New York

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

7 Little-Known National Parks
 7 Little-Known 
 National Parks 

7 Little-Known National Parks

Want to stay off the beaten path? Start here

(Newser) - If you’ve seen enough of Old Faithful and the Grand Canyon, CNN has an idea for you: Why not visit another of the country’s 397 national parks and monuments, like one of these seven you’ve probably never heard of?
  • Dry Tortugas: You have to seriously want to

NY Politician Explains Nude Web Pics: 'They're Art'

And not just art, but 'powerful' art, says NY county legislator C. Stephen Eckel

(Newser) - Here's a new defense of naked photos by a politician. "They're art," says upstate New York Democratic county legislator C. Stephen Eckel, who also works as a photographer and has taught photography. Eckel, who last week yanked a pair of full frontal shots from his own...

1.5M Lose Power in Storm; Thousand Flights Snarled

'This is very, very unusual': meteorologist

(Newser) - A rare October snowstorm has rolled up the East Coast and knocked out power to some 1.5 million people, MSNBC reports. The snowfall and ferocious winds have also delayed flights in Newark, New York, and Philadelphia—some by up to 6 hours. One live tracking site has tweeted more...

Goldman-Occupy Battle Heats Up Over Dinner Invitation

Credit Union loses hosts by honoring protesters

(Newser) - Ask Goldman Sachs to fund an event honoring "Occupy Wall Street," and what do you get? Lost funds, nasty emails, and a fresh look at the debate raging between bankers and protesters. It all started earlier this month when a New York credit union, known for lending to...

New Yorkers Support Occupy Wall Street Movement: Poll
 New Yorkers 
 Support 'Occupy' 
poll says

New Yorkers Support 'Occupy'

More than two-thirds say they back the movement

(Newser) - New Yorkers clearly like seeing a few nerves rattled on Wall Street. In fact, 67% of those asked in a new survey say they support the Occupy Wall Street movement, and 87% back protesters' right to camp out as long as they observe the law. Support fell along party lines,...

Performance Artist to Give Birth Live

She calls it 'The Birth of Baby X'

(Newser) - Audience members may want to bring smelling salts and a few handkerchiefs for this one. A Brooklyn performance artist says she will give birth before a live audience at her new installation, "The Birth of Baby X," the New York Post reports. “I hope that people will...

Cops Beat, Mace Protesters at Occupy Wall Street Rally

Largest rally yet sees thousands converge on lower Manhattan, 28 arrested

(Newser) - The Occupy Wall Street movement staged its biggest demonstration yet yesterday, with thousands marching from lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park to Foley Square near City Hall. Their ranks were bolstered by students, workers, and members of more than 30 unions, DNAinfo reports. But the night also saw things get ugly...

Cops Weigh Charges in Bullying Suicide

3 eyed for possible hate crime, harassment charges in Jamey Rodemeyer's death

(Newser) - Police are weighing criminal charges against three alleged teenage bullies who taunted a 14-year-old gay student for almost a year before he committed suicide , according to authorities. Jamey Rodemeyer killed himself earlier this week after blogging repeatedly about the bullying. No bullying laws exist in New York state, so the...

Power Cities Boast &#39;Brain Gain&#39;
 Power Cities Boast 'Brain Gain' 

Power Cities Boast 'Brain Gain'

Smartest, wealthiest areas are weathering the economic storm the best

(Newser) - No college degree in an economic downturn? Ouch. That smarts. While US regions with the lowest educational levels struggle to keep afloat, some power metropolitan areas continue to draw the best-educated—and the most success, according to the latest census figures, pulling away even father from their weaker sisters. Boston,...

Gay Teen in 'It Gets Better' Video Commits Suicide

Jamey Rodemeyer, 14, couldn't take the bullying any longer

(Newser) - As members of the US military were about to celebrate their right to serve as gays, one gentle New York gay student, 14, was ending his life because he could no longer face bullying at his school. "I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens,"...

Men's Fashion Week: Don't Forget Your Manties

Words like "mankini", "murse", and "mewlery" are becoming ever-more popular

(Newser) - Fashion Week is here again, which gives the Wall Street Journal an excuse to look at the "special lexicon" that has cemented itself in the mainstream of the men's fashion world in recent years. Mankinis, mandals, manties, murses, and even mantyhose—the growing list of items that were...

Flooding Forces 100K to Evacuate Pa., Drenches NY

Tropical Storm Lee fallout has already killed 3

(Newser) - Pennsylvania officials have issued a mandatory evacuation order for the more than 100,000 people living along the Susquehanna River, one of several East Coast rivers flooding over thanks to the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee, the AP reports. The river is expected to crest at 41 feet by 8pm....

NYPD Hunt Teen After 8 Shot at House Party

3 kids among the injured; man fights for life in hospital

(Newser) - New York police are hunting a teenager who allegedly opened fire at a Bronx house party early this morning and shot eight people. Cops say Oneil Dasilva, 17, fired wildly after some kind of dispute, hitting an 11-year-old boy, two teenaged girls, and five men ages 18 to 24. All...

New York Beer Drinkers Hit 200 Pubs to Beat Guinness World Record
 Beer Buddies 
 Hit 200 Bars 
 in 10 Hours 
guinness record?

Beer Buddies Hit 200 Bars in 10 Hours

Crew video-recorded their exploits for Guinness

(Newser) - A gang of beer guzzlers hit Manhattan yesterday in a 10-hour drinking marathon, hoping to stumble their way into Guinness World Records. The "Thirsty 13" started at 8:45 a.m. and video-recorded one of their crew downing a brewskie at each of 200 bars, the New York Daily ...

6 Die, 1.9M Lose Power as Irene Drenches Virginia

Hurricane Irene works her way north

(Newser) - Hurricane Irene is here, unloading a foot of rain on North Carolina and Virginia and ripping power lines from poles and snapping trees in half. Six people are dead and nearly 1.9 million customers are already without power, reports AP . NYC's mass transit system has been shut down,...

Feds: 'Psychic' Family Scammed $40M

Claimed they spoke to God, made a fortune

(Newser) - If only they were real psychics, maybe they would have seen this coming. A Florida family has been indicted for running a psychic advice business that scammed clients out of $40 million over two decades, reports the Miami Herald . In "Operation Crystal Ball," federal prosecutors charged 10 people...

8 Inches of Rain Swamps NYC Record

 8 Inches of Rain 
 Swamp NYC 
new records

8 Inches of Rain Swamp NYC

Workers narrowly escape death in flooding basement elevator

(Newser) - Two workers were saved from drowning in an elevator, cars were up to their windows in water, and subway service shut down in New York City yesterday, all because of a rainfall that shattered a 116-year record. An astonishing 7.7 inches of rain pelted the city in a single...

Dad Sues for $80M in Drowning of 3 Kids

He blames city, county for ex-girlfriend's suicide drive into Hudson

(Newser) - The sad story of a New York mother who committed suicide by driving into the Hudson River in April, drowning three of her four young children, now has a hefty lawsuit attached. The kids' biological father is suing the city of Newburgh and Orange County for a total of $80...

First Gay Couples Wed in New York

Couples begin celebrating at 12:01am

(Newser) - At 12:01am this morning, gay rights activists Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd became one of the first—perhaps the very first—same-sex couples to wed in New York. The longtime partners, who have 12 grandchildren between them, were pronounced legally married by the mayor just after the clock chimed...

New York City Hits 104 Degrees
 New York City Hits 104 Degrees 

New York City Hits 104 Degrees

And it got even hotter in Newark

(Newser) - It's official: This heat wave is one of the all-time greats. Temperatures soared to a record-high 104 degrees in New York City and to 108 degrees in Newark—the hottest day in the city's history, reports NBC . It's much the same everywhere from Kansas to Maine, reports...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>