
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Herman Cain Says Poor Would Have a 9-0-9 Plan Under His Proposal
 Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9' 

Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9'

He clarifies plan, unveils 'opportunity zones'

(Newser) - Herman Cain clarified and amended his 9-9-9 tax plan today, addressing concerns that it would raise taxes on the poor, who currently pay no income tax. Cain said he wouldn’t change that. “If you are at or below the poverty level, your plan isn’t 9-9-9, it is...

America&#39;s Most Dangerous City Is...
 America's Most 
 Dangerous City Is... 

America's Most Dangerous City Is...

Detroit, according to 2010 data

(Newser) - Detroit has once again been named America's most dangerous city, this time by Forbes , which offers the top (or, perhaps, bottom) 10, based on the FBI's uniform crime report for 2010:
  1. Detroit: A rate of 1,111 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. A dwindling population, low employment

Cash-Strapped Detroit Outsources Autopsies

Move will save Wayne County $1.5M over three years

(Newser) - With bodies piling up and funding disappearing, Detroit has decided to save some money by outsourcing its morgue operations to the University of Michigan, Bloomberg reports. Detroit’s morgue is unusually busy, with five pathologists performing autopsies on 2,400 corpses a year. Earlier this year, it had 185 bodies...

Detroit Woman, 101, Gets Her House Back

Feds will pay her taxes and allow her to return

(Newser) - A happy ending in Detroit: 101-year-old Texana Hollis is getting her house back. HUD foreclosed on the home Monday and evicted the bewildered woman , who was unaware that her son had failed to pay property taxes to keep a reverse mortgage afloat. After the story made national headlines, HUD officials...

Detroit Woman, 101, Evicted From Home of 58 Years

Texana Hollis' son admits he stopped making payments

(Newser) - A particularly sad foreclosure story out of Detroit: Texana Hollis has been evicted from her home of the past 58 years ... at the age of 101. As if that's not depressing enough, Hollis and her late husband owned the home outright—but in 2003, Hollis' son persuaded her to...

No 'Hanky Panky' in Airline Scares: FBI

But strip-search and detention infuriates innocent Ohio housewife

(Newser) - Fighter-jet escorts in two airplane security scares on the anniversary of 9/11 were not caused by hanky panky in the bathrooms, according to FBI officials. But one American Jewish-Arab housewife is furious after being strip-searched and grilled simply because passengers reported being "concerned" about trips to the bathroom...

Hoffa: Let's 'Take Out' Tea Partiers

'They started the war,' say Teamsters

(Newser) - Furious Tea Partiers are demanding that President Obama call Teamsters union boss James Hoffa to heel after he urged workers at a Labor Day rally to "take out" party members. "They've got a war. We're going to win that war," Hoffa said in Detroit before...

Wing Walker Plunges to His Death

Stuntman Todd Green slips as he reaches for helicopter in Michigan air show

(Newser) - A horrified crowd watched yesterday as a Michigan wing walker plunged to his death during an air show stunt. Todd Green fell some 200 feet at the Air National Guard Base in Selfridge near Detroit as he attempted to grab onto a helicopter hovering over the plane. "I thought...

Chrysler Suspends Workers Accused of Drinking

Local TV crew films men at nearby park

(Newser) - "Work hard, party harder." Some workers at a Chrysler engine plant in Michigan might use this phrase to describe their ethic, but unfortunately, a local TV crew from WJBK-TV says it filmed only the latter. Chrysler suspended nine employees without pay after they were seen allegedly smoking pot...

Conservatives Put Up Fake Eviction Notices in Detroit

'It was meant to startle people,' Americans for Prosperity says

(Newser) - Americans for Prosperity hit a real sore spot with its latest flier—which was designed to look like an eviction notice and plastered to doors in the Delray neighborhood of Detroit—but the conservative group isn’t apologizing. “It was meant to startle people,” the group’s Michigan...

Obama Should Campaign on Auto Bailout
Obama Should Campaign
on Auto Bailout 

Obama Should Campaign on Auto Bailout

Some Republicans were ready to let GM, Chrysler die: Jonathan Cohn

(Newser) - Barack Obama reportedly plans to make the auto bailout a key part of his reelection campaign, and Jonathan Cohn of the New Republic thinks that’s a great idea. Chrysler and GM are in much better shape, he argues—GM in particular is “reporting big profits, it is winning...

Confederate Flag-Loving Kid Rock Wins NAACP Award

Members protest, but rocker accepts and insists, 'I love black people'

(Newser) - Despite his frequent use of Confederate flag imagery onstage, Kid Rock was presented with an award from the NAACP yesterday. The rocker accepted the Detroit NAACP's Great Expectations Award as 50 NAACP members picketed outside the awards dinner, Rolling Stone reports. Angry members urged a boycott and protest in...

Chrysler Turns 1st Profit Since Bankruptcy

Revenue climbs 35% as Big Three return to profitablility

(Newser) - Good news for Detroit: The Big Three automakers are all profitable once again. Chrysler has reported its first net profit since leaving bankruptcy nearly two years ago, with a net income of $116 million in the first quarter. The firm saw revenue jump 35% to $13.1 billion compared to...

Terry Jones Plans Armed Mosque Protest

Koran-burning preacher vows Dearborn rally even if banned

(Newser) - Terry Jones plans to follow up the Koran-burning that sparked deadly protests with an armed Good Friday rally outside America's biggest mosque. Authorities are seeking to block the 5pm demonstration outside the Detroit-area mosque to avoid violence, but Jones, leader of a tiny fundamentalist church in Florida, has vowed...

Charlie Sheen's 'Violent Torpedo' Bombs in Detroit

Actor's rambling brand of crazy doesn't fly in Motor City

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen opened his "Violent Torpedo of Truth/Failure Is Not an Option" tour last night in Detroit, and it turns out failure is indeed an option. The actor's rambling monologue was nonsensical—at times even to himself—and an enthusiastic crowd turned into boo-birds quickly. A rundown from critics,...

Man Charged With Planting 'Lost and Found' Explosive

Gary Mikulich calls himself 'the president,' rants about the 'card system'

(Newser) - The FBI think they’ve found the man who left an explosive at Detroit's McNamara Federal Building—only to see it languish in the Lost and Found for three weeks. Meet 42-year-old Gary Mikulich, or as he calls himself, “President Mikulich.” In an affidavit, the FBI says Mikulich...

Why Underwear Bomber Flew to Detroit: Cheap Fares

Shows break from bin Laden's love of symbolic targets

(Newser) - With 25% of its own residents fleeing Detroit, it might seem like the would-be underwear bomber could have picked a more devastating US target than Motor City. But, as the AP has learned, airplane tickets to considered destinations Chicago or Houston were just too darn expensive, so Umar Farouk...

Bomb Sat in Fed Building for 3 Weeks
Bomb Sat in Fed Building's Lost and Found for 3 Weeks
oh, detroit

Bomb Sat in Fed Building's Lost and Found for 3 Weeks

Detroit guard left suspicious package in storage

(Newser) - A special training team has been dispatched to a federal building in Detroit to remind security staff that the proper protocol to follow after finding a suspicious package does not involve leaving it in lost and found for three weeks. The bomb squad was called in after staff at the...

Don't Whine About the Census, Detroit: Embrace It
Don't Whine About the Census, Detroit: Embrace It

Don't Whine About the Census, Detroit: Embrace It

Two op-eds: The city can get better even as it gets smaller

(Newser) - Detroit's staggering population loss over the last decade— some 237,500 people —has city politicians predictably calling for a census recount, but two opinion pieces think it's a waste of time. Better to focus on the new, smaller Detroit:
  • Detroit Free Press editorial: "The important thing now is

Detroit Census Data: City Has Lost 25% of Population Over Last Decade
 Detroit's Population in Freefall 

census data

Detroit's Population in Freefall

One of the largest drops ever for a major American city

(Newser) - Detroit is not just a city in decline, it's a city in free-fall: Its population dropped 25% over the past 10 years, census data show, losing a staggering 237,500 people. The number of people in the city last year, 713,777, is the lowest since 1910; Detroit's population loss...

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