Dmitry Medvedev

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Medvedev, Putin Move to Tighten Grip on Russia
Medvedev, Putin Move to Tighten Grip on Russia

Medvedev, Putin Move to Tighten Grip on Russia

Extending president's term would lock in power for a generation

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev's proposal yesterday to extend the Russian president's term from 4 years to 6 looks like another step in Russia's "alarming and rapid drift towards authoritarianism," the Guardian reports. The move came as a Russian newspaper, citing sources in the Kremlin, claimed that Medvedev could resign as...

Russia Will Move Missiles Near Poland

Installation would 'neutralize' US shield in Central Europe

(Newser) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev delivered an aggressive speech against the US today, threatening to deploy short-range missiles and perhaps its navy to “neutralize” US plans for an anti-missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. Moscow perceives the American defense system—which Washington says is intended to deter “...

Medvedev Calls for Anti-US Alliance

Tries to drive wedge between Europe and America

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev was in France today, mending bridges with Europe while laying the world’s problems—economic and otherwise—at America’s feet, the Telegraph reports. Medvedev blamed US “economic egotism” for the financial breakdown, and accused it of reviving its Russian containment policy and reigniting the Cold War....

Russian Army Leaves Georgian Buffer Zones

Troops will stay in breakaway regions; EU forces to remain

(Newser) - Russian troops have withdrawn from the “buffer zones” that separate the secessionist republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia from the rest of Georgia ahead of Friday's deadline, the BBC reports. Though Russia plans to keep 7,600 troops inside the breakaway republics themselves, the move "paves the way...

Resurgent Russia Vows to Beef Up Military

'Colossus' created with $1B Venezuela military loan, oil deal

(Newser) - Russia signed a $1 billion military loan deal with Venezuela yesterday while pledging to upgrade its own military, the New York Times reports. The country plans to ratchet its defense budget back up to Cold War levels next year and intends to have new warships built by 2020. President Dmitry...

Medvedev Urges Calm in Russian Market Crisis

With stocks off big, bank chief warns of lack of liquidity

(Newser) - The Russian economy is skidding, and its leaders are giving somewhat contradictory messages, the AP reports. Shortly after President Dmitry Medvedev assured the public today that stock-market troubles don’t “reflect the actual state of the economy,” the chairman of the country’s central bank said “as...

Russia Agrees to Leave Georgia Within Month

But Medvedev says nothing about South Ossetia, Abkhazia trouble spots

(Newser) - Russia promised to remove its troops from Georgia within a month, French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced today after meeting with Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev. But Medvedev made no mention of troops in the breakaway regions of South Ossetia or Abkhazia, promising only to remove them from the rest of the...

Medvedev: US Taunting Russia With Ships

He scoffs at notion that they're providing humanitarian relief

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev accused the US of baiting the bear today by using military vessels to deliver humanitarian aid to Georgia. “I wonder how they would feel if we now dispatched humanitarian assistance to the Caribbean, suffering from a hurricane, using our navy,” mused the Russian president, theorizing that...

EU Snubs Talks on New Russia Pact

Retaliation for invasion of Georgia

(Newser) - Europe has backed out of talks on a new partnership agreement with Russia in the wake of the invasion of Georgia, the BBC reports.  The decision followed an emergency European summit in Brussels. The commission president said Europe could not continue with negotiations "as if nothing had happened....

Russia Will Absorb South Ossetia 'in Several Years'

'Separatist regimes ... cut off from reality,' Georgian official fires back

(Newser) - Russia intends to absorb Georgia’s breakaway province of South Ossetia “in several years” or perhaps sooner, the speaker of the region’s parliament tells AP. In meetings this week in Moscow between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and South Ossetian leader, Eduard Kokoity, the intent was “firmly stated...

Putin: US Sparked Georgia War
 Putin: US Sparked Georgia War

Putin: US Sparked Georgia War

Part of plot to win votes for McCain, he claims

(Newser) - Invoking the era of Cold War conspiracies, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US of sparking conflict in Georgia to give John McCain a campaign boost. “They need a small victorious war,” the told CNN. He insisted the US encouraged Georgia to attack their two breakaway...

Medvedev: Why I Recognized 2 Provinces
Medvedev: Why
I Recognized
2 Provinces

Medvedev: Why I Recognized 2 Provinces

Georgia's 'madman' forced us to act, writes Russian president

(Newser) - Yesterday Russia recognized the Georgian provinces of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent states—a move that Dmitry Medvedev calls "a heavy decision." Writing in the Financial Times, the Russian president says that independence for the two breakaway regions, which have suffered under Georgia's "vicious war on...

West to Put Screws to Russia
 West to Put Screws to Russia

West to Put Screws to Russia

New fury at Russia's formal recognition of breakaway states

(Newser) - The West is preparing to crank up diplomatic pressure on Russia after its challenging move formally recognizing breakaway Ossetia and Abkhazia in the wake of its invasion of Georgia. The US, Europe and NATO have condemned the action, but Russia remains defiant. "We are not afraid of anything, including...

Russia Recognizes Georgia's Breakaway Regions

Thumbs nose at West's pleas

(Newser) - Thumbing its nose at the West, Russia has officially recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Dmitry Medvedev announced today, following votes in the Russian parliament. The move flies in the face of a plea from President Bush that Russia refrain from doing so, and the US State Department’...

Russian MPs Back Georgian Separatists

Medvedev calls possible split with NATO 'no great loss'

(Newser) - Russian lawmakers voted unanimously today to recognize the independence of two Georgian breakaway regions, leaving the final decision to President Dmitry Medvedev, the Independent reports. The move threatens to further strain Russian-Western relations as Russian troops remained in Georgia with orders to inspect all shipments arriving at a Black Sea...

Germany Is Crux of Russia Talks
 Germany Is Crux of Russia Talks

Germany Is Crux of Russia Talks

Merkel could be valuable go-between

(Newser) - A fretful Eastern Europe is hoping Germany can play a key diplomatic role in its stare-down with Russia, the New York Times reports. Until recently, relations between Moscow and Berlin were too cozy for the Caucasus’ tastes, but East German-born Angela Merkel has distanced herself from Russia just enough to...

Shunning Won't Work: Invite Russia to Join NATO
Shunning Won't Work:
Invite Russia to Join NATO

Shunning Won't Work: Invite Russia to Join NATO

Increased engagement with the bear will avert more crises: Meier

(Newser) - The kneejerk impulse to punish Russia for its Georgia incursion by withdrawing NATO civilities is exactly wrong, Andrew Meier writes in the Los Angeles Times. The only way the West can get leverage, given the case of nerves the Russians have over NATO’s expansion into former Soviet states, is...

Russia, Georgia Exchange Prisoners
Russia, Georgia
Exchange Prisoners

Russia, Georgia Exchange Prisoners

But Russian military remains in Gori as NATO meets

(Newser) - Russia and Georgia exchanged prisoners of war today in a gesture that observers hope will reduce tensions and expedite a Russian withdrawal. Fifteen Georgians and five Russians were set free, the Georgian military says. Yet despite the exchange, there was still no movement of Russian troops out of Gori or...

West Worries as Russia Digs In
 West Worries as Russia Digs In

West Worries as Russia Digs In

Troops seen reinforcing positions in Georgia despite pullback agreement

(Newser) - Russian forces appear to be hunkering down rather than beginning their promised withdrawal from Georgian territory, the New York Times reports. Troops are digging in along the highway to Tbilisi and military vehicles are moving in both directions, alarming the West, according to Reuters. Pentagon officials say they have seen...

Georgia Is the Victim, So Blame Russia
 Georgia Is the Victim, 
 So Blame Russia


Georgia Is the Victim, So Blame Russia

History reveals Russia as the aggressor

(Newser) - Why blame Georgia for Russia's invasion when Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is clearly at fault? Putin has been seething ever since pro-Western Mikhail Saakashvili came to power in Georgia 3 years ago, writes Matthew Continetti in The Weekly Standard. "Putin has been pressuring Georgia for years," writes...

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