
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Perry Living High on the (Donors') Hog

Lives the high life—but you wouldn't know it listening to him

(Newser) - Rick Perry may play up his modest background, but these days he’s living in the lap of luxury—with a little help from his friends. Donors pay for the mansion he rents from the state for $10,000 a month—and they’ve covered worldwide travel, resort visits, top-tier...

Rick Perry Stands By His Bernanke Comments

He is the 'no apologies' candidate, writes Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - By now, just about everyone in politics has weighed in on Rick Perry's "treason" comments regarding Ben Bernanke . How about Perry himself? "I'm just passionate about the issue and we stand by what we said," the Texas governor said today in Dubuque, Iowa, according to...

Rick Perry: I'm In, and 'I'm Going to Win'

Texas governor declares his candidacy

(Newser) - Take that, Ames straw pollers. Rick Perry told supporters today that not only is he running for president, "I full well believe I'm going to win." The statement came in a conference call ahead of his speech this afternoon to formally declare his candidacy, reports AP . His...

Rick Perry Spokesman: Yep, He's In

He confirms governor will announce on Saturday

(Newser) - It's political high season: Rick Perry's spokesman says the Texas governor will indeed declare his candidacy on Saturday in South Carolina, reports AP . Which kind of amounts to an announcement about an announcement that confirms what we already knew . The distinction, says Fox News , is that Perry will...

Rick Perry Interview With Mark Halperin of Time: I Have a 'Calmness in My Heart' About Running

 Rick Perry: 
 in My Heart' 
 About Run 

Rick Perry: 'Calmness in My Heart' About Run

New poll shows him near top of GOP field

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry doesn't quite make his candidacy official in an interview with Mark Halperin of Time , but he does say he has a "calmness in my heart" about a possible run. (He is expected to declare on Saturday .) No wonder he's calm: He's...

Rick Perry Leads Prayer for US

Texas governor gets spotlight with evangelicals

(Newser) - Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent a strong message to the nation's evangelicals today: He is a member of the important constituency for Republicans that he soon may call upon to help him secure the GOP presidential nomination. The state's longest serving governor hosted what he called a national...

Chris Christie Hospitalized After Trouble Breathing

New Jersey governor fine, expected to be released soon

(Newser) - A health scare for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie today: He was taken to the hospital after having trouble breathing, reports the Star-Ledger . A spokeswoman says Christie is doing fine and is expected to be released later today. The governor, who has asthma, had difficulty breathing en route to a...

Gawker Sues Chris Christie, Fox's Ailes

Claims that the network chairman is pushing politics

(Newser) - Gawker has filed a lawsuit to determine the nature of communication between New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, reports New York . The civil suit stems from a profile on Ailes that the magazine published in May, revealing that he had pushed Christie to enter the...

Poll: Bruce Springsteen Tied With Chris Christie in New Jersey
 Poll: Springsteen 
 Tied With Christie in NJ 

Poll: Springsteen Tied With Christie in NJ

Governor's approval ratings fall to 43%

(Newser) - Chris Christie's approval ratings have dived and the Republican would be dead even with his favorite Democratic rock star in a hypothetical 2013 contest for New Jersey governor, according to a new poll. Christie—who has clashed with the Boss over spending cuts —and Springsteen both scored 42%...

Chris Christie's Approval Rating Tanks

More than half now oppose him getting a second term

(Newser) - Maybe the message here is: Don’t mess with teachers. Chris Christie’s approval rating has dropped, according to a new Bloomberg poll, with more than half of New Jersey residents now saying they wouldn’t support his reelection. Respondents objected to a variety of Christie’s policies, with 65%...

Cuomo Turned Gay Marriage Into Personal Mission

New York governor pulled all the strings masterfully

(Newser) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is winning rave reviews for getting gay marriage passed in New York. ("Enormous victory" for him, declares Politico .) And the New York Times has a lengthy piece detailing how he personally managed the push, including the wooing of deep-pocketed GOP donors who could...

Rick Perry Hints at White House Run
 Perry Hints at White House Run 

Perry Hints at White House Run

'Prophet' says GOP nomination is now on his radar

(Newser) - Rick Perry has dropped his clearest hints yet that the race for the Republican nomination could soon be gaining another Texan. Perry, speaking at the New York Republican Party's annual Lincoln Dinner, slammed "Obamacare" and presented himself as a Reaganesque conservative stalwart, Reuters reports. He told Fox that...

Sarah Palin Emails: 'Combative and Engaged'

A look at different headlines on day 2

(Newser) - And the big Sarah Palin email bombshell is ... nonexistent. As the read-a-thon continues , here's a sampling of different headlines out there:
  • Anchorage Daily News : "Emails show criticism put Palin on defensive"
  • New York Times : "Palin E-Mails Show Her Combative and Engaged"
  • Politico : "Long-lost Sarah Palin surfaces

Governor Sarah Palin's Email Trove Is Out
 Palin Email 
 Trove Is Out 

Palin Email Trove Is Out

Journalists begin plowing through 24K pages

(Newser) - Some 24,000 pages of eagerly awaited emails from Sarah Palin’s time as governor have been released, and journalists are diving in—some with public volunteers, notes the Anchorage Daily News . So far, no headlines; indeed, a Palin rep is encouraging “everyone” to read them. The reporters need...

Christie Repays New Jersey for 2 Chopper Flights

But he dismisses controversy as 'political theater'

(Newser) - After drawing national attention for a helicopter ride to his son’s baseball game, New Jersey’s Chris Christie will reimburse the state for that trip and a second similar one, the Star-Ledger reports. But he still thinks the whole mess is "political theater" dredged up by the media....

Coming Soon: 275 Pounds of Sarah Palin Emails

Alaska to release ex-governor's missives in coming days

(Newser) - Something to read on the bus : Alaska will release 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin emails from her days as governor, reports the Anchorage Daily News . News services actually requested them when she was running for vice president, and now they'll get them as she may or may not...

Will He or Won't He? Rick Perry Rumors Won't Die

Governor says he'll 'think about it,' but spokesman later backtracks

(Newser) - The Rick-Perry-for-president buzz whipped up again today when the Texas governor said, "I'm going to think about it," reports the Dallas Morning News . It was a marked departure from his previous denials, though he qualified it by adding, "I think about a lot of things."...

Oops: Mitch Daniels Gets 16 Stitches in Forehead

Gym door swings open on him

(Newser) - The downside of being a presumptive presidential candidate: You get whacked in the head by a door, and it makes the national wires. Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels needed 16 stitches today after a door mishap, reports the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette . Seems he had just finished a workout at the...

In GOP Field, Don't Forget Rick Perry

He's quietly nosing around about a run: Real Clear Politics

(Newser) - Another name to add to the GOP mix for 2012: Rick Perry. The Texas governor publicly denies he's considering a run, but Real Clear Politics reports that he "sees a vacuum and is waiting to be summoned into the race," possibly by late summer. Already, an aide...

Run, Mitch Daniels, Run
 Run, Mitch Daniels, Run 
ruth marcus

Run, Mitch Daniels, Run

He shouldn't be president, but he'd be a great candidate: Ruth Marcus

(Newser) - Ruth Marcus would very much like Mitch Daniels to not only run for president but to win the GOP nomination. Not because she wants him in the White House—she doesn't—but because he would make President Obama a stronger candidate. The Indiana governor would force Obama "to...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>