Rudy Giuliani

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NY Firefighters' Emotions About Giuliani Run Hot

Ex-mayor has some fans, but post-9/11 bitterness lingers

(Newser) - In the wake of 9/11, Rudy Giuliani allied himself with the New York Fire Department. He attended funerals even after leaving office, and he continues to bring up "my firefighters" on the stump. But the ex-mayor shouldn't count on the department's 11,000 votes in his run for the...

Romney Takes Lead in New Hampshire Poll

After trailing in April, former gov pulls to the head of the GOP pack

(Newser) - The latest CNN poll in New Hampshire shows Mitt Romney leading the GOP primary pack after last week's debate, leaping from 17% to 28% of the vote. In early April, John McCain and Rudy Giuliani were tied in the lead; they're still tied, but now at 20%. The rest of...

Thompson Gains on Giuliani
Thompson Gains on Giuliani

Thompson Gains on Giuliani

Unannounced candidate polls second, ahead of McCain, Romney

(Newser) - Fred Thompson hasn't even declared his candidacy, but he's already gaining support in the race for the Republican nomination. Rudy Giuliani has the backing of 27% of likely voters in an LA Times/Bloomberg poll reported today, with Thompson just behind at 21%. The poll's director cautions that Thompson "has...

Romney May Go It Alone in Iowa Straw Poll

Other Republicans pulling out of summer pre-Caucus

(Newser) - Mitt Romney could have a distinct advantage in August's straw poll in Iowa: He could be only one showing up. ABC reports that with GOP frontrunners Giuliani and McCain passing on the Ames poll, the rest of the field may choose to conserve energy and funds, too. Even the media...

Giuliani to Iowa: See You Later
Giuliani to Iowa: See You Later

Giuliani to Iowa: See You Later

Candidate's decision to skip straw poll raises questions about McCain, caucuses

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani will skip the August Iowa straw poll, a decision that allows him to trim some $3 million out of his budget as he attempts to maintain his national frontrunner status. His campaign manager says Giuliani is "100% committed to winning" the January caucuses, but the decision renews...

GOP Hopefuls Turn On Bush
GOP Hopefuls Turn On Bush

GOP Hopefuls Turn On Bush

Take White House to task on war, immigration

(Newser) - There was so much criticism of the Bush administration at the GOP debate last night the Republican White House hopefuls sounded like Democrats. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Tommy Thompson all cranked up criticism of the administration's handling of the war. The president's diplomatic deficiencies and stand on...

Thompson to Enter '08 Race
Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Thompson to Enter '08 Race

Actor and ex-senator has GOP royalty in his camp, frontrunners in his sights

(Newser) - Fred Thompson will enter the 2008 presidential race in early July, the Politico reports, bolstered by millions of dollars in contributions and the support of key Republican insiders. The "Law & Order" star and former Tennessee senator, a hard-line conservative, will pitch himself as a steady, consistent presence who...

Right Wing Is Leaning Rudy-ward
Right Wing
Is Leaning Rudy-ward

Right Wing Is Leaning Rudy-ward

Religious cons sacrifice hot-button issues on altar of electability

(Newser) - The religious right is lining up behind Rudy Giuliani, Pew tells the Politico, despite the candidate's support for gay rights and abortion. Analysis of recent polls suggests that pragmatic social conservatives are so frightened of a Democrat in the White House they're passing over harder-line hopefuls like McCain, and buying...

Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center
Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center

Evangelicals Sway Toward the Center

New generation prays for Darfur, against climate change, though abortion lingers

(Newser) - The once hard-right Evangelical Christian movement is waxing centrist, the New York Times reports, as a new breed of religious leaders breaks from an abortion-and-sexuality-obsessed old guard to tackle broader nonpartisan issues like AIDS, and even liberal-leaning ones like Darfur and global warming. 

Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote
Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote

Giuliani Loses Dobson's Vote

Focus on the Family founder cites abortion support, "moral concerns"

(Newser) - Christian evangelist James Dobson came out swinging against Rudy Giuliani after the former mayor admitted last week that he supports abortion rights and same-sex domestic partnerships. Dobson says he won't vote for Rudy if he wins the GOP nomination, citing those issues and "moral concerns"  over his marital...



From private equity to speaking tours: how the candidates made their money

(Newser) - No surprise that they're wealthy—at least 10 of this year's presidential candidates are millionaires. But how they brought in the big bucks is the focus of the Washington Post 's analysis of their latest financial disclosure forms and other documents. Rudy Giuliani, for instance, made $11 million last year...

McCain Opposes Water Boarding
McCain Opposes Water Boarding

McCain Opposes Water Boarding

But he's the only GOP candidate who does, as field wrestles with detainee treatment

(Newser) - If Rudy Giuliani is the only GOP presidential candidate who differs from the pack on abortion, John McCain stands alone on treatment of detainees, the LA Times notes. In the second debate, while Mitt Romney and Giuliani sanctioned using some forms of torture, including water boarding, on suspected terrorists, former...

Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls
Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls

Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls

Front-runners clash over interrogation techniques, conservative credibility

(Newser) - Ten Republican presidential candidates mixed it up in an often boisterous and contentious debate last night at the University of South Carolina. John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, in particular, clashed on the war in Iraq, abortion rights, immigration, each other's conservative credentials and the use of torture in...

Rudy Faulted on Safety at Ground Zero

Autocratic mayor sacrificed health for speed, suit charges

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's leadership in the aftermath of 9/11 made him America's hero, and the GOP's top presidential candidate. But thousands of the firefighters and construction workers who cleaned up Ground Zero now claim that the mayor's single-minded drive to see the city rebound from the attacks is to blame for...

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues
Rudy Tries Candor On
Tough Issues

Rudy Tries Candor On Tough Issues

'I should honestly tell you the things I can evolve on, and the things I can’t'

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani chose Houston Baptist College to debut his new, more candid campaign today, telling a conservative crowd that he supports abortion rights, some restrictions on gun ownership, and gay civil unions, though not same-sex marraige. Giuliani appealed to the audience to be open to a GOP candidate who may...

Giuliani Will Come Out As Pro-Choice

No more vacillating: Rudy will test GOP will by backing abortion rights

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani will cut the embarrassing equivocation and declare himself  in favor of abortion rights in the coming days, reports the New York Times. The GOP frontrunner, who's drawn flak for trying to explain away his support for abortion in his mayoral days, will risk alienating the conservative portion of...

Rudy Backed Planned Parenthood
Rudy Backed Planned Parenthood

Rudy Backed Planned Parenthood

Donations in '90s may spell trouble for GOP candidate

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani donated to Planned Parenthood, the country's leading abortion provider and a prominent abortion-rights advocate, at least six times in the 1990s, according to public tax returns. Giuliani has walked a thin line during his campaign for the Republican nomination, maintaining that he personally opposes abortion but supports a...

GOP Debate Pivots on Abortion
GOP Debate Pivots on Abortion

GOP Debate Pivots on Abortion

Republican hopefuls compete for Reagan mantle, attack Roe v. Wade

(Newser) - Republicans went straight into the breech during their first debate at the Reagan Library last night, tackling the hot-button issue of abortion. All 10 aspirants supported overturning  Roe v. Wade, including Romney and Giuliani, who struggled to distance themselves from embarrassing previous endorsement of abortion rights.

Law Firm's Green Record Gives Rudy Black Eye

Lobbyist for polluters boosts partner Giuliani

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's affiliation with a big-name Houston law firm has been key to his fund-raising success, especially in Texas, but may be dangerous politically, the Times reports. Bracewell & Giuliani, which the former New York mayor joined in 2005, is one of the most prominent lobbyists for the heavy-polluting oil,...

Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy
Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy

Lunacy Could Be the Ticket For Rudy

So what if he was out of control as mayor? Only New Yorkers know that

(Newser) - Most Americans don't know Rudy Giuliani the way New Yorkers do: as an outlandish, manic, mean, and sometimes inspired mayor who ran the city in a style "much closer to that of a banana-republic potentate than to your average city administrator's," writes Michael Wolff. What Wolff wants to...

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