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Gen. John Allen to Retire, Skip NATO Post

Leaving to nurse wife through serious health issues

(Newser) - President Obama says he has accepted Marine Gen. John Allen's request to retire from the US military, meaning the White House won't go forward with Allen's nomination to lead US and NATO forces in Europe. “I told General Allen that he has my deep, personal appreciation...

In Cutting Airstrikes, Karzai Could 'Hamstring' Troops

Pakistan office bombing kills 5

(Newser) - Afghanistan's president wants his country's security forces to stop asking foreign troops to launch airstrikes in residential areas —and that could leave Hamid Karzai's forces floundering, the Los Angeles Times reports. The commander of US-led forces there maintains that "there are other ways we can...

John Allen to Back Out of NATO Command Job

Sources say he doesn't want to dredge up Jill Kelley emails

(Newser) - Gen. John Allen intends to decline to be nominated for NATO Supreme Allied Commander-Europe, military officials tell NBC News . While the official reason will be that he's doing what's best for his family, the officials acknowledge that one of the major reasons is that he doesn't want...

Gen. Allen Back on Track to Run NATO

White House to move ahead with his nomination

(Newser) - Now that Gen. John Allen has been cleared of wrongdoing over his emails to Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, his military career is apparently none the worse. The White House said today it will proceed with his nomination to become commander of NATO forces in Europe, reports the AP . The nomination...

Afghanistan Tortures Prisoners: Report

The NDS has 'secret places' for torture, official says

(Newser) - Afghanistan is torturing nearly a third of prisoners handed over by NATO and using secret facilities to do it, according to an anticipated UN report . What's more, several hundred prisoners interviewed for the report offered "credible and reliable evidence" that more than 50% of them have been abused...

Torture Reports Halt US-Afghan Detainee Transfer

Human rights abuses could stop funding for Afghan troops

(Newser) - Amid word of inhumane treatment, including torture, the US has halted the transfer of detainees to some Afghan prisons, the New York Times reports. And with Afghan leader Hamid Karzai seeking internal control of detention, the decision is likely to further strain the countries' relationship. The move also comes with...

NATO: Patriot Missiles Are Going to Turkey

(Newser) - Now it's official: NATO agreed today to send Patriot anti-missile systems to Turkey to protect against attacks from war-torn Syria, the AP reports. The systems—which include radars, missiles, and other facilities—will be programmed only to fend off the Syrian shells and mortar rounds that have already killed...

Amid Setbacks, Assad's Grip Loosens

NATO set to approve Patriot missiles for Turkish border

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad's regime has survived many claims of being near collapse during Syria's 20-month uprising, but a series of setbacks has left the Syrian leader more isolated than ever, the New York Times reports. Rebels are gaining ground in multiple areas and President Obama has sternly warned the...

Turkey Ready for Those Border Missiles

Germany expects request to be made to NATO today

(Newser) - Turkey said it wanted Patriot missiles along its border with Syria, and it's set to make that request official today by formally asking NATO for said missiles, Germany's defense minister says. Germany, the Netherlands, and the US are the only countries within NATO that could provide the weaponry,...

Israel Trumpets 'Direct Hits' on Syrian Targets

As Syrian warplanes attack rebel town within yards of Turkish border

(Newser) - Following a warning missile yesterday, Israel has launched further attacks on Syria in response to Syrian mortar rounds that strayed across the border. Israel says its tanks managed "direct hits" on "Syrian mobile artillery" today, the AP reports. Meanwhile, dozens of Syrians have fled into Turkey after a...

Karzai Slams NATO in Deaths of 4 Afghan Kids

NATO says it's aware casualties in Oct. 20 operation are possible

(Newser) - A NATO operation killed four Afghan kids tending livestock in the country's east, Afghan president Hamid Karzai said today, again lambasting the US-led forces over the ever-contentious issue of civilian casualties. "Despite repeated pledges by NATO to avoid civilian casualties, innocent lives, including children, are still being lost,...

US General: We're 'Mad as Hell' About Insider Attacks

As fresh attack by suicide bomber in police uniform kills 14

(Newser) - The US is "mad as hell" over the rash of green-on-blue attacks it's facing in Afghanistan, the top US commander there says, even as a fresh attack today killed 14 people in the country's east. "We're going to get after this," Gen. John Allen...

US Halts Joint Afghan Patrols After Insider Ambushes

12 international workers, 2 others also killed in violence over film

(Newser) - It's becoming so dangerous for US troops to patrol with the nation's Afghan allies that American officials are halting joint military patrols to protect US soldiers from "insider" ambushes. Afghan troops have attacked NATO forces 36 times this year, killing 51, most of them American, reports CBS...

NATO: Afghan Insider Attack Kills 4 Troops

As Afghans say separate NATO strike kills 8 women, girls

(Newser) - NATO forces in Afghanistan say four international service members have been killed in an apparent insider attack by Afghan police officers. The international alliance says in a statement that the attack happened early today in the volatile southern region of the country. The statement does not provide details other than...

Bus Collision Kills 51 in Afghanistan

Plus: 6 civilians killed by mine

(Newser) - A bus and truck collided and burst into flames in eastern Afghanistan today, killing at least 51 people. The collision occurred in Ghazni province on a highway that links the Afghan capital of Kabul with Kandahar, the largest city in the south. At least 51 of the 56 passengers on...

7 Americans Killed in Afghan Copter Crash

Taliban claims responsibility

(Newser) - The Taliban is taking credit for a NATO helicopter crash in Afghanistan that killed seven Americans today. A rep for the group says it shot down the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter in Kandahar province this morning. Three members of Afghanistan's security forces also died in the crash, along with a...

Truck Bomb Rams NATO Afghan Base

Bomb under bridge kills 9 on Kabul bus

(Newser) - A suicide attacker in an explosives-laden pickup truck rammed the gates of a NATO base in Afghanistan's Logar province today, wounding at least 11 Afghans, reports the AP . NATO commanders have confirmed the blast and say there are no immediate reports of injuries among the troops. The Taliban took...

Afghan Cop Kills 3 Western Trainers

Afghan soldier wounds 2 NATO troops

(Newser) - The latest attacks on Westerners by Afghans have claimed three lives and wounded several other people. An Afghan policeman this weekend shot a trio of civilian police training advisers, two American and one British, Afghan and NATO authorities say. Two other people, including an Afghan training adviser, were wounded in...

22 NATO Supply Trucks Blown Up in Afghanistan

Fuel convoy attacked at rest stop

(Newser) - Pakistan has reopened supply lines , but NATO is still having plenty of trouble getting supplies into Afghanistan. In the latest attack, a magnetic bomb placed on a truck destroyed 22 fuel tankers in northern Afghanistan early this morning, reports AP . The tankers, which were transporting fuel south from Uzbekistan, were...

NATO: 6 Service Members Killed in Afghanistan

Bombs, attacks also killed Afghan civilians and policemen

(Newser) - A bomb in eastern Afghanistan today killed six NATO service members, on a day where a total of 29 people died from roadside bombs and insurgent attacks. NATO said the blast was caused by an improvised explosive device but provided no further details about the attack and did not identify...

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