Arab Israeli conflict

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Gazans Hunker Down in 'Worst' Time of All
 Gazans Hunker Down 
 in 'Worst' Time of All 

Gazans Hunker Down in 'Worst' Time of All

Refugees arrive in city with horror stories

(Newser) - Lentils and bread nearly are all Safwat al-Kahlout can offer the 20 relatives holed up in his powerless Gaza City apartment, he writes in the Christian Science Monitor. As Israeli tanks roll through the city's outskirts, family members have fled inward to his flat. "I took my clothes and...

Israeli Strike Hits UN School, Kills 30

30 killed, UN official calls for stop to hostilities

(Newser) - At least 30 Palestinians were killed and several dozen more wounded today when Israeli tanks shelled a UN-run school in the Gaza Strip, MSNBC reports. Medical officials said those killed were all either local residents, or among the hundreds seeking refuge from the assault in the school. “There’s...

Israeli Forces Attack Gaza's 2nd Biggest City

4 Israeli soldiers die in friendly fire; Khan Younis raided

(Newser) - Israeli tanks and troops moved today into Gaza's second-largest city, Khan Younis, covered by intensive airstrikes. Fighting has been heaviest in the north of the Strip, where witnesses have reported waves of bombings, and naval attacks from the Mediterranean killed 10 Palestinians. The Guardian also reports that 4 Israeli soldiers...

Middle East Fumes Over Obama's Gaza Silence
Middle East Fumes Over Obama's Gaza Silence

Middle East Fumes Over Obama's Gaza Silence

Arabs and Muslims disappointed after 'promise of change'

(Newser) - Barack Obama's studied silence on the Gaza attacks—there’s only one president at a time, and so on—isn’t playing well in the Middle East, writes Simon Tisdall in the Guardian. “Foreign wars don't wait for Washington inaugurations,” Tisdall notes. Many Arabs and Muslims “cannot...

Hezbollah All Bark, No Bite on Gaza

No sign Islamic group will bring its weapons to bear from Lebanon

(Newser) - Leaders of the Islamic group Hezbollah have been plenty vocal about the situation in Gaza, but Hassan Nasrallah hasn’t ordered his Lebanon-based militia into action or fired any missiles. And he’s unlikely to do so, analysts tell the New York Times, because Hezbollah believes Palestinian ally Hamas can...

Peace Team Rushes to Gaza as Toll Tops 520

Sarkozy to meet with Israeli leaders today

(Newser) - A European peace and humanitarian team and French President Nicolas Sarkozy headed to the region today as Israeli ground-assault tanks pushed further into Palestinian territory, and edged the death toll close to 530, Reuters reports. Hamas militants have retaliated by firing rocket-propelled grenades at tanks in eastern Gaza, and at...

Bloomberg Forced to Take Cover in Israel

Missile alert sends NYC mayor scrambling in search of shelter

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg had to take a break from expressing solidarity with Israelis threatened by Hamas rockets today after a missile warning sent him and his party scurrying into a bomb shelter. The daylong trip to Israel that included visits to two towns targeted by the Islamic militant...

Israeli Ground Troops Enter Gaza
 Israeli Ground Troops 
 Enter Gaza 

Israeli Ground Troops Enter Gaza

(Newser) - Israeli tanks and infantry battled with Hamas forces today after Israeli ground forces rolled into the Gaza Strip after nightfall, Reuters reports. Israel says it plans to seize areas used by Hamas to fire rockets from northern Gaza. "The objective is to destroy the Hamas terror infrastructure in the...

Israel Has the Clear Moral High Ground in Gaza
Israel Has the Clear Moral High Ground in Gaza

Israel Has the Clear Moral High Ground in Gaza

Really, it's all totally cut and dried. Promise. What?

(Newser) - Many geopolitical conflicts are “morally complicated,” writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post, but “the Israel-Gaza war is not.” Israel wants only peace, while Hamas wants only the eradication of Israel. The Israelis are so scrupulous that they contact enemy noncombatants in advance to warn them...

Israel Destroys Mosque, Hamas Homes

(Newser) - Israel bombed a mosque it says was used to store weapons and destroyed the homes of more than a dozen Hamas operatives today, the seventh day of a blistering offensive in Gaza. In what appeared to be a new Israeli tactic, the military called at least some of the houses...

Israeli Strike Kills Hamas Leader

10 killed in strike on refugee camp

(Newser) - An overnight Israeli air strike killed a top Hamas commander and nine others, including family members, in a refugee camp north of Gaza City, CNN reports. Nizar Rayan—described by Haaretz as an "outspoken advocate of renewing suicide bombings against Israel"—is the most senior Hamas leader killed...

White House Frets Over Gaza Fighting

Administration pressuring Israel to end attacks

(Newser) - A deeply worried Bush administration is privately pushing Israel to settle on a Gaza exit strategy, despite the White House's public support of the offensive, insiders tell the Los Angeles Times. Amid rising international pressure to end the fighting, administration officials fear that rather than crushing Hamas, Israel's assault could...

Israeli Army Puts War Videos on YouTube

IDF launches web channel to steer Gaza debate

(Newser) - The Israeli army has launched a YouTube channel of graphic war videos in an attempt to curry public favor for its Gaza siege, the Jerusalem Post reports. The footage shows aerial strikes, aid distribution, and—in one potentially unsettling piece—an alleged airstrike on two men loading Israel-bound rockets onto...

Five Sisters Among 335 Gaza Deaths in Israeli Strike

Bereaved father: 'Aren't we human beings?'

(Newser) - As the Gaza death toll passes 300, the conflict's devastating human cost is coming to light, reports the Guardian in a look at one Palestinian family that lost five daughters in an airstrike in their refugee camp yesterday. “If the dead here were Israelis, you would see the whole...

Why Hamas Courted Israeli Attacks
 Why Hamas 
 Courted Israeli Attacks 


Why Hamas Courted Israeli Attacks

Lack of results confirmed the case for violence

(Newser) - Hamas has long argued that negotiating with Israel won’t help Palestine—and that belief drove its decision to end a six-month ceasefire on December 19, writes Stephen Farrell in the New York Times. While it's possible Hamas leaders underestimated the scale of the Israeli response, which has cost more...

Barak Promises 'All Out War'
 Barak Promises 'All Out War' 

Barak Promises 'All Out War'

Death toll at at least 320

(Newser) - Israel is determined to fight a “war to the bitter end” with Hamas, Defense Minister Ehud Barak declared today, as Israeli fighters continued to level high-profile targets throughout Gaza. “We have nothing against the people of Gaza,” Barak said. “But this is an all-out war against...

Israel Attacks Serve as Reminder of Might
Israel Attacks Serve as Reminder of Might

Israel Attacks Serve as Reminder of Might

Leaders feared being seen as 'paper tiger'

(Newser) - Israel’s overwhelming strikes on Hamas are in part an effort to flex the country’s muscles and strike fear in the hearts of its enemies, Ethan Bronner writes in the New York Times. “There has been a nagging sense of uncertainty in the last couple years of whether...

Israeli Strikes Kill 205 in Gaza Strip
 Israeli Strikes Kill 
 205 in Gaza Strip 

Israeli Strikes Kill 205 in Gaza Strip

100 more wounded in assault on Hamas targets

(Newser) - A huge Israeli air assault on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip has killed more than 200 Palestinians and wounded at least 400, the AP reports. Those killed had mostly been inside police headquarters, Hamas said. Israel said the attacks were meant to end rocket and mortar attacks on Israel...

Bush Touts Mideast Legacy
 Bush Touts Mideast Legacy 

Bush Touts Mideast Legacy

(Newser) - President Bush is optimistic about his legacy in the Middle East, saying the region is a “more hopeful and more promising place than it was in 2001,” the Washington Post reports. Bush does acknowledge some missteps: “As with any large undertaking, these efforts have not always gone...

Soldiers Drag Jewish Settlers From Disputed Hebron Building

Palestinian home attacked in revenge

(Newser) - Dozens of masked Jewish settlers vandalized a Palestinian house in Hebron today, just after Israeli soldiers dragged 250 Jewish settlers out of another disputed building, Haaretz reports. The move against the settlers was the first forced eviction in the West Bank in two years. Twenty-five people were injured in the...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>