
Read the latest news stories and cases of hacking on Newser.com

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Hackers Target Universities Millions of Times Each Week

Personal details, intellectual property at risk

(Newser) - College campuses are becoming increasingly less safe, but the threat is not physical. Universities are under attack from hackers, with America's institutions of higher learning facing millions of attempted cyberattacks, mostly from China, every week, the New York Times reports. At stake is far more than a bunch of...

On Korea War Anniversary, Hackers Hit Both Sides

Anonymous group involved

(Newser) - Today is the 63rd anniversary of the Korean War, and both Koreas found themselves under attack once more—cyberattack, in this case. Key North and South Korean government and media websites mysteriously went down for hours, the AP reports. Hackers from Anonymous had announced plans to attack North Korea, and...

White House Requests Snowden Extradition

While Snowden leaks more details of US hacking on China

(Newser) - The US has already asked Hong Kong to extradite Edward Snowden, the White House national security adviser told CBS Radio today—and it expects Hong Kong to comply. "Hong Kong has been a historically good partner of the United States in law enforcement matters, and we expect them to...

Snowden: NSA Has Been Hacking China Since 2009

Agency has had 61K targets globally

(Newser) - Edward Snowden is still in Hong Kong, where he's making more claims about NSA practices: In an interview with the South China Morning Post , he says the agency has been hacking systems in China and Hong Kong since 2009. "We hack network backbones—like huge internet routers, basically—...

Twitter Rolls Out Beefed-Up Security

Matches competitors with a 2-step log-in process

(Newser) - Twitter has finally rolled out its two-step log-in process , cracking down on security in the wake of a number of high-profile hacks and bringing it on par with other major tech companies. Called Log-in Verification, the new system adds an extra layer of security by allowing users to have a...

Feds, Banks Brace as Anonymous Vows Giant Hack Today

Hacker groups plot #OpUSA, say May 7 a 'day to remember'

(Newser) - Hackers have spent weeks warning of a giant attack on US government agencies and banks—and today is the day, they say. "Anonymous will make sure that this May 7th will be a day to remember," said the hacker group in a post, per the Huffington Post . The...

In First, Pentagon Blasts China for Hacks Against US

Says China modernizing military, looking to exploit US weakness

(Newser) - The Pentagon is squarely blaming China for hacking into its computer systems, marking the first time the Obama administration has made the accusation. China's spying is aimed in large part at boosting its own defense capabilities, the Pentagon says in its annual report to Congress , per Reuters . Further, China...

Hackers Take Down Labor Dept. Website

Section on health issues down amid probe

(Newser) - Part of the US Department of Labor's website is down amid reports of hacking, reports WUSA9 . "A DOL program appeared to be compromised," the department said in a statement. "The website was immediately taken offline and the Department began working with appropriate internal and external authorities...

Hack of LivingSocial Affects 50M Users

Passwords compromised, but not credit card information

(Newser) - Add LivingSocial to the list of high-profile hacking victims. The online coupon site says hackers got access to the names, emails, birthdays, and encrypted passwords of 50 million customers around the world, reports AllThingsD . The good news is that the hackers did not get any credit card or banking information....

After AP Hack, Twitter Finally Ramps Up Security

Yesterday's was latest in a long line of high-profile breaches

(Newser) - The fake AP tweet about White House explosions that sent the Dow Jones diving yesterday was just the latest in a long series of high-profile Twitter hacks, but the company is finally taking steps to make accounts harder to hack, Wired reports. The two-step authentication security measure, which is already...

'Syrian Electronic Army' Hacks NPR

Group said to back Assad

(Newser) - Several NPR sites and Twitter feeds were hacked last night; visitors saw a message saying "Syrian Electronic Army Was Here," the Two-Way blog reports. "We will not say why we attacked @NPR ... They know the reason and that enough #SEA #Syria," read a tweet from the...

S. Korea Blames North in Massive Cyberattack

Suspected hack shuts down banks, broadcasters

(Newser) - Computer networks at two major South Korean banks and three top TV broadcasters went into shutdown mode en masse today, paralyzing a largely cash-less country and prompting speculation of a cyberattack by North Korea. Machines went down promptly at 2pm local time, with skulls popping up on the screens of...

Reuters Suspends Editor Accused of Aiding Hackers

Matthew Keys, 26, faces up to 25 years in prison

(Newser) - A social media editor for Reuters is in hot water, accused of exacting revenge on a former employer by helping Anonymous hack it. Federal prosecutors say Matthew Keys, 26, passed along log-in credentials to servers owned by the Tribune Co., reports the Guardian . His Anonymous pal allegedly used them to...

25 Years for a Minor Hack of a Website?
25 Years for a Minor Hack
of a Website?

25 Years for a Minor Hack of a Website?

Feds overreach in Reuters case, as they did with Aaron Swartz

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors threatening Matthew Keys with 25 years in prison for helping hackers write some goofy vandalism on one LA Times story is so over the top that it's clear feds are just using "garbage charges" as a "bludgeon" to get a plea bargain, writes Justin Peters...

US Spy Chiefs: Cyber Threat Is on Par With Terrorism

Cyber Command looks to go on offense

(Newser) - With China , Iran , and other countries increasingly hacking the United States, its infrastructure, and its companies, the Pentagon is stepping up its cyber defense operations in a major way—provided Washington's budget battles don't hamstring its efforts, reports the Washington Post . Gen. Keith Alexander, the head of the...

12 Celebs Have Finances Hacked and Posted

Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kim Kardashian among the exposed

(Newser) - A website has hacked and posted the private financial data of a dozen A-list celebrities and political figures, including Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, and Hillary Clinton. TMZ won't name the site, but says the FBI launched an investigation after credit card info, social security numbers, mortgages, and other data were...

Hacker Breaches Customer Service for Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest

Zendesk says no passwords stolen, but advises caution

(Newser) - Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr are all scrambling to deal with a security breach, after a hacker accessed their customer support company and stole email addresses and other information, reports Mashable . Zendesk, the customer service company, said it detected the hack this week, took steps to close the vulnerability, and notified...

China Hackers Have Hit Majority of Washington: Experts

Rare to find 'network that hasn't been breached'

(Newser) - Just how widespread is Chinese hacking against the US? Well, it's hit pretty much every Washington institution, experts tell the Washington Post . "The dark secret is there is no such thing as a secure unclassified network," says one. "Law firms, think tanks, newspapers—if there’s...

At Heart of Vast US Hacking Campaign: China Army

Report tracks prolific attacks to army's Unit 61398

(Newser) - A Shanghai-based unit of China's People's Liberation Army has liberated vast amounts of data from the US and other countries in a huge cyber-spying effort over the last seven years, according to a report from computer security firm Mandiant. PLA Unit 61398—known to some victims as the...

Zombie Attack Under Way, Warns Montana TV Station

KRTV apologizes for hackers' warning

(Newser) - Montana's KRTV yesterday issued an emergency warning: Zombies are on the attack. The scrolling message alerted multiple counties that "dead bodies are rising from their graves" and "attacking the living," the AP reports. People shouldn't "approach or apprehend these bodies as they are extremely...

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