touch to a formal affair. A column of firetrucks snaked through the...

Neither NY Mayor Is White House Worthy

TNR questions both hizzoners' credentials

(Newser) - Deeming New York City "several light years away from the heart of America," New Republic writer Michelle Cottle assaults the qualifications of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg to be president. Cottle calls Rudy's leadership style the "pugilistic, divisive, f-you approach" and Mike "the perfect presidential...

'08 May Be 3-Way Subway Series
'08 May Be 3-Way Subway Series 

'08 May Be 3-Way Subway Series

Giuliani, Bloomberg, Clinton face-off possible

(Newser) - It's the political equivalent of a subway series—the remote but real possibility of a presidential election that pits Hillary Clinton against Rudy Giuliani against Mike Bloomberg. The Politico reports that New York State's power brokers are salivating over the prospect as much as the city's media outlets. "I...

For Giuliani, Things Go Better Without Coke

Campaign axes SC chairman in wake of federal drug rap

(Newser) - The South Carolina state treasurer's drug problem is reverberating in New York, where the Giuliani campaign severed ties with volunteer state chairman Thomas Ravenel after his indictment yesterday on federal cocaine-trafficking charges. The campaign said the real estate millionaire "has stepped down from his volunteer responsibilities," and the...

Poll Puts Hillary Back in Lead by Double Digits

Obama trailing; McCain drops below Thompson

(Newser) - They were in a dead heat two weeks ago, but a new USA TODAY/Gallup poll out today puts Hillary back in front for the Dem nomination with a double-digit spread over Barack. The red team is also shaking up, with not-quite-official candidate Fred Thompson stealing second standing from John McCain.

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