Arab Israeli conflict

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel Shells UN Headquarters
 Israel Shells UN Headquarters 

Israel Shells UN Headquarters

Offensive escalates even as ceasefire hopes rise

(Newser) - Israeli shells set fire to the UN’s relief agency headquarters and a hospital today, as Israeli tanks pushed deep into Gaza City, the BBC reports. Some 700 people were inside the compound, along with large amounts of fuel and aid supplies; at least three UN employees were injured. Secretary-General...

Lebanon Rockets Hit Israel 2nd Time

Soldiers move into Gaza City; UN chief arrives in region

(Newser) - Rockets from Lebanon landed in northern Israel for the second time since the start of the Gaza invasion two weeks ago, Reuters reports. No group has claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks, and Israeli police say no one was hurt. This morning Israeli troops moved closer to the heart of...

Waltz With Bashir Has Echoes of Gaza
 Waltz With Bashir 
 Has Echoes of Gaza 

Waltz With Bashir Has Echoes of Gaza

Award-winning film on 1982 Lebanon massacre looks plenty familiar

(Newser) - Israel’s Gaza assault is slipping from US front pages, yet ironically, Waltz With Bashir, an Israeli animated film about the 1982 Israel-Lebanon war, is taking America by storm, earning mountains of critical praise and a Golden Globe. The parallels between that atrocity and the current conflict are striking, Gary...

Olmert: I Made Condi Abstain on Gaza Vote

Israel PM claims he 'embarrassed' Rice in urgent call to Bush

(Newser) - Israel’s prime minister says an urgent call to President Bush last week resulted in Condoleezza Rice changing her vote on a UN Gaza resolution, the New York Times reports, with Ehud Olmert adding that the secretary of State “was left pretty embarrassed.” Rice helped draft the measure...

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight
 Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight 

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight

Israeli leaders torn over next step

(Newser) - “The elements of an agreement” for a ceasefire in Gaza are in place, Mideast envoy Tony Blair said today amid negotiations in Cairo including representatives of Israel and Hamas. But in Jerusalem, Israeli leaders were weighing an escalation, the Washington Post reports. PM Ehud Olmert is pushing for a...

Israel Again Pauses to Let Gaza Aid in

Death toll reaches 898 as new humanitarian supplies arrive

(Newser) - For the fifth day Israel has paused in its onslaught of Gaza to allow residents to retrieve food and supplies, CNN reports. Israel allowed 160 trucks through two border crossings but said it would resume attacks after three hours. Although one Israeli official suggested that the operation may soon conclude,...

Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics
Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics

Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics

Civilians pay the price of 'asymetrical urban warfare'

(Newser) - The disturbing civilian death toll in Gaza is a result of new tactics being deployed by Hamas, Steven Erlanger writes in the New York Times. Hamas militants, trained by Hezbollah and Iran, are said to be systematically hiding weapons in schoolyards, mosques and hospitals, fighting in civilian clothes, using tunnels...

Israeli Pummels Gaza, Pauses
 Israeli Pummels Gaza, Pauses 

Israeli Pummels Gaza, Pauses

Air strikes hit 40 targets overnight

(Newser) - Israel continued to pound Gaza last night and this morning as air strikes hit 40 targets and killed 15 Hamas fighters, CNN reports. Attacks were halted for the 3-hour pause this afternoon to allow Gaza residents to restock supplies, the third such pause in the two-week-old conflict. Health workers say...

UN Calls for Gaza War Crimes Probe
UN Calls for Gaza War Crimes Probe

UN Calls for Gaza War Crimes Probe

Rights official accuses Israel of ignoring international law

(Newser) - The UN's top human rights official has called for an investigation into possible war crimes committed by the Israeli military in Gaza, the Guardian reports. She singled out an incident this week where up to 30 Palestinian civilians were killed in a home shelled by Israeli forces and the surviving...

Israel Rebuffs UN, May Call in Reservists

Cabinet mulls new phase to offensive as bombs rain on Gaza

(Newser) - Israel pushed ahead with its military operation in Gaza today, despite a unanimous Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. On the 14th day of the offensive, warplanes bombed the outskirts of Gaza City and tanks shelled a house in the north of the Strip, killing six Palestinians from...

UN Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza; US Abstains

(Newser) - The UN Security Council tonight passed a resolution—with the US abstaining—calling for "an immediate and durable" cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, the BBC reports. The vote was 14-0. It's unclear how much of an effect it will have on the ground, and Israel appeared to be resuming...

60 Strikes Pound Gaza Overnight

Mosque used as hideout leveled; death toll nears 700

(Newser) - Israel intensified its airstrikes in Gaza last night, reports CNN, bombing about 60 targets across the Strip on the 13th day of the operation. One of the targets was a mosque that the Israeli military claims stored weapons and sheltered Hamas fighters. The airstrikes also targeted 10 Hamas tunnels used...

Israel Hit by Rockets Fired From Lebanon

Attack raises fear that Gaza conflict will widen to second front

(Newser) - At least three rockets fired from Lebanon hit northern Israel today, raising fears that the Gaza conflict is widening, reports the International Herald Tribune. Israeli authorities say the rockets, which they presume were fired by Hezbollah in support of Hamas, landed near the town of Nahariya and injured two Israelis....

Gaza Fighting Rages On; Talks Set for Tomorrow

(Newser) - Israel continues to press its assault and Hamas continues to fire its rockets, but a sliver of hope emerged tonight toward an end to the Gaza hostilities, MSNBC reports. Representatives from Israel, Hamas, and the Palestinian Authority will meet—probably separately—with Egyptian officials in Cairo tomorrow to discuss a...

Reporting From Gaza, This Is Joe the Plumber

Campaign celeb tries war journalism for conservative website

(Newser) - Perhaps in an effort to ditch his infamous moniker, Joe the Plumber is swapping plunger for pen. The Ohio businessman, the presidential election’s "average American," will spend 10 days near Gaza covering Israel’s perspective on the conflict for, Internet arm of conservative Pajamas Media....

Gaza Fighting Continues After 3-Hour Break

Militant rocket fire breaks lull, Israel says

(Newser) - Fighting resumed in Gaza today after a 3-hour ceasefire, the Times of London reports. The lull was broken by a rocket attack launched by Palestinian militants into the Israeli city of Beersheba, Israeli officials said. The Israeli military plans to halt fighting every day from 1-4pm (local time) to allow...

UN: No Militants in Shelled School

Mortar may have been fired from nearby grove

(Newser) - The UN says it found no evidence to support claims there were militants inside the UN-run school Israeli forces fired on yesterday in Gaza, killing 40 civilians and injuring 55 more, Time reports. Israeli Defense Forces “returned fire,” a spokesman said, after militants fired mortars from inside the...

Gaza Encapsulates Mideast Strife: Friedman

Can the Jews have a room at this hotel?

(Newser) - The bloody scene playing out in Gaza is painful, but “all too familiar,” writes Thomas Friedman of the New York Times: It’s “a mini-version of three great struggles that have been playing out since 1948.” Those struggles:
  • Who Owns This Hotel? Who’s the Mideast

Israel Grants 3-Hour Reprieve
 Israel Grants 3-Hour Reprieve 

Israel Grants 3-Hour Reprieve

Mulls international ceasefire

(Newser) - Israel's military paused its Gaza offensive for three hours today to allow food and fuel to reach besieged Palestinians, and the country's leaders debated whether to accept an international ceasefire plan or expand the assault against Hamas. More than 500 aid trucks have entered Gaza since operations began, but military...

Hamas: We're Winning the Sympathy War

Group sees political gains in the face of casualties

(Newser) - The casualties—most of them civilians—are appalling, but Hamas still sees itself coming out the winner in Israel’s devastating Gaza offensive, Time reports. In a war of “perception,” write Jamil Hamad and Tony Karon, Hamas is reaping sympathy from the wide distribution of images of suffering...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>