campaign finance

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Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On
Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On

Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On

Senator took $3M gamble, complete with death clause

(Newser) - John McCain's Lazarus-like return to the top of the race for the Republican presidential nomination required a huge gamble, writes the Washington Post—a $3 million loan last November to fund his struggling campaign, which was not only broke but $500,000 in the red. McCain had put up his...

With Polls Open, Elections Monitor Closed

Partisan deadlock has Federal Election Commission toothless

(Newser) - As the 2008 election cycle kicks into high gear, the partisan wrangling over nominations to the Federal Election Commission has shut down the watchdog body, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Four of six seats on the commission are vacant, and nominations are gridlocked in the Senate—leaving the agency with...

Dem Donations Hit Record High
Dem Donations Hit Record High

Dem Donations Hit Record High

Clinton, Obama 2007 totals top $100M

(Newser) - The race for the presidency is crowded, but that isn't stopping candidates from raising huge sums of money, the Washington Post reports. The power of the internet to raise cash from both grassroots supporters and wealthy donors is credited with helping Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama raise over $100 million...

Deadlock Shuts Down Election Commission

Spat over nominees means no campaign funds after Jan 1

(Newser) - A standoff in Congress will force the agency that doles out federal campaign dollars and polices political spending to go dark on New Year's Eve—just in time for the start of the primaries, the Washington Post reports. The Federal Election Commission needs four votes from its six members to...

Interest Groups Gain in Cash —and Influence

As party $$$ dips, issue $$$ rises; will further polarize 2008 election

(Newser) - The swift-boating of John Kerry was only the first wave—election spending by groups unaffiliated with the major political parties nearly tripled between 2000 and 2006, the Wall Street Journal reports, to 19% of the total. And the so-called "527" groups, which don't have to disclose their donors, are...

Cash-Poor GOP Taps Rich Candidates
GOP Taps Rich Candidates

Cash-Poor GOP Taps Rich Candidates

BYOBankroll, party tells aspiring legislators with fat wallets

(Newser) - Suddenly losing the fundraising race, House Republicans are recruiting wealthy candidates to run for vulnerable seats next year, the Times reports. With $2.5 million on hand—compared to $29.2 in Dem coffers—the GOP is grooming candidates in competitive districts. Fourteen Republicans have already invested over $100,000...

Edwards Could Lose Millions in Matching Funds

$4.3M in ActBlue web donations may violate election law

(Newser) - A tricky online fundraising format could dent John Edwards’ clean donations reputation—and cost him millions in federal funds. Edwards is the only top-tier Democrat accepting public financing, which matches individual donations up to $250. The system's exclusion of  funds “drawn on the account of a committee” may imperil...

One Who Just Won't Love Huck
One Who
Just Won't
Love Huck

One Who Just Won't Love Huck

National media ignoring hokey hopeful's dirty past, says old nemesis

(Newser) - GOP longshot Mike Huckabee has a national rep for being funny and lovable, but one newspaper editor’s got a bone to pick. The Huckabee that governed Arkansas opposed the arts and evolution, pillaged government coffers, and destroyed all hard drives when he left office, writes Max Brantley in Salon....

McCain Says No More After NYT Slam
McCain Says
No More After NYT Slam

McCain Says No More After NYT Slam

But his campaign will suffer sans soft money support, Time blogs

(Newser) - John McCain may be moral enough to help sink his own campaign, a Time blog muses. Today the senator asked “all of my donors and supporters to cease and desist" from spending money "that might be construed as benefiting my campaign indirectly.” Why? Because the New York ...

In Chinatown, Something Smells Fishy

LA Times investigates Clinton campaign contributions

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign coffers are benefiting from unlikely and possibly illegal sources, an LA Times investigation reveals. Checks for four-figure amounts are coming from dishwashers, immigrants unable to vote, and other unlikely donors in New York’s Chinatown, some of whom report feeling coerced by neighborhood associations. Other donors...

Bundling Hits Its Stride
Bundling Hits
Its Stride

Bundling Hits Its Stride

Donation gathering accounts for ¼ of money, is ‘chief source’ of campaign abuse

(Newser) - Bundlers have become the stars of 2008 campaign fundraising, the accounting for one-quarter of all money raised in the presidential race—up from 8% in 2000. Donors sought new inroads when soft money was restricted, and the gathering of donations has become “the chief source of abuse,” says...

Bush's Stalwart Donors Largely Sitting Out '08

Current candidates not wowing GOP's most devoted checkbooks

(Newser) - The money machine that backed George Bush’s two presidential runs is sputtering for 2008’s Republican hopefuls. Disenchanted by Iraq and unimpressed with the current field, GOP donors are largely sitting out—or even padding Democrats' coffers, reports the Washington Post. “I’m not sure which primary I’...

Clinton Leads in Primary Cash
Clinton Leads in Primary Cash

Clinton Leads in Primary Cash

(Newser) - The $35 million Hillary Clinton has on hand for her primary campaign edges out the $32 million in Barack Obama’s coffers, according to financial reports acquired by the AP. But both have almost three times the money of any other campaign—Rudy Giuliani leads Republicans with just $11.6...

Edwards Will Accept Public Financing
Edwards Will Accept Public Financing

Edwards Will Accept Public Financing

Candidate points to principle, analysts to necessity

(Newser) - With the deadline to report third-quarter fundraising looming, John Edwards said yesterday his campaign will accept public financing. He calls the unexpected shift “a principled stand,” but the Politico deems it “probably also the only lifeline he has to stay in the race." The ex-senator urged...

Feds to Charge Hsu on Pyramid Scheme, Dem Fundraising

Some of missing money said to be donated

(Newser) - Rogue Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu’s troubles are deepening today, as federal officials are expected to charge the twice-on-the-lam financier with running a $60 million pyramid scheme and breaking campaign-finance laws. Hsu faces accusations that he falsely told investors their money was going into a clothing operation; some of was...

Feds Probe Hsu for Using Mail Carrier's Family

Fundraiser may have funneled donations through others

(Newser) - The Feds are probing claims that top fundraiser Norman Hsu used a mail carrier and his family to donate to the Dems, the Wall Street Journal reports. Officials suspect that Hsu reimbursed the family for their donations, which were similar in amount and timing to Hsu’s. Hsu denies the...

Nearly Official: Thompson Set for GOP Run

Tennessee Republican will launch campaign officially on Sept. 6

(Newser) - After months of speculation, Fred Thompson is finally set to join the crowded field of GOP presidential hopefuls, the Washington Post reports. Aides confirm that the former Tennessee senator and "Law & Order" actor will make his bid for the White House official Sept. 6 on his campaign website....

Fake Obama Group Keeps Donations
Fake Obama Group Keeps Donations

Fake Obama Group Keeps Donations

Impostor organization says it never misled supporters

(Newser) -  "Californians for Obama"  has raised thousands of dollars, but the candidate hasn't seen any of it. In fact, the group isn't affiliated with Obama, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, and most of the dough has gone to founder Emmett Cash. Because the group's website doesn't claim an...

Loophole Lets Candidates Double Dip
Loophole Lets Candidates Double Dip

Loophole Lets Candidates Double Dip

Funds from other races, PACs, offer a way to evade limits

(Newser) - A campaign finance loophole is allowing candidates to supplement funding of their presidential runs with cash raised for their current offices and PACs, the Washington Post reports. While barred from putting that money directly to presidential purposes, candidates have so far used it to pay salaries, organize local support, and...

Unethical Donor Phoner Is Latest McCain Slip-Up

Illegal or not, it's a stumble for last-legs campaign

(Newser) - Facing the wrong end of presidential hopes after two senior staffers deserted his campaign, John McCain stepped into the Senate cloakroom Tuesday and made a call to some big spenders. Trouble is that it's unethical—potentially illegal—to solicit  funds while in the Capitol. The Times reports that the phoner’...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>