Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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Look Out, Gay Soldiers Will Rape You in Your Sleep!

... claim foes of Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal

(Newser) - If Congress really repeals Don't Ask, Don't Tell, newly empowered gay soldiers will run amok, giving their straight colleagues non-consensual blow jobs when they're asleep or drunk, according to the Family Research Council. No really! They have a study to prove it! On a conference call to reporters, which Talking...

Congress to Vote on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Today

Legislation paves way for gays serving openly

(Newser) - The House is expected to vote as early as today on a proposal that would repeal "don't ask, don't tell." Under the bill, which would give the military as much time as it wants to lift ban, the president, defense secretary, and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of...

Pelosi, Hill Forced Obama to Back Deal on 'Don't Ask'

They threatened to move without him

(Newser) - Barack Obama went ahead with a plan to repeal “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” only because Congress dragged him into it kicking and screaming. Lawmakers, particularly Nancy Pelosi and Carl Levin, threatened to push ahead without Obama, and he reluctantly struck a deal. “Levin made it clear that the...

Obama Barks Back at Gay Rights Heckler

Says to 'buy a ticket' to heckle someone who disagrees with him

(Newser) - Barack Obama got a little testy yesterday when a heckler interrupted his speech at a Barbara Boxer fundraiser to shout, “Move faster on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell!'” As the crowd started to boo, Obama fired back. “Maybe he didn't read the newspapers, because we are working with...

White House Backs Deal to Repeal 'Don't Ask'

Vote could come as early as this week

(Newser) - The White House has given its support to a deal that would lift the ban on gays serving openly in the military while giving the Pentagon plenty of time to implement changes. The compromise will allow lawmakers to vote on repealing the ban as early as this week. But the...

Wanted: Women for Co-ed Navy Submarine

Navy recruits first batch of female officers

(Newser) - The Navy is finally integrating submarines. Recruiting for an initial 19 female officers is underway and starting in late next year or early 2012, women will be serving alongside men. One Navy rep admitted the change was "probably overdue" and downplayed concerns over having women aboard. "The change...

On 'Don't Ask,' Good Intentions Don't Cut It
On 'Don't Ask,' Good Intentions Don't Cut It
andrew sullivan

On 'Don't Ask,' Good Intentions Don't Cut It

That's why the protesters were angry, Mr. President

(Newser) - When President Obama got heckled last night by protesters demanding to know why he hasn't ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," he wondered why they were so upset. He's going to get it done, he said. Someday. Well, Mr. President, "it is not enough to be 'supportive' of...

Gays Heckle Obama at Calif. Speech

'Yes We Can,' chant 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' foes

(Newser) - Boisterous gay protesters interrupted President Obama several times with shouts of "Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell" and chants of "Yes We Can" at a California fundraiser for Barbara Boxer yesterday. The president took the heckling in stride, assuring the crowd that he has every intention of changing the...

Gates Makes It Harder to Kick Out Gay Soldiers

Discharges will now require testimony, general's approval

(Newser) - Discharging a gay person for violating the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy will draw unprecedented scrutiny under new orders from Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who is already pushing to repeal the ban on gays serving openly in the US military. Guidelines to be announced today call for testimony...

Gay Vet Handcuffs Self to White House in DADT Protest

Dan Choi, second soldier arrested after rally

(Newser) - A gay Army veteran chained himself to the White House fence today to protest what he sees as President Obama’s foot-dragging on the repeal of the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on homosexuals in the ranks. Lt. Dan Choi spoke at a gay-rights rally...

Army Official: Go Slow on Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Says Congress shouldn't intervene

(Newser) - Army Chief of Staff George Casey doesn't support a congressional moratorium on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" while the Defense Department studies the issue. Casey also told a Senate panel he had "serious concerns" over the effects of allowing gay troops to serve openly while the nation's forces fight...

Lieberman to Lead 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Fight

Says he sees it as extension of civil rights movement

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman will be lead sponsor on legislation to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy next week, he revealed in an interview today. “I see this as an extension, the next step of the civil rights movement,” he told James Kirchick of the New ...

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

 It's Time 
 to Lay Off 

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

Republicans, at some point, are going to have to do something, he says

(Newser) - It's time to get past the incessant partisan potshots being taken at President Obama and forge some progress, Colin Powell told Face the Nation today. "I don’t think the country will be well served if the next three years are attempts to bring him down and destroy him...

On 'Don't Ask,' Even Dick Cheney Sees the Light
On 'Don't Ask,' Even
Dick Cheney Sees the Light

On 'Don't Ask,' Even Dick Cheney Sees the Light

Ex-VP says it's time to reconsider policy

(Newser) - Opponents of repealing the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy should realize that even Dick Cheney thinks they're stuck in the past, writes Eugene Robinson. The former veep—in a miraculous moment of sense during an interview with This Week filled with the usual fear-mongering—said it's time to reconsider...

Dick Cheney on Palin in 2012: Meh
 Dick Cheney 
 on Palin in 
 2012: Meh 


Dick Cheney on Palin in 2012: Meh

Ex-veep dismisses would-be candidate's posturing, hasn't decided who to back yet

(Newser) - Dick Cheney took time out of a busy Biden-bashing schedule this morning to train his sights on Sarah Palin, saying he hasn't decided yet who he'll support in 2012 and that “all the prospective candidates have a lot of work to do.” On Palin's recent call for President...

75% of Americans Oppose Don't Ask, Don't Tell
 75% of Americans Oppose 
 Don't Ask, Don't Tell 
Poll Numbers

75% of Americans Oppose Don't Ask, Don't Tell

The country has changed a lot since 1993

(Newser) - The American public overwhelmingly supports allowing gay people to serve openly in the military, which wasn’t the case when “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was introduced in 1993. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, three out of four respondents supported allowing openly gay service members. That’...

Gay Soldiers Say Army's Tolerance Has Grown

Pockets of acceptance spring up in closeted military

(Newser) - Gay soldiers say the military has grown more tolerant in recent years, with younger, more liberal commanders loath to lose skilled troops to a ban they see as outdated. Underground gay communities have sprung up on bases both at home and in the war zone, with email groups keeping gay...

Gay Soldier Invited Back to Guard Unit

Lt. Dan Choi's return means 'don't ask' policy is on last legs

(Newser) - The reservist who was ordered discharged from his US National Guard unit last year after publicly announcing he is gay is back with that unit. Lt. Dan Choi’s discharge is still pending, and, Talking Points Memo reports, with it looking ever more likely that the Pentagon’s “don’...

Where Has Our Favorite Maverick Gone?
  Where Has 
  Our Favorite 
  Maverick Gone? 
Dana Milbank

Where Has Our Favorite Maverick Gone?

A John McCain fan laments the senator's new 'reflexive opposition'

(Newser) - Narry a whimper when the Supreme Court gutted the campaign finance laws he vowed to fight for "until I draw my last breath." No support for a bipartisan commission on the national debt that he had sponsored. Hectoring an admiral who supports the end of "don't ask,...

Colin Powell Backs Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Architect of military's gay ban says times have changed

(Newser) - Colin Powell says he supports efforts to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Powell, who proposed the policy as a compromise in 1993 while serving as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says he "fully" backs the plan outlined by defense chief Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, who...

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