campaign finance

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Party Conventions: the Last Loophole for Big Donors

Issue may test McCain and Obama on their zeal to stop influence of big money

(Newser) - Big donors are pumping big money into both party's conventions, one of the last remaining loopholes in the rules governing so-called soft money contributions, the New York Times reports. And while it's all perfectly legal, the issue may test the conviction of both Barack Obama and John McCain on their...

Dems Work to Fuse Fundraising Machines

Two campaigns set to become one as Clinton bows out

(Newser) - The Obama and Clinton campaigns have been working to merge their fundraising machines as Clinton prepares her swan song today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Clinton made a call to her top 50 fundraisers, urging them to get behind Obama and promising a private meeting with the presumed nominee. The...

Obama Wallet Strikes Fear in GOP Hearts

He's already shown he knows how to spend

(Newser) - Republicans not used to worrying about money are sweating pennies, given John McCain's relatively inept fundraising in the face of an unprecedented Democratic war chest. Barack Obama, by conservative estimates, will have $300 million to McCain’s federal cap of $85 million for the general-election campaign, Politico reports—and with...

Obama Moves to Clean Up DNC Money Machine

Opens fundraisers to press; lobby groups barred from giving

(Newser) - Barack Obama moved today to make his campaign more transparent, in keeping with his theme of bringing change to Washington. Obama will open all his fundraisers to the press, Politico reports. He’s also cleaning up his party’s fundraising efforts; starting today, the Democratic National Committee, like Obama’s...

Spreadsheets Can't Handle Democrats' Haul

FEC, watchdogs, Excel struggle to keep up with bulging bank accounts

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential candidates have raised so much money that the FEC can’t handle the data, Politico reports. Barack Obama’s January report was so big that industry standard spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel 2003 couldn’t handle it. By March, Hillary Clinton had also broken the Excel barrier—...

Dem Bankrollers Readying United Wallet

Race will continue into June, but merger under way

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will fight each other for the nomination into June, but top fundraisers are already ensuring a McCain defeat, no matter who the nominee is. One DNC fundraiser was held in honor of a Clinton backer at the residence of an Obama supporter, the Washington Post...

Clinton Camp May Need Another Loan
Clinton Camp May Need Another Loan

Clinton Camp May Need Another Loan

As donations flag, strapped campaign must cut spending

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's loss of momentum is taking a tangible toll on her ability to raise—and spend—money, leaving her campaign even more strapped for cash at a time she needs to pull out all the stops, the New York Times reports. Advisers say that Clinton is prepared to shell...

I Took Cash, No Bribes: Olmert

Vows to resign if indicted

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert resisted calls for his resignation today, after admitting on national TV last night that he accepted contributions from a New York businessman—but denying that any of it was a bribe. Olmert, under criminal investigation for allegedly taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from Long Island millionaire Morris...

Clinton Lent Campaign $6.4M in Past Month

Democratic contender puts money where her mouth is

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton injected $6.4 million of her own money into her presidential campaign over the past month, a senior aide tells the AP. That donation more than doubles the amount Hillary has lent her campaign so far.  But despite the personal largesse—$11.5 million so far—and...

Obama Says McCain All Talk on CEO Pay

He also calls for overhaul of public financing system for campaigns

(Newser) - Barack Obama grilled John McCain on CEO compensation today and continued laying into the public financing system for campaigns. He railed against execs who “make more in one day than their workers make in one year” and called for legislation requiring corporations to let shareholders set pay. He said...

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt
 Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt 

Clinton Ends Feb. $8.7M in Debt

Aides explain much of it as paperwork matter

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had $8.7 million in debt at the end of February, including roughly $300,000 in unpaid health insurance invoices for her staff and $3,100 from her own high school alma mater, where she held a campaign event. Barack Obama notched only $625,058 in debt, reports...

Vendors to Clinton: Don't Be a Deadbeat

Many irked as campaign delays bills to keep pace in race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign is earning a deadbeat reputation among some campaign vendors, reports Politico. To keep pace with Obama and maintain reserves for future media buys and events, it has put off paying hundreds of bills, leaving many—mostly small and local—businesses grousing. Clinton ended February with $16...

Feds Indict Puerto Rican Governor in Finance Probe

Look into campaign funds yields 19 counts

(Newser) - Puerto Rican Gov.Anibal Acevedo Vila was indicted today on 19 counts, including election fraud and conspiracy to violate federal campaign-finance laws, the AP reports. Vila and 12 associates are accused of breaking rules in financing the 2000 campaign that saw Vila elected the territory's Washington rep. Vila says the...

Dem Donations a Nightmare for GOP
Dem Donations a Nightmare
for GOP

Dem Donations a Nightmare for GOP

Obama, Clinton cash flow makes McCain's look like a trickle

(Newser) - Republicans may be enjoying the death match between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but likely not the phenomenal fundraising of the Democrats.  "I look at the Barack Obama campaign in some horror," the GOP national treasurer tells AP, citing Obama's $50-million take in February, along with Clinton's...

McCain Steps Over Gauntlet Huckabee Throws Down

Challenger will go anywhere, do anything

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee wants to debate John McCain, he told a sparsely attended press conference today. Campaign finance laws may make the presumptive nominee “go completely dark between virtually now and the nomination convention,” said Huckabee, who described himself as “disappointed” at the lack of GOP debates, MSNBC...

DNC to File Campaign Fund Complaint Against McCain

DNC says McCain broke campaign finance rules

(Newser) - The Democratic National Committee will file an FEC complaint today against John McCain, accusing the likely GOP nominee of violating policy when he obtained campaign loans by promising to repay them with federal funds, the Washington Post reports. The FEC so far hasn't granted McCain's request to now opt out...

McCain, Obama Clash Over Campaign Funds

McCain puts Obama's public funding pledge in the spotlight

(Newser) - John McCain is baiting Barack Obama over campaign finance, the New York Times reports. Obama pledged last February that he would accept public financing—which comes with spending limits—if he became the Democratic nominee and his Republican opponent did likewise. He hasn't recommitted and GOP front-runner McCain is wondering...

Huckabee Flies South for the Weekend
Huckabee Flies South for the Weekend

Huckabee Flies South for the Weekend

Candidate detours to Caribbean to give paid speech, pay the bills

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee vows to stay in the presidential race, but a man has got to make a living, too. Huckabee is leaving wintry Wisconsin today for the Cayman Islands, where he will give a paid speech tomorrow, Newsweek reports. The only candidate without a government paycheck or personal fortune, Huckabee...

Clinton: No Nomination, No Tax Returns

Obama campaign blasts Hillary as not 'fully vetted'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign said yesterday that it will not release the Democratic candidate’s tax returns unless she wins the party’s nod, the Swamp reports. Obama’s campaign attacked Clinton for the move. "Why should Democratic voters have to wait until after the primary campaign is over...

Hillary Mulls Another Loan to Campaign

Clinton put $5M into coffers in January, eyes Obama's deep pockets

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lent her campaign $5 million in January and is considering another gift to keep it competitive with Barack Obama's wealthier campaign. Obama raised $32 million to Clinton’s $13.5 million in January, the AP reports, and though her camp trumpeted a fantastic fund-raising day today, the New ...

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