
Read the latest news stories and cases of hacking on Newser.com

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Google Offers Hackers $1M to Find Chrome Bugs

Challenge issued ahead of security conference

(Newser) - Google is challenging hackers to find holes in its Chrome browser—with a sweetener. The company is offering a total of $1 million in prizes to people who can find bugs or vulnerabilities in Chrome at next week's CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver, reports Wired . Hackers stand to win...

Anonymous Could Shutter Power Grid: NSA Honcho

Ability to launch attack is still a few years off, though

(Newser) - Hacking collective Anonymous has taken on the FBI and the CIA , among others—and soon the group could be making its presence known in your living room. The National Security Agency director warns that within the next one to two years, Anonymous could launch a cyberattack that results in a...

Cops React to Anonymous Hack With Quirky Video

Hackers replaced police website with KRS-One song

(Newser) - Hacked by Anonymous a week ago, Boston police fought back ... with a little dry humor, Naked Security reports. Anonymous broke into BPDNews.com on Feb. 3 and substituted its usual police and crime news with a video of rapper KRS-One performing his song, "Sound of Da Police." So...

Anonymous Taps FBI Call
 Anonymous Taps FBI Call 

Anonymous Taps FBI Call

Hack indicates that hackers have access to bureau's email

(Newser) - Anonymous thumbed its nose at the FBI today, posting a 16-minute recording of a recent conference call between its cybercrime investigators and their counterparts at Scotland Yard. The conversation isn't heavy on revelations or details, but the fact that Anonymous released it indicates that the hackers have access to...

Zappos Hacked, 24M Customers Vulnerable

Company turns off phones, anticipating customer response

(Newser) - Online retail giant Zappos announced yesterday that it has been hacked, with the attackers gaining access to some 24 million customer accounts, reports the Observer . The company's president said that the hacker did not gain access to credit card information, but the attacker did gain "access to parts...

Anonymous Releases 75K Stolen Credit Card Numbers

Hackers got into private security firm Stratfor

(Newser) - The band of hackers known as Anonymous has just released the names, email addresses, and passwords for around 860,000 users of Stratfor, a security think tank, as well as 75,000 credit card numbers belonging to Stratfor's paying customers. The initial digital theft took place on Dec. 24,...

Millions of Printers in Danger of Being Hacked

Researchers call it a major vulnerability: MSNBC

(Newser) - Even if your computer is as secure as you can make it, you may still be offering hackers entry to your network—through your printer. Columbia University researchers warn that millions of printers belonging to consumers, businesses, and government agencies could be vulnerable to attack. Among other dangers, hackers may...

Energy Giant Guilty of Spying on Greenpeace

Hacking case also snared Floyd Landis

(Newser) - French electricity giant EDF, the world's biggest operator of nuclear power plants, has been found guilty of spying on Greenpeace and fined $2 million. EDF, a frequent target of Greenpeace campaigns, hired a security agency to hack into the group's computers to gain information about its anti-nuclear activities,...

Report: China Likely Hacked US Satellites

China strongly denies all reports of endangering security

(Newser) - Hackers who hit two US satellites four times in 2007 and 2008 may have been tied to the Chinese military, reports Bloomberg . “Such interference poses numerous potential threats, particularly if achieved against satellites with more sensitive functions,” says a draft of the annual report by the US-China Economic...

Celeb Hacker 'Deeply' Sorry: 'It Eats at Me'

Christopher Chaney says snooping became uncontrollable

(Newser) - The man arrested by the FBI for Hollywood hacking has offered a lengthy apology for what he calls an "addiction" he couldn't control. "I deeply apologize," Christopher Chaney told a CNN affiliate. "I know what I did was probably one of the worst invasions of...

News Corp. Sued for US Hacking—By Shareholders

They say it knew a decade ago of illegal activity

(Newser) - Seems like there's no news but bad news for Rupert Murdoch these days: The latest legal salvo against the News Corp empire is a lawsuit alleging that its board knew for more than a decade that some of its US subsidiaries were engaged in illegal hacking, this time in...

Tunnels? Today's Jailbreaks Need Hackers

Security experts warn about vulnerable computer systems

(Newser) - A prison warden's worst nightmare came true a few years ago: A freak power surge opened every death row inmate's door at the same time. All ended well, but a security engineer recounts the anecdote to the Huffington Post to highlight a scary vulnerability of modern prisons controlled...

Anonymous Mostly Doesn't Want to Kill Facebook

If hackers are aiming for Facebook, they're not with us, says Anonymous

(Newser) - So, about that assault on Facebook rumored to be coming on Nov. 5 from Anonymous ? It looks there may only be a sliver of truth to it. A few Anonymous hackers are apparently involved, but Anonymous as a whole isn't on board, reports ZDNet's Friending Facebook blog...

Anonymous, AntiSec Hack US Police Websites

Hackers say attack in retaliation for law month's arrests

(Newser) - Notorious hacker collectives AntiSec and Anonymous have hacked into 70-some law enforcement websites from around the United States, in what they say is retaliation for last month's arrests of hackers around the world , reports the AP . The groups managed to snare "a massive amount of confidential information that...

Medical Monitors: New Domain for Hackers?

Diabetic shows how devices can be manipulated

(Newser) - Even the human bloodstream isn't safe from computer hackers—a security researcher who is diabetic has identified flaws that could allow an attacker to remotely control insulin pumps and alter the readouts of blood-sugar monitors. As a result, diabetics could get too much or too little insulin, a hormone...

Operation Shady RAT: McAfee's Report Isn't Surprising to Experts in the Field
Biggest Hack Ever?
Beware Hype From McAfee

Biggest Hack Ever? Beware Hype From McAfee

The hacking is real but not all that surprising: security experts

(Newser) - McAfee says it's uncovered the biggest hack in history with Operation Shady RAT, in which at least 70 governments and businesses around the world were breached. At Naked Security , expert Graham Cluley isn't quite ready to join the frenzied coverage. "To be honest, there's nothing particularly...

McAfee Uncovers Largest-Ever Hacking Attack

Companies, governments, the UN impacted: McAfee

(Newser) - Anonymous and LulzSec are nothing compared to this: The biggest-ever series of cyber attacks, recently uncovered by security company McAfee, involved 72 networks over a period of five years. Victims include the UN, the International Olympic Committee, defense contractors, tech companies, and governments including the US, Taiwan, India, South Korea,...

Phone Hacking Scandal Hits British Tabloid 'The Mirror'
 Hacking Scandal Hits Mirror 

Hacking Scandal Hits Mirror

Ex-employee claims practice was standard a decade ago

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's empire might not have been the only media out there with a fondness for hacking phones: As the AP reports, Britain's lefty tab the Mirror is the latest fishrag on the dartboard in the spreading scandal. "It was seen as a bit of a wheeze,...

Hackers Take Aim at Small Businesses

Cyberthieves find them to be tempting targets: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - It’s not just Sony and Citigroup that face a hacking threat: Small businesses are becoming an increasingly popular target, reports the Wall Street Journal . Of 761 data breaches investigated in 2010, 63% were against firms with 100 or fewer workers. Some 95% of the credit card breaches Visa has...

Taliban: We Were Hacked; Mullah Omar Is Alive

Death reports were fake, says spokesperson

(Newser) - Everyone's getting hacked these days—even the Taliban, apparently. A spokesperson in Afghanistan tells the AP and the Los Angeles Times that the group's leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, is alive—and that it was a hacker who sent out text messages, emails, and Internet postings announcing Omar's...

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