New York

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>

Levi Aron Fed Brooklyn Boy Drugs Before Killing

Killer gave Leiby Kletzky muscle relaxers, anti-psychotic drug, Tylenol

(Newser) - Leiby Kletzky was heavily drugged before his killer smothered, then dismembered him, according to a medical examiner. Hardware store clerk Levi Aron allegedly gave the 8-year-old Brooklyn boy a muscle relaxant, painkillers, and quetiapine—an anti-psychotic used to treat schizophrenia, reports NBC . Autopsy results also indicate that Leiby was killed...

NYC to Hold Lottery for 1st Day of Gay Weddings

At least 760 couples will be married this Sunday

(Newser) - New York City will hold a lottery for couples who want to get married Sunday—the first day same-sex marriage will be legal in the state. Mayor Bloomberg said more than 760 couples will be selected to get married that day in the city clerk's five borough offices. Couples...

New Home of Choice for Amish: New York

10 new settlements established in state in last year

(Newser) - Affordable rural farmland and proximity to traditional population centers are driving a recent boomlet in new Amish colonies in New York state, according to a new study. The Amish, many of them from Ohio or Pennsylvania, have established 10 new settlements in New York since the start of 2010. Total...

Friend of Amputee: 'He Went Out With a Smile'

Funeral takes place for Iraqi vet killed on coaster

(Newser) - With his iron will to make the most of life without legs, James Hackemer would set off turkey-hunting in an all-terrain wheelchair or toil for hours atop a lawn tractor at the 40-acre family farm in southwestern New York. "He had a thirst for life and wanted to do...

NY Bill: Business Signs Must Be in English

Lawmakers say English signs will bring in new customers

(Newser) - The teeming streets of Flushing, Queens, can feel like a different country. A booming Chinese population exists alongside a longtime Korean enclave. Sidewalks are jammed with shoppers browsing and haggling in stores offering everything from iPhones to herbal remedies to fragrant dumplings. But to some, the area can feel a...

France Bans Fracking; New York Set to Un-Ban It

Controversial process extracts natural gas from ground

(Newser) - France became the first country to ban fracking yesterday—even as reports surfaced that New York was about to lift its de facto moratorium on the controversial practice of extracting natural gas from the earth. The French vote split along party lines, but the opposition largely came from the Socialist...

Man Makes it Onto NY Flight Without Boarding Pass

Olajide Olwaseun Noibi snuck onto flight with someone else's expired pass

(Newser) - A Nigerian man boarded a Virgin Atlantic airplane last week with an invalid boarding pass, according to the FBI. The man, Olajide Olwaseun Noibi, sneaked onto a flight from New York to Los Angeles and sat in the main cabin. When a flight attendant asked him to show his boarding...

In New York, Jubilant Gay Community Rejoices

Crowds throng West Village, where gay rights movement was born

(Newser) - After the showdown in Albany legalized gay marriage, euphoric crowds last night thronged the streets of New York City's West Village, where the gay rights movement was born some four decades ago. “It’s where it all began,” said one reveler outside the Stonewall Inn. The New ...

NY Senate Will Vote on Gay Marriage

'Up or down' vote could come as soon as tonight

(Newser) - Republicans in the New York Senate agreed today to allow a full vote on legalizing gay marriage; it could come as soon as tonight. Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos says the bill will come to the floor and be brought up for an "up or down vote," calling...

States Putting Antitrust Screws to Google, Too

California, New York, and Ohio join Texas in starting inquiries

(Newser) - As if the looming federal probe wasn’t bad enough, Google is now facing antitrust investigations from a number of states. California, New York, and Ohio have begun inquiries into the possible anti-competitive threat posed by Google’s search dominance, jumping on a bandwagon Texas started last year, the Financial ...

Black Northerners Migrating South in Record Numbers

More opportunity and a spiritual return among main reasons

(Newser) - The Great Migration may have come full circle. African-Americans are leaving large cities in the East and Midwest and moving to the South in the greatest numbers in decades, say demographers. Black New Yorkers especially have taken to the South—more than half of those who left the state in...

NY's Gay Marriage Showdown Could Come Tomorrow

Support currently tied at 31-31, with a few Republicans undecided

(Newser) - It's a familiar scene with a major twist: New York lawmakers meet behind closed doors in the frantic last days of a six-month legislative session with a big pile of seemingly unconnected issues on the table in front of them. This year, however, there is intense national focus on...

NY Senate Stalls on Gay Marriage Bill

Vote delayed at least til tomorrow as they argue over religious protections

(Newser) - Old-time, backroom politics faced down hundreds of chanting protesters from each side of the highly charged gay marriage debate in New York today as the issue stalled again over whether religious groups could be protected from discrimination charges. After a three-hour conference behind closed doors, while groups from each side...

NY Is a Single Vote Shy of Legalizing Gay Marriage

If passed, New York will be largest state to allow same-sex marriage

(Newser) - New York is thisclose to legalizing same-sex marriage, and if the bill comes to the Senate floor Friday, many expect it to pass. Two Republican state senators declared support for the measure this week, leaving it just one vote shy of passage, the New York Times reports. Gov. Andrew Cuomo...

Forget the Mini-Mart: Now You Can Buy Lotto Tix Online

Why go to all the trouble of buying a physical ticket?

(Newser) - Poker sites may be strictly verboten , but another kind of online gambling is starting to crop up: state lotteries. Minnesota has already begun selling lottery tickets online, even offering year-long subscriptions for its Powerball and Mega Millions games, USA Today reports. Several other states are considering following suit. A bill...

Bill Clinton: It’s Time for Gay Marriage

President who signed DOMA backs NY bill

(Newser) - The president who signed the Defense of Marriage Act is now campaigning to legalize gay marriage in New York. Bill Clinton released a statement through Human Rights Campaign today backing the bill currently being considered in his home state, Politico reports. “Our nation’s permanent mission is to form...

NY Prisons OK Same-Sex Conjugal Visits

Partners must be married or in civil unions

(Newser) - New York prisons will now officially allow gay inmates to receive conjugal visits from same-sex partners—so long as the couple are in a civil union or same-sex marriages. The new rules will also allow a partner to take a prison furlough if their lover is terminally ill, reports the...

Cop Who Shot College Kid Wins 'Officer of the Year'

Family of Pace University football player Danroy Henry furious

(Newser) - The family of slain Pace University football player Danroy “DJ” Henry called out a New York police union today, after discovering that it had named the cop who shot and killed Henry their “Officer of the Year.” Aaron Hess’ award was especially galling, the family told the...

Suicide Mom to Kids: You're All Dying With Me

'I've made a mistake,' she says seconds before drowning

(Newser) - "If I'm going to die, you're all going to die with me," a distraught mom told her four children before plunging her minivan into the Hudson River. But seconds before Lashanda Armstrong drowned with her three youngest kids, she told 10-year-old son Lashaun: "I've made a mistake....

NY Terror Target: School Buses

Drivers are warned to be on alert for suspicious behavior, packages

(Newser) - New York state security and educational authorities are on high alert after an email sent to officials and the media threatened attacks on school buses. Bus drivers have been warned to be especially watchful for suspicious behavior or packages. The email, which is being taken very seriously by authorities, also...

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>