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NATO 'Sorry' for Airstrike That Kills Mom, 5 Kids

Military 'deeply saddened by civilian deaths'

(Newser) - The US military expressed regret today for killing a mother and five of her children in an airstrike in southwestern Afghanistan, the New York Times reports. The Friday attack, which was aimed at Taliban forces, killed the mother, three girls, and two boys—and possibly eight other civilians, the Washington ...

Karzai Blames Taliban Blitz on NATO 'Failure'

Attack on Kabul over after 18 hours

(Newser) - Yesterday's 18-hour assault on Kabul is finally over after the last gunman was killed this morning, and Afghan President Hamid Karzai said today that the attack proves the "failure" of NATO and intelligence services. In his first statement after the assault, Karzai added that Afghanistan displayed its ability...

US Soldier Fires on Afghan Civilians, Kills at Least 16

Unknown number dead, wounded in early morning attack

(Newser) - A US soldier in southern Afghanistan has been detained after he walked off his base this morning, shooting and killing civilians in the area, reports the New York Times . At least 16 are dead in the rampage, reports the BBC , with many women and children among them. The soldier reportedly...

Taliban: We Poisoned Food at NATO Base

Taliban claims responsibility for car bomb at Afghan airport, too

(Newser) - At least nine people were killed and 12 injured when a suicide car bomber struck an airport in eastern Afghanistan this morning. The blast killed six civilians, two airport guards, and an Afghan soldier at Jalalabad airport, which is used for both civilian and military flights, the AP reports. The...

2 US Officers Killed Inside Afghan Ministry

Violence continues after burning of Korans

(Newser) - Two US military officers were shot to death inside the interior ministry building in Kabul today, reports CNN . The Taliban claimed responsibility, saying the killings were in retaliation for the burning of Korans by US troops, notes AP . It's still not clear exactly what happened, but Afghan authorities say...

Koran-Burning Protests Rage for a 4th Day

Gunfire heard as thousands take to streets in Kabul

(Newser) - Protesters are rallying once again to decry the burning of Korans at Bagram, with more shouts of "death to America"—and deaths—throughout the country. The New York Times reports that gunfire was audible as demonstrators assembled at a Kabul mosque following Friday prayers. Another 4,000 people...

Afghan Spies' New Target: Afghan Troops

As attacks from inside mount, Afghans take precautions

(Newser) - Afghanistan's spy agency has a new target: Afghan troops. With attacks on US and Afghan troops by Taliban infiltrators on the rise, the National Directorate of Security is launching an ambitious spying program designed to identify any threats. In addition to the previously reported "special reconnaissance group" that...

Panetta: US Combat Role in Afghanistan Over in 2013

But American, NATO troops will still have 'robust' advisory role

(Newser) - At some point next year, the US will no longer be fighting a war in Afghanistan for the first time in a decade. "Hopefully by mid to the latter part of 2013 we’ll be able to make a transition from a combat role to a training, advise, and...

Backed By Pakistan, Taliban Set to Retake Afghanistan
Backed By Pakistan, Taliban Set to Retake Afghanistan
secret report

Backed By Pakistan, Taliban Set to Retake Afghanistan

ISI providing direct assistance, says secret NATO report viewed by the BBC

(Newser) - Big news from the BBC this morning: It says it has viewed a secret NATO report that suggests the Taliban will retake Afghanistan as soon as NATO exits the country, thanks in part to assistance it is receiving from Pakistan's ISI. The report was compiled following 27,000 interrogations...

Sarkozy Wants Out of Afghanistan Next Year

France will withdraw combat troops by the end of 2013

(Newser) - France and Afghanistan agree NATO should speed up by a year its timetable for handing all combat operations to Afghan forces in 2013, President Nicolas Sarkozy said today, raising new questions about the unity of the Western military alliance. Sarkozy also announced that all French combat troops will leave the...

Obama Offers Pakistan Prez 'Condolences' After Strike

Stops short of issuing formal apology

(Newser) - In a phone conversation eight days after NATO airstrikes killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers, President Obama today offered "condolences" for the deaths to Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari, the White House says. Diplomats had encouraged the president to apologize in an effort to soothe strained US-Pakistan relations, but...

Obama Won't Apologize for Pakistan Strike

Balks against State Dept., says US has apologized enough

(Newser) - President Obama has decided against issuing a formal apology to Pakistan over a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, even as the State Department insists he must do so to salvage relations with Pakistan, officials tell the New York Times . The administration is instead backing the Defense Department, which...

US: Taliban May Have Tricked NATO in Pakistan Attack

Insurgents' attack led to confusion over troops' identity: Military

(Newser) - The NATO attack on Pakistani border posts may have been the result of a Taliban trick, according to a US military account. After they were attacked by insurgents, the US-Afghan team contacted Pakistani officials and was assured there were no Pakistani troops nearby. After two hours seeking the insurgents, the...

Pakistan: NATO Ignored Our Pleas to Halt Attack

Prime minister sends a warning to US

(Newser) - Tensions are increasing over the NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers Saturday, as Pakistan’s military claimed today that the attack lasted nearly two hours and that NATO ignored its pleas for a ceasefire. Commanders at both bases that were hit contacted NATO while the strikes were under way,...

Afghans Called in NATO Strike on Pakistan

Anonymous officials say troops were shot at from outposts where Pakistanis later killed

(Newser) - The plot thickens as the situation in Pakistan comes unglued: The NATO airstrikes that yesterday killed 24 Pakistani soldiers near the border were apparently called in by none other than Afghan soldiers, who had been fired upon before dawn. Anonymous Afghan officials tell the AP that their soldiers were shot...

Russia Threatens to Aim Missiles at NATO Shield

Medvedev also says he'll back out of the START treaty

(Newser) - Russia is once again making noise about NATO's plans to build a missile defense system in Eastern Europe. Dmitry Medvedev warned that Russia would deploy new missiles and aim them at the shield installations today, in a harshly-worded statement that the AP sees as an attempt to rally domestic...

War Crimes Court's Next Target: NATO?

ICC cites allegations of civilian deaths in Libya

(Newser) - Is the International Criminal Court's next target NATO? Some NATO officials fear an investigation is nigh, after the ICC's prosecutor said Libya war-crimes allegations would be reviewed "impartially and independently," NATO-affiliated diplomats tell the AP . But an examination of allegations won't necessarily lead to an...

Afghan Suicide Bombing, Shooting Kill 6
 17 Dead in Kabul Bombing 

17 Dead in Kabul Bombing

Suicide bomber hits NATO convoy

(Newser) - A Taliban suicide bomber rammed a vehicle loaded with explosives into an armored NATO bus today on a busy thoroughfare in Kabul, killing 17 people, including 12 Americans. It was the deadliest strike against the US-led coalition in the Afghan capital since the war began. US soldiers wept as they...

Afghanistan Routinely Tortures Prisoners: UN

'Even stones confess here,' one guard said; Kabul promises reform

(Newser) - A UN investigation has uncovered “a compelling pattern … of systemic torture and ill-treatment” in Afghan prisons, with prisoners reporting being beaten and shocked with electrical cables, hung by their hands, and having their genitals twisted until they passed out, the New York Times reports. Nearly half of all...

NATO at Odds on When to Stop Bombing Libya

US pushing to continue the air campaign for now

(Newser) - Friction is growing within NATO over when to end its air campaign in Libya, with some arguing for a quick exit and others, including the US, arguing that the campaign should continue until the last remnants of Moammar Gadhafi’s loyalists are brought to heel. “It’s over,”...

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