Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Afghan Killing Sparks 'Death to America' Protest

NATO kills lawmaker's brother-in-law

(Newser) - NATO forces killed the relative of a prominent Afghan lawmaker in a botched raid, triggering protests by villagers who chanted: "Death to America." Afghan lawmaker Safya Sidiqi, who lost her brother-in-law in the attack Wednesday, called the incident "barbaric and unjustifiable." NATO claims troops shot the...

NATO Jet Suffers Ash Damage
 NATO Jet Suffers Ash Damage 

NATO Jet Suffers Ash Damage

Official: Ash cloud will soon affect military readiness

(Newser) - The skies over Europe are still dangerous for aircraft despite the airlines' successful test flights, according to a senior US official. A NATO F-16 fighter jet that flew through the ash cloud over Europe during a patrol suffered engine damage due to a buildup of molten glass, the official tells...

US Uses Aid Dollars to Keep Allies in Afghanistan

Counterterror funds serve as tacit incentive to continue unpopular fight

(Newser) - The Pentagon is pouring millions of dollars into equipment and training for its smaller partner nations in the Afghanistan war, a new effort aimed at encouraging them not to abandon the increasingly unpopular conflict. While the funding cannot be openly used as an incentive for NATO nations to send troops...

US General Blames 'Gay Dutch' in Bosnia Slaughter

Netherlands minister slams 'utter nonsense'

(Newser) - Creeping gayness among Dutch forces and an increasing interest in peacekeeping rather than fighting was partly responsible for NATO soldiers' failure to stop the Bosnian massacre at Srebrenica, a retired US general has charged. A Dutch government spokesman has dismissed as "complete nonsense" former NATO commander John Sheehan's statement...

UN Report Rips US for 'Inhuman' Attack on Afghan Civilians

Troops 'killed pregnant women, then beat survivors'

(Newser) - Covert US and Afghan troops killed two pregnant women and a teen girl in a botched raid last month, then inflicted "cruel and inhuman" treatment on the innocent survivors, according to a scathing UN report. In all, 5 members of a single family were killed as relatives gathered to...

Afghanistan Bans Live Coverage of Militant Attacks

Country says coverage 'emboldens' militants

(Newser) - Afghanistan has banned live coverage of Taliban attacks, saying live images embolden militants at the government's expense. Journalists with permission from the country's spy agency will be allowed to film the aftermath of battle. Human rights groups denounced the move. "The government should not hide their inabilities by barring...

NATO Admits Killing 10 Afghan Kids in Botched Raid

Anger over civilian deaths grows

(Newser) - When a NATO raid killed 10 children and teenagers at a remote mountain compound in Afghanistan last December, troops claimed to be targeting a “known insurgent group responsible for a series of violent attacks.” But after a lengthy investigation by the Times of London, NATO now admits that...

33 Civilians Killed in Afghan Airstrike

Women, children among victims in bombed minibuses

(Newser) - At least 33 civilians, including women and children, were killed yesterday when a NATO airstrike obliterated a group of minibuses traveling along a road in the midst of the Marjah offensive. Officials believed the vehicles were carrying insurgents on their way to attack allied forces. Some 14 people were wounded...

NATO Strike Kills 12 Afghan Civilians
 NATO Strike Kills 
 12 Afghan Civilians  

NATO Strike Kills 12 Afghan Civilians

Rocket misses target by 1000 yards; McChrystal apologizes to Karzai

(Newser) - Twelve Afghans died today when two rockets fired at insurgents missed their target by 1,000 feet and struck a house during the second day of NATO's ambitious effort to break the Taliban's grip on the country's dangerous south. Thousands of US and Afghan forces encountered pockets of resistance, fighting...

World Powers Mull Afghan Exit
 World Powers Mull Afghan Exit 

World Powers Mull Afghan Exit

But Hamid Karzai thinks it'll be a while before his country's ready

(Newser) - Delegates from about 70 nations met in London today to draft an exit strategy for the Afghanistan conflict, which, consensus has it, would involve handing security responsibilities over to local forces and seducing Taliban fighters with jobs and homes. In attendance were everyone from Hillary Clinton to Ban Ki-Moon to...

70% of Afghan Civilian Deaths Caused by Taliban

Death caused by allied forces down 28%

(Newser) - The number of Afghan civilians who died in war-related violence last year soared to the highest annual level since the conflict began in 2001, with nearly 70% blamed on insurgents, according the the UN, and 25% to allied forces. The UN mission in Afghanistan said 2,412 civilians were killed...

Afghan Soldier Shoots GI Dead
 Afghan Soldier Shoots GI Dead 

Afghan Soldier Shoots GI Dead

2 Italians injured after Afghan opens fire on troops

(Newser) - An American soldier has been killed and two Italian servicemen injured by a rogue Afghan soldier who opened fire on foreign troops at a base in Herat. The soldier, who was wounded when troops returned fire, suffers from mental health problems, according to Afghan officials. Italian officials said the shooting,...

NATO Commits 7K More Troops
 NATO Commits 7K More Troops 

NATO Commits 7K More Troops

Britain, Italy, Poland, Slovakia are in; France and Germany mum

(Newser) - NATO answered President Obama's call for reinforcements in Afghanistan today with a pledge to provide 7,000 more troops. The NATO secretary-general, speaking at a press conference, didn't say where the troops will come from, but Britain has already offered 500, and Italy, Poland, Georgia, and Slovakia will each deploy...

Blackwater Founder: CIA 'Threw Me Under the Bus'

Erik Prince's story raises security issues

(Newser) - Erik Prince says he and Blackwater—the defense contractor now known as Xe—got a raw deal from the government. "I put myself and my company at the CIA's disposal for some very risky missions," the firm's founder tells Vanity Fair . "But when it became politically expedient...

NATO Will Send 5,000* More Troops to Afghanistan

*But only if you use creative counting

(Newser) - NATO's chief said today that the alliance will be more than happy to fulfill President Obama's request to send another 5,000 troops to Afghanistan. "And probably a few thousand on top of that," asserted Anders Fogh Rasmussen. "This is our fight together." The problem, says...

US Seeks 10K Allied Troops in Afghanistan

Grumbling nations only want to provide half

(Newser) - The US is struggling to convince its allies to commit 10,000 more troops to the war in Afghanistan, according to federal sources. Allied leaders are willing to provide only half that figure for an operation increasingly unpopular with their citizens, particularly amid concerns about corruption in the Afghan government....

Backing Afghan Militias Makes NATO Allies Queasy

Experts worry $1.3B from US won't buy loyalty of local fighters

(Newser) - The US hasn’t given its Western allies the details of its plan to recruit and fund tribal militias to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan, fearing, correctly, that they won’t like it, the Guardian reports. The strategy is already under way in 14 areas, with a budget of some...

US Recruits Allies for Afghan Surge

White House is quietly looking for 3K to 7K NATO troops

(Newser) - President Obama isn't planning to go it alone: The administration has hopes that from 3,000 to 7,000 NATO troops will be committed to joining the US troop surge in Afghanistan by the time he rolls out his new strategy after Thanksgiving. Advanced talks are underway, the Wall Street ...

NATO Airstrike Kills 7 Afghan Soldiers

Mistaken assault on joint NATO, Afghan base

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike in the western province of Badghis mistakenly hit a joint base housing coalition troops and Afghan security forces, killing four Afghan soldiers and three policemen, Afghan officials said today. An Afghan army commando unit, district police members and foreign forces were in the base in the Bala...

2 American NATO Troops Missing in Afghanistan

Western region has seen a recent uptick in violence

(Newser) - Two NATO soldiers have been missing in Western Afghanistan since Wednesday after a routine supply mission went awry. “We continue exhaustive search and rescue operations to locate our missing service members,” a NATO spokesperson tells the BBC . “We are doing everything we can to find them.”...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>