
Read the latest news stories and cases of hacking on Newser.com

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China at Heart of Sweeping Cyberspying War on US

Economic espionage is costing America billions

(Newser) - The past five years have seen a mammoth international effort to spy on the computer systems of US businesses and other institutions, an intelligence report finds—and China is by far the biggest threat. The goal: to gather economic information to benefit the spying countries, the Washington Post reports. Targeted...

Hackers Compromise 250K Twitter Accounts

Company would have sent you an email if you're one of them

(Newser) - If Twitter sent you an email about resetting your password, it's no mere helpful hint. And you probably want to disable Java from your browser while you're at it, advises the company, which revealed last night that 250,000 accounts were compromised in a hack, reports AP . The...

MIT to Review Case Against Swartz

Anonymous hits MIT site after Reddit co-founder's suicide

(Newser) - MIT has ordered a review of its case against Aaron Swartz amid accusations that the institution helped drive the 26-year-old digital rights activist to his suicide last week , reports Mashable . Swartz was facing up to 35 years in jail and $1 million in fines for allegedly downloading millions of academic...

Anonymous Hits Westboro for Threat to Protest Newtown

Hacktivists vow to destroy fringe church

(Newser) - Hackers from Anonymous pounced on the Westboro Baptist Church soon after the extremist group announced plans to picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to praise God for sending the gunman, Mashable reports. The online activists published the emails, phone numbers, and home addresses of Westboro members, taunted the group on Twitter...

Man Caught With Stolen Data on 9M People

Greek police catch man with identity card details, tax numbers, and more

(Newser) - A man in Greece has been arrested on suspicion of having stolen 9 million personal data files in what is believed to be the biggest breach of private information the country has ever seen. Police said today that the 35-year-old, whose name was not released, was found in possession of...

Anonymous Says Hackathon Hit PayPal, Lady Gaga

Symantec, NBC also allegedly hit in Guy Fawkes Day hack-a-thon

(Newser) - Anonymous is holding an all-day hackathon today, as part of a global protest commemorating Guy Fawkes Day, and it's already claimed—or says it's claimed—a number of scalps. The group says it's stolen roughly 28,000 PayPal passwords, Gizmodo reports, though PayPal is telling customers it...

US Fears Rising Iranian Cyberattacks

Officials believe Iran was behind recent attacks

(Newser) - The US believes that Iran was behind an Aug. 15 cyberattack on Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's state-owned oil company and the world's most valuable firm, and that it was retaliation against the US for unleashing the Stuxnet virus on an Iranian nuclear facility in 2010, the New York ...

UK Charges Brooks, Coulson in Hacking Scandal

British prosecutors announce 19 charges

(Newser) - British authorities have announced 19 charges over the tabloid phone hacking scandal, and they're targeting some of the biggest names in the case. Former News International CEO Rebekah Brooks and David Cameron's former communications chief Andy Coulson will both be charged with conspiring to "intercept communications."...

To Halt Hackers, Find Them Dates

 To Halt Hackers, 
 Find Them Dates 

To Halt Hackers, Find Them Dates

Let's focus on outreach, not punishment: Matthew Schwartz

(Newser) - Hackers tend to abandon their lawbreaking ways as they get older and other concerns—girlfriends, families, careers—take precedence. Indeed, most hackers appear to be under 25; few "remain life-course persistent," says one"cyberpsychology" expert. That prompts Matthew Schwartz to wonder: Could we stop hacking early by finding...

1M Android Forum Users' Data Hacked

Yahoo attack also hit Gmail, Hotmail, AOL

(Newser) - Another major security breach has emerged a day after news of a Yahoo hack targeting 450,000 users, this time at an online forum for Android users. Hackers snagged user IDs, email addresses, passwords, and more in an attack on Android Forums' more than 1 million users, ZDNet reports. An...

Hackers Reveal 453K Yahoo Logins

But Yahoo says only 5% of the passwords are valid

(Newser) - A hacking collective posted the login credentials of a whopping 453,000 Yahoo users online yesterday, saying they'd swiped them from a Yahoo subdomain using a technique that only works on poorly-secured Web apps that don't monitor text entered into various user input fields, Ars Technica reports. "...

Unimaginative eHarmony Passwords Hacked, Too

At least 1.5M are compromised: Ars Technica

(Newser) - LinkedIn isn't the only password hacking victim this week. Add eHarmony to the list. About 1.5 million encrypted passwords were posted online by a hacker, along with the 6.5 million from the business networking site, reports Ars Technica . The dating site has confirmed a breach, but it...

Al-Qaeda Calls for 'Electronic Jihad'

Terror group compares US cybersecurity to pre-9/11 aviation

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda compares flaws in America's cybersecurity to gaps in aviation security before the 9/11 attacks in a chilling video released by the Senate Committee on Homeland Security. In the video, which was obtained by the FBI last year, an al-Qaeda operative calls for "electronic jihad" against the US...

55K Twitter Passwords Leaked
 55K Twitter Passwords Leaked 

55K Twitter Passwords Leaked

Puzzling hit, but most hacked tied to spammers or dupe accounts

(Newser) - The usernames and passwords of more than 55,000 Twitter tweeters were leaked online Monday in a data dump that has puzzled experts. Twitter says that at least 20,000 of the leaked accounts were duplicates, and many more were spam accounts that had already been suspended, InformationWeek reports. Password...

Syria Uses Skype Malware to Spy on Activists: Tech Firm

Impersonators send infected files

(Newser) - The Syrian government is hacking into the computers of activists and secretly surveilling them by spreading malicious software through Skype, reports TechWeek Europe . Recently, an activist thought she was Skype-chatting with an ally, but she suddenly realized her friend was in jail and could not possibly be online. She received...

Sarandon: Gov't Tapped My Phone

Actress says she's been 'under surveillance'

(Newser) - Susan Sarandon says she's had her phone tapped by the government, she revealed at a Tribeca Film Festival forum with Michael Moore yesterday. "We know we were under surveillance," Sarandon said during the audience Q&A. "I’ve had my phone tapped," she added, claiming...

Goofing Off on Your Work PC Not a Crime: Court

So go ahead, read Newser to your heart's delight from 9-5

(Newser) - Good news, slackers: It's not illegal to use your work computer to shop on Amazon, set your fantasy roster, or, well, read Newser. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has shot down a Justice Department argument that a 1984 anti-hacking law covered not just hacking, but any unauthorized use...

Live in Utah? There's a 1 in 6 Chance You've Been Hacked

State officials increase numbers for recent data breach

(Newser) - Almost 800,000 Utah residents—that's one in six people in the state—have been affected by a data breach exposing information including Social Security numbers, names, and dates of birth. Hackers broke into a Utah Department of Health computer server on March 30, and the breach was initially...

Al-Qaeda Websites Oddly Go Dark for 11 Days

Ex-State Department official: 'It looks like a takedown'

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's most popular web forums have gone dark for 11 days now in what experts are calling a likely cyber attack, the Washington Post reports. "It sure looks like a takedown," said a former State Department official. If website administrators were dealing with mere technical glitches, they...

25 Anonymous Hackers Busted in 4 Countries: Cops

Interpol targets group's Latin American operations

(Newser) - Some 25 suspected members of the Anonymous hacking collective have been arrested in Europe and South America, according to Interpol. The international police agency says 250 items of IT equipment were seized in raids in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Spain, the BBC reports. The suspects—including "Pacotron," the...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>