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Libya Could Fall to Extremists: NATO

Tensions growing between rebel camps

(Newser) - The fall of Moammar Gadhafi's regime has created a power vacuum in Libya that could be exploited by Islamic extremists, warns NATO's secretary-general. As splits emerge in the rebel leadership and the remnants of Gadhafi's forces launch fresh attacks, the former rebels need to form a stable...

Gadhafi's Son Khamis Reported Killed

Younger Gadhafi commanded elite military unit, said killed in NATO strike

(Newser) - Khamis Gadhafi, Moammar Gadhafi's feared son who commanded an elite military unit known as the Khamis Brigade, has been reported killed in a NATO strike, reports Sky News . A man at the scene of a bombed-out Toyota Landcruiser says that the younger Gadhafi was in it when a NATO...

Libyan Rebels Raid Moammar Gadhafi Compound in Tripoli
 Rebels Storm 
 Gadhafi Compound 

Rebels Storm Gadhafi Compound

Celebration ensues as fighting continues

(Newser) - Hundreds of rebels have stormed Moammar Gadhafi’s compound today, busting open its gates and pouring in, some riding golf carts, according to an AP reporter. They celebrated their success with gunfire; the head of a statue was pulled off as one rebel climbed atop another iconic structure: a giant...

NATO: We&#39;re Not Done in Libya
 NATO: We're Not Done in Libya 

NATO: We're Not Done in Libya

Vows to keep flying until all Gadhafi's men surrender

(Newser) - Tripoli is largely in rebel hands today, but NATO vowed to keep sending out air patrols—and possibly launching strikes—until all of Moammar Gadhafi’s troops have surrendered or returned to their barracks. NATO’s secretary-general told the AP that Gadhafi’s regime is “clearly crumbling,” but...

NATO: Gadhafi Is on the Ropes
 NATO: Gadhafi Is on the Ropes 

NATO: Gadhafi Is on the Ropes

Rebels seize key routes into Tripoli

(Newser) - A series of impressive rebel advances have left Moammar Gadhafi’s troops reeling and on the verge of defeat in Libya, NATO commanders told reporters yesterday. “Our assessment, without going into details, is that the Gadhafi regime does not have anymore an effective operational capability,” one colonel said,...

NATO: Taliban Rocket Likely Downed Helicopter

Officials working to recover every single piece

(Newser) - The helicopter that crashed over the weekend in Afghanistan, killing 30 US troops and eight others, was likely shot down by a Taliban rocket, NATO forces said today. Though the Taliban was quick to claim responsibility, Western officials had been tight-lipped until today's announcement, Reuters notes. The Navy SEALs...

30 US Troops Die in Afghan Chopper Crash

Deadliest incident in decade-old war; Karzai sends condolences

(Newser) - A helicopter crash in Afghanistan's eastern Wardak province has killed 30 US special operation troops and seven Afghan soldiers, Hamid Karzai said today. (The US figure was revised from 31.) It was the highest number of casualties recorded in a single incident in the decade-long war. NATO confirmed...

Gadhafi Son Killed in Airstrike, Spies Say

NATO confirms it hit targets, but doesn't comment on death of Khamis

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s youngest son, Khamis, was among the dozens of loyalist troops killed in a NATO airstrike on the city of Zliten last night, a Libyan rebel spokesman told the AFP today, citing spies planted in Gadhafi’s ranks and intercepted radio chatter. NATO confirmed only that it had...

Anonymous: We Hacked Into NATO

Claims it accessed 1 gigabyte of data

(Newser) - Anonymous would like us to know that it is taking the responsible route. Sort of. The group of computer hackers today announced that it was able to breach NATO security and access 1 gigabyte of restricted material, but it posted just one PDF file on its Twitter page showing what...

Can Moammar Gadhafi Outlast NATO in Libya Conflict?
 Can Gadhafi Outlast NATO? 

Can Gadhafi Outlast NATO?

Pressure ramping up to end conflict

(Newser) - Fifteen weeks into its Libyan campaign, NATO is getting restless. The eight nations involved in the campaign can’t get the other 20 off the bench, and many seem to disagree on strategy. Norway, whose tiny air force has carried out a disproportionate 10% of the airstrikes, has set an...

Admiral Confirms: NATO Is Trying to Kill Gadhafi

Rep. Mike Turner says Admiral Samuel Locklear told him so

(Newser) - Should you have any confusion about NATO's aims, you won't after reading this: The top US admiral involved in the mission has admitted that NATO is actively trying to kill Moammar Gadhafi. The revelation comes from Rep. Mike Turner, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, who...

US: Gadhafi Wants to Skip Town

Bombings drive Libyan leader to pack his bags

(Newser) - NATO’s bombing campaign has Moammar Gadhafi “seriously considering” getting out of Dodge—or in this case Tripoli—according to new US intelligence reports. It seems Gadhafi doesn’t intend to leave the country altogether, but he “doesn’t feel safe anymore” in the capital, an official briefed...

Taliban's Share of Afghan Civilian Deaths Rises

They're behind 85% of civilian deaths, coalition says

(Newser) - Coalition forces in Afghanistan say their efforts to avoid collateral damage are paying off. Insurgents, by their estimates, are now responsible for 85% of civilian deaths and injuries in the war, up from 75% of deaths and 78% of injuries last year. “The vast majority of civilian casualties are...

House to Vote on Resolution to End Libya Mission

...or to authorize it once and for all

(Newser) - John Boehner intends to give the House a binary choice: Either vote to authorize the US’ mission in Libya, or vote to end it. Boehner will meet with House Republicans this morning to discuss a pair of measures that he could bring to the floor by Friday, the Hill reports....

Libya: 19 Civilians Killed in Another NATO Strike

Government says they were killed when NATO bombed an official's home

(Newser) - Fresh woes for NATO: The Libyan government yesterday claimed that a NATO strike on the residence of one of Moammar Gadhafi's officials killed 19 civilians, including members of the official's family. This comes on the heels of NATO's admission Sunday that nine civilians were killed in another...

NATO Blames Target Flaw in New Civilian Strike

Missiles hit civilians twice in less than a week

(Newser) - The killing of two babies and seven other Libyan civilians in a NATO raid has been linked to a suspected "weapons systems failure." A NATO official revealed the problem as he apologized yesterday for the "loss of innocent civilian lives," adding that the operation takes "...

NATO Airstrikes Again Hit Rebels

Libyan government presents evidence of civilian deaths

(Newser) - NATO strikes in Libya accidentally hit rebel forces again, for at least the third time since air combat began three months ago, reports the New York Times . The mistaken attack occurred Thursday, with back-and-forth fighting against Gadhafi's forces on three fronts left rebel locations difficult to clearly determine. NATO...

White House: US Action in Libya Is Legal

It doesn't amount to 'hostilities' under War Powers Act: Lawyers

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi might be a little surprised to learn that the US isn't waging war, or even "hostilities," on him. It's all a matter semantics: The White House today said it does not need congressional approval under the War Powers Act to continue because its actions...

Boehner to Obama: You've Got Til Friday to Justify Libya

House speaker warns president he may be violating War Powers Act

(Newser) - President Obama has until Friday to ask Congress for authorization of the US mission in Libya, or he will be in violation of the War Powers Act, John Boehner warned him yesterday. The House speaker, noting that Friday will mark 90 days since the US began attacking Libya as part...

Gates: NATO Full of Freeloaders

Outgoing defense secretary says US picking up tab for Europe's defense

(Newser) - Robert Gates had some harsh words for NATO today, saying that many of the US’ allies are “apparently willing and eager for American taxpayers to assume the growing security burden left by reductions in European defense budgets.” Gates was speaking at a think tank in Brussels, where his...

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