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Another Afghan Soldier Attacks NATO Troops

5 wounded; attacker flees

(Newser) - Five NATO troops were wounded after an Afghan soldier opened fire at a coalition base and then fled, officials revealed today. The attack occurred yesterday afternoon on a small base near a village in Wardak province, the New York Times reports. The wounded service members were all American, according to...

Pakistan Opens Supply Lines After Clinton Apologizes

US sorry for strike that killed troops last year

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton apologized to Pakistan today for the killing of 24 Pakistani troops last fall and won in return the reopening of critical NATO supply lines into Afghanistan. The agreement ends a seven-month standoff and could save the US hundreds of millions of dollars in war...

As NATO Meets, Turkey Blasts Syria as 'Open Threat'

Turkish PM Erdogan issues a warning to Damascus

(Newser) - Turkey is hardening its stance against Syria, even as NATO meets today to discuss Syria's downing of a Turkish jet last week. Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned in an address to his parliament that Syrian troops would be considered an "open threat" if they come near his...

Turkey to NATO: Syria Attacked Us All

Turkish officials push alliance to discuss Syrian violence

(Newser) - Turkey's message to NATO: We were all attacked this weekend. Turkey said today it will tell the military alliance that Syria's downing of a Turkish jet constitutes an attack on all NATO countries under article 5 of its treaty, the AP reports. Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc made...

Dozens Defect Syrian Army as Rebels Cry Genocide

Europe calls for measured response to downed Turkish plane

(Newser) - The Syrian military has been hit with a raft of new defections: Six officers and 33 soldiers today quit the country for Turkey. Reports suggest they brought their families along, bringing the total number to 224 people. Accounts differ as to whether the defectors included an army general. They add...

Turkey Demands NATO Meeting Over Downed Jet

Says plane was shot over international waters

(Newser) - Turkey acknowledges its F-4 Phantom may have crossed into Syrian airspace briefly, but it left immediately and had been back in international airspace for 15 minutes when Syria shot it down Friday, reports the BBC . "According to our conclusions, our plane was shot down in international airspace, 13 nautical...

Pakistan Border Closing Costing US Over $3M a Day

Alternative route costs $100M extra a month, Panetta says

(Newser) - Pakistan's closure of its border with Afghanistan to NATO convoys is costing the US an extra $100 million a month to get supplies in, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a Senate committee yesterday. Pakistan closed the border late last year after a cross-border strike killed 24 of its soldiers....

NATO: Sorry for Killing Families

General acknowledges that Afghan strike did kill more than dozen civilians

(Newser) - The commander of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan apologized today for civilian deaths in a coalition airstrike earlier this week—the first confirmation by NATO forces that civilians were killed in the operation. Marine Gen. John Allen flew to Logar province to personally deliver his regrets to villagers and...

Afghans: NATO Strike Hit Wedding, Killed 18 Civilians

Including 7 children, 5 women

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike hit a wedding in Afghanistan's volatile Baraki Barak district and killed 18 civilians, Afghan officials and villagers said today, and they offered bodies as proof of their story. An AP photographer saw villagers pile the corpses of seven children, five women, and six men into vans....

3 Days of Drone Strikes Kill 27 in Pakistan

Latest attack targets militant encampment

(Newser) - Three US drone strikes have killed 27 people in Pakistan since Saturday, including 15 today, as tension between the countries continues to rise. Today's strike, in northwest Pakistan, was aimed at a militant stronghold in North Waziristan's tribal region; attacks on Saturday and Sunday struck South Waziristan, Reuters...

Airstrike Kills al-Qaeda's No. 2 in Afghanistan

Sakhr al-Taifi directed attacks against NATO, Afghan forces

(Newser) - NATO forces in Afghanistan have killed al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader in the country, in an airstrike in eastern Kunar province, the coalition said today. Sakhr al-Taifi, also known as Mushtaq and Nasim, was responsible for commanding foreign insurgents in Afghanistan and directing attacks against NATO and Afghan forces, the...

US to Arm Italian Drones
 US to Arm Italian Drones 

US to Arm Italian Drones

Move could open floodgates for rest of NATO, other allies

(Newser) - Pretty soon, every cool kid on the block may have genuine American-made robot killing machines. The Obama administration plans to arm Italy's Reaper drone fleet, sources tell the Wall Street Journal , which will make it difficult for Washington to deny such capabilities to the rest of its NATO allies....

Afghan Family of 8 Killed by Coalition Airstrike

Wayward strike further strains Afghan relations

(Newser) - A family of eight was killed in a coalition airstrike in eastern Afghanistan late last night, in the latest strain on US-Afghanistan relations, reports al-Jazeera . Local government officials said the man, his wife, and their six children were not affiliated with any anti-government group. "This man had no connection...

NATO Confirms 2014 Afghan Pullout

President Obama: Afghanistan will never be 'perfect'

(Newser) - President Obama and leaders around the globe locked in place an Afghanistan exit path today that will still keep their troops fighting and dying there for two more years, acknowledging there never will be point at which they can say, "This is all done." Obama, presiding over a...

NATO Protesters' Chicago Target Today: Boeing

20 of those arrested yesterday released

(Newser) - Many downtown businesses and dozens of Metra rail stations are closed in Chicago today as the city braces for the final day of fiery protests against the NATO summit there. This time organizers with the Occupy Chicago movement have planned a morning march on Boeing's building on the Chicago...

Thousands March on NATO Summit

War in Afghanistan, climate change top list of grievances

(Newser) - Thousands of demonstrators upset with the war in Afghanistan, climate change, and the erosion of union rights marched through downtown Chicago today, taking their discontent on a wide range of world issues to leaders assembled for a NATO summit. The protest, one of the city's largest in years, was...

Chicago Busts 2 More on Terror Charges

Sebastian Senakiewicz was arrested Thursday, faces hearing today

(Newser) - Two more men have been arrested in Chicago on terrorism-related charges, reports the Chicago Tribune . Sebastian Senakiewicz, a 24-year-old Chicago resident, was charged yesterday with a single count of terrorism/false threat after being arrested on Thursday, for "planning/conspiring in the building of explosives, including molotov cocktails which were to...

Chicago Busts 18 in NATO Protests

Police say marches largely peaceful, but expect bigger turnout today

(Newser) - Hours of protest marches by up to 1,000 anti-NATO demonstrators and clashes with police in Chicago's Loop led to about 18 arrests last night, but no serious damage or injuries, reports the AP . Protesters tested police barriers as they tried to make their way north of the Chicago...

US Veterans to Return Medals at NATO Protest

Controversial move intended to protest the war on terror

(Newser) - A group of 30 to 50 US veterans from the post-9/11 era intend to return their service medals this Sunday to protest a war on terror they say they no longer believe in. The veterans plan to lead an anti-war march on a NATO summit in Chicago, carrying American flags,...

For 20th Time This Year, Afghan Soldier Strikes NATO

'Green on blue' attacks heighten distrust between sides

(Newser) - A man wearing an Afghan army uniform shot dead a US service member in the east of the country, one of two NATO troops killed today, military officials said. NATO didn't officially disclose the nationality of the victim, but a senior US defense official said he was an American...

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