Don't Ask, Don't Tell

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Congressman: Lifting 'Don't Ask' Will Mean Hermaphrodites

Duncan Hunter thinks it's a slippery slope

(Newser) - California congressman Duncan Hunter is raising a unique argument against repealing the ban on Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The one-time GOP presidential candidate thinks allowing openly gay soldiers will destroy the "special bond" among soldiers by opening the military to "transgenders, to hermaphrodites, to gays and lesbians."...

39% of Republicans Want Obama Impeached

And 36% believe he's foreign-born, says Daily Kos poll

(Newser) - Self-identified Republicans are more than unhappy with President Obama—63% think he’s a socialist—and a host of other social ills, says a survey commissioned by liberal blog Daily Kos . Regarding Obama, 39% of the 2,003 Republican respondents say the president should be impeached, 36% believe he was...

Pentagon: Repealing 'Don't Ask' Is About 'Integrity'

Gates, Mullen tell senators the year-long process has begun

(Newser) - Rolling back Don't Ask, Don't Tell boils down to a simple matter of "integrity," the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told senators today. Adm. Mike Mullen and defense secretary Robert Gates took to Capitol Hill to provide details on how the Pentagon is beginning a year-long...

Military to Ease Off on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Gays outed by third parties won't be prosecuted

(Newser) - The military will no longer aggressively pursue disciplinary action against gay service members who are outed by a third party, the Pentagon will announce today. Under the new policy, gay personnel would face discharge only if they go public themselves on their sexual orientation. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm....

Repealing 'Don't Ask' Is Typical Liberal Bunk
 Repealing 'Don't Ask' 
 Is Typical Liberal Bunk 
William Kristol

Repealing 'Don't Ask' Is Typical Liberal Bunk

Doing 'the right thing' isn't good enough, says William Kristol

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to press ahead with repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell is wrong on several fronts, writes William Kristol. For starters, "it would be reckless to require the military to carry out a major sociological change, one contrary to the preferences of a large majority of its members,...

Pentagon Starts Clock on Lifting Gay Ban

First step is review of how repeal would affect troops

(Newser) - The Defense Department will next week start the process of repealing the ban on gay people serving openly in the military—a process expected to last years, reports the AP. A special investigation into how the ban can be lifted without hurting morale or readiness of the troops is expected...

Mormon Church Aimed to Cover Tracks on Marriage Ban
Mormon Church Aimed to Cover Tracks on Marriage Ban

Mormon Church Aimed to Cover Tracks on Marriage Ban

Directed funds to outside organization

(Newser) - The Mormon church wanted its members to support the 2008 effort to ban same-sex marriage in California, but urged they do it through an outside organization to give the leadership “plausible deniability,” according to documents released today in the Proposition 8 trial in San Francisco. The Catholic church...

Pentagon Lawyer: Delay Dropping 'Don't Ask'

'Now is not the time," warns Adm. Mullen's counsel

(Newser) - The in-house lawyer for Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has urged him to delay moving towards dropping the military's ban on having serving gays serve openly. "Now is not the time," the lawyer wrote in a memo obtained by the AP , citing the...

Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage
Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage
Richard Cohen

Right Should Stop Slandering Gay Marriage

It's not recipe for promiscuity, it's a vote for family

(Newser) - You know you’ve got a problem when the only way a guy who was "antisocial, a misfit, an incompetent psychiatrist and a likely Islamic fanatic" could get out of the military is if he was gay, writes Richard Cohen. The military should get its priorities straight, he writes...

TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down
TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down

TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down

Outrageous characters may be hurting the cause

(Newser) - There was a time when homosexuality on TV helped the public become more accepting of gays and lesbians, but that time may be over. As the small screen fills with characters like Glee’s Kurt, “the sensitive gay boy who really wants to be a girl,” and a...

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Gone in 2010: Frank

Repeal will be part of next year's defense authorization bill

(Newser) - A provision repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy will be included in the 2010 defense authorization bill, Rep. Barney Frank says. The authorization would see debate and a vote in spring and summer, and go into effect in October. “'Don’t ask, don’...

Obama Looks to Lieberman to Lead 'Don't Ask' Repeal

Conn. independent has opposed policy on gays in military since '93

(Newser) - After President Obama's pledge this weekend to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the White House turned immediately to key senators on the Armed Services Committee—in particular Joe Lieberman. A House bill to repeal the policy has 177 sponsors, but the White House is eager for Senate legislation with bipartisan...

Reporter: Obama Dismissed Gay Marchers as 'Fringe'

White House takes comedians more seriously, Harwood says

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn’t exactly quaking in his boots over the gay rights protesters that marched on Washington yesterday. The administration views the advocates as “part of the Internet left fringe,” CNBC correspondent John Harwood said on NBC last night. “One adviser told me, ‘those bloggers...

Gay Rights Rally Draws Tens of Thousands to DC

Energized by Obama's vow on 'don't ask, don't tell,' activists demand equality

(Newser) - Thousands of gay and lesbian activists marched from the White House to the Capitol today, demanding that President Obama keep his promises to end "don't ask, don't tell" and work to end discrimination against gays. Rainbow flags and homemade signs abounded as participants chanted "Hey, Obama, let mama...

Obama: 'I Will End Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

President admits slow progress to gay rights group

(Newser) - President Obama pledged to end the ban on homosexuals serving openly in the military in a speech tonight, but acknowledged to a cheering crowd that the policy changes he promised on the campaign trail are not coming as quickly as they expected. "I will end 'don't ask-don't tell,'"...

Obama Seeks to Mend Ties With Gays
Obama Seeks
to Mend Ties With Gays

Obama Seeks to Mend Ties With Gays

Gives speech tonight, ahead of protest march tomorrow

(Newser) - President Obama's tense relations with the gay community reach critical mass this weekend. Obama will outline his administration's goals on gay rights tonight in a speech to the nation's largest gay advocacy group. It comes ahead of a major demonstration tomorrow in Washington by activists who think he's reneged on...

Sign of Change? Pentagon Essay Rebukes Ban on Gays

(Newser) - A persuasive essay arguing against the military's ban on gay soldiers is raising hope among activists that a watershed moment is near. It's not so much because of the essay's familiar arguments—that "Don't Ask Don't Tell" hurts morale and violates civil rights—but because of its publication in...

Obama's Not Going to Push for Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Barack Obama has done next to nothing for gay and lesbian Americans since coming to power, but liberals keep insisting that he's a closet supporter of same-sex marriage and open military service. That's ridiculous, writes James Kirchick in the Washington Post, who sees no reason to assume Obama will act....

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Will Get Senate Hearing

Senate committee to examine consequences of military's gay policy

(Newser) - The Senate Armed Services Committee will convene a fall hearing to examine the US military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy governing gay service members, the Albany Times Union reports. Chairman Carl Levin agreed to hold the hearings at the encouragement of New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand,...

Iraq Vet to Spearhead Reversal of 'Don't Ask'

Rep. Murphy steps in as bill's sponsor

(Newser) - The battle to ditch the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays is being led by the first Iraq veteran to serve in Congress, the Los Angeles Times reports. Democratic Rep. Patrick Murphy has taken over as sponsor of a bill that would allow gays to openly serve...

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