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Yacht Blast Hoax Cost Taxpayers $330K

Person claiming to be on stricken yacht was calling from land

(Newser) - A hoax call about a yacht explosion earlier this week risked the lives of rescuers, diverted resources, and cost taxpayers at least $330,000, Coast Guard officials revealed. "We have 21 souls on board, 20 in the water right now. I have three deceased on board, nine injured because...

'Vengeful Dentist' Story a Hoax

Looks like a Polish woman didn't rip out her ex-boyfriend's teeth...

(Newser) - If it sounds too good (or insane) to be true, more proof that it probably is. MSNBC reports that the wildly popular story of the Polish dentist who tore out her ex-boyfriend's teeth is a hoax. Though the story was replete with names (Anna Mackowiak and Marek Olszewski, respectively)...

Baron Cohen's Latest Target: Washington

Invites DC to premiere at Robert Mugabe's

(Newser) - Either Robert Mugabe has taken a sudden interest in Hollywood, or Sacha Baron Cohen's up to something . Washington media and lobbyists have been receiving invitations to Baron Cohen's new film, The Dictator—supposedly from the leader of Zimbabwe himself. "President Robert Mugabe and the Ministry of Education,...

Utah Man Arrested in 'Kill Obama' Prank

Says hijacking note he put in pal's luggage was just a joke

(Newser) - A 31-year-old man from Utah is facing a federal charge after he allegedly left an apparent prank note that included the words "hijack plane" and "kill Obama" in his co-worker's luggage. Jeremiah Douglas Hill, of Clinton, was charged yesterday with one misdemeanor count of making a false...

Analysts: North Korea's Missiles Are Fake

And bad ones at that...

(Newser) - If the missiles North Korea triumphantly unveiled at a parade last week are the ones that are supposed to defeat the US in a "single blow," then Washington has nothing to worry about. The missiles, which were saved for the end of the parade and trotted out on...

10 Classic April Fools' Hoax Ads

AdWeek list celebrates funniest fake commercials

(Newser) - Today is April Fools' Day, so expect to be pranked by friends, family, and of course, major companies who relish the opportunity to trick consumers into believing they're offering outrageously phony products. AdWeek rounds up 10 favorites, including:

Bird Man: Yep, It's a Hoax

YouTube sensation 'fesses up on Dutch TV

(Newser) - Those CGI experts were right : The brief Bird Man phenomenon—in which we were enchanted by a guy flying with homemade wings —was a hoax. In fact, "Jarno Smeets" is actually named Floris Kaayk, and he says he's really a Dutch CGI artist, Gizmodo reports. He acknowledged...

Flying Man a Hoax: CGI Experts
 Flying Man a Hoax: CGI Experts 

Flying Man a Hoax: CGI Experts

They've spotted telltale giveaways: Gizmodo

(Newser) - Did the sight of a man apparently soaring through the air on bird-like wings fill you with a childlike sense of wonder? Well, we hate to tell you this, but it's a hoax. Gizmodo suspected as much, so it asked the guys at Industrial Light and Magic to take...

Taylor Lautner Gay Cover Fakes Out Net

People says 'exclusive' on actor coming out is just a hoax

(Newser) - A phony People magazine on which Taylor Lautner supposedly comes out of the closet is a fake, but it fooled plenty of people as it spread around the Internet, Gossip Cop reports. "Tired of rumors, the Twilight star opens up about his decision to finally come out,” reads...

Jon Bon Jovi: I&#39;m Not Dead
 Jon Bon Jovi: I'm Not Dead 

Jon Bon Jovi: I'm Not Dead

Wanted alive: Rocker quashes death rumors

(Newser) - Jon Bon Jovi wants his fans to know that, contrary to rumors sweeping the Internet, he hasn't gone out in a blaze of glory. A news blog printed a fake report of the rocker's death which quickly spread across Facebook and Twitter, E! Online reports. When Bon Jovi...

Bomb Squad Blows Up Briefcases at Boehner's Office

Suspicious briefcases turn out to be harmless

(Newser) - A bomb squad was called to John Boehner’s office in Ohio yesterday to deal with some suspicious briefcases left lying in the doorway. The cases all bore what appeared to be angry messages containing the words “jobs and oil,” WCPO 9 reports. A bomb squad robot “...

Neck Bomber Left Bizarre Clues
 Neck Bomber Left Bizarre Clues

Neck Bomber Left Bizarre Clues

Note listed name of Dirk Struan, obscure novel character

(Newser) - Whoever chained a fake bomb to 18-year-old Madeleine Pulver’s neck must have been well-read. The perpetrator left behind a ransom note that was signed “Dirk Struan”—the protagonist of James Clavell’s 1966 novel Tai-Pan, which told the story of two warring businessmen during the 1842 Opium...

'Bomb' Attached to Australia Girl a 'Very Elaborate Hoax'

Madeleine Pulver is 'uncomfortable' but OK

(Newser) - A device, thought to be a bomb, attached to an Australian teen for 10 hours yesterday was actually "a very, very elaborate hoax," police say. A masked man affixed the device to Madeleine Pulver, 18, with "a chain or something similar," says an officer, which took...

Whoops: Internet Explorer IQ Story a Hoax

Site was a fly-by-night creation

(Newser) - Well, looks like we better not talk about anyone’s IQ for a while: A story circulated last week about a study showing that Internet Explorer users had lower IQs than users of other browsers (we summarized it here ). But it turns out the study was a hoax, reports...

Hoax Sics SWAT Team on Home of Cyberbully Critic

Caller claimed he was holding hostage in Parry Aftab's home

(Newser) - Authorities are seeking a hoaxster who sent 30 police officers and a SWAT crew to the home of a prominent Internet safety advocate and critic of cyber-bullying. The man called 911 to say he had killed four people and was holding another hostage inside the New Jersey home of Parry...

CIA's bin Laden Vaccine Hoax Sparks Anger

Some fear it will deter Pakistanis from getting kids vaccinated

(Newser) - The CIA is experiencing quite the backlash over the fake vaccination program they used to try to get DNA from Osama bin Laden’s children. International health advocates are furious, because they believe the operation will foster paranoia about vaccination programs, particularly in already hard-to-vaccinate places like Pakistan, Politico reports....

5 Ways to Avoid Becoming an April Fool

First and most importantly, be aware of the date

(Newser) - Welcome to April 1, “the day when every office jokester and petty prankster thinks up some gags at your expense that they think will be hilarious,” writes Brian Moylan on Gawker . “Well, not this year, jackass.” Moylan offers a foolproof five-step plan to make yourself, well,...

Man Tried ACORN 'Sting' on Planned Parenthood

It didn't work, and the FBI is investigating

(Newser) - The FBI is looking for a man suspected of trying to incriminate Planned Parenthood in a scam that resembles the hidden-camera sting that took down ACORN , reports TPM Muckraker . Eight clinics across five states had similar experiences over a single week: a young man came in looking for treatment for...

Justin Bieber Caught in Ground Zero Mosque Hoax

Foes launch boycott over fake interview

(Newser) - These things happen when you're a teen idol in the Internet age: After the satirical site Celebjihad ran a fake story saying Justin Bieber thinks those opposed to a Ground Zero mosque are bigots, the tale began spreading like wild on the web. Foes started a boycott Bieber page on...

TV Meteorologist Charged With Faking Rape Report

Police say Heidi Jones made up Central Park attack

(Newser) - New York City weather girl Heidi Jones has been arrested on charges that she made up a rape she reported to police. Jones, an occasional Good Morning America fill-in, told police on Nov. 24 that a pair of Hispanic men had jumped and raped her while she was jogging through...

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