Dmitry Medvedev

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Russia 'Already Paid a Price' for Georgia Invasion: Rice

Secretary says its reputation is 'in tatters'

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice says Russia has “already paid a price” for its invasion of Georgia, because its “reputation as a potential partner in international institutions—diplomatic, political, security, economic—is frankly in tatters.” Returning from a trip to Georgia, Rice made a string of Sunday talk show appearances,...

Russia, Georgia Built Up to War for Months

Clash over South Ossetia was long-simmering

(Newser) - The explosion of violence in South Ossetia took the world by surprise, but Russia and Georgia had been gearing up for war for months, reports the Wall Street Journal. Both sides had been steadily boosting their military presence around South Ossetia, waiting for the trigger that came with Ossetian shelling...

Medvedev Signs Peace Pact
 Medvedev Signs Peace Pact

Medvedev Signs Peace Pact

But Russian troops will stay to 'remove Georgia weapons'

(Newser) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev today signed a ceasefire agreement ending hostilities with Georgia. Sources said he views the 6-point pact as "very positive," CNN reports. Russia, however, will not withdraw from Georgian territory until troops have finished removing "huge depots" of ammunition, weapons and boobytraps left by...

Medvedev Blasts US 'Fairy Tales' About Defense Shield

Timing of Polish deal says it all to Russia government

(Newser) - US-Russian relations took another turn for the worse today with Moscow lashing out at America's new missile-defense deal with Poland. Dmitry Medvedev said the system will be aimed at Russia and denounced as "fairy tales" the US contention that it will deter strikes from rogue nations such as Iran,...

Russian Troops Remain in Georgia

Medvedev backs seperatist regions

(Newser) - Russian troops are still occupying the Georgian city of Gori, and other cities beyond the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions, as President Dmitri Medvedev declared today that his nation will stand behind the breakaway regions’ independence bids, CNN reports. Russia says will keep tanks in Gori for up to 3...

Russia May Put Pressure on Ukraine Next

After dominating Georgia, Moscow could try to block NATO bid

(Newser) - After flexing its military might against Georgia, Russia may next set its sights on US-backed Ukraine by trying to foil its attempts to join NATO, analysts say. Already, tensions are flaring, Bloomberg reports. Ukraine restricted the movements of Russian ships in the Black Sea, which are based at a Ukrainian...

Invasion Shows Putin's Clout
 Invasion Shows
 Putin's Clout 

Invasion Shows Putin's Clout

Ex-president retains control

(Newser) - Russia’s military campaign in Georgia is a clear signal that Vladimir Putin is neither gone nor forgotten, reports the Wall Street Journal . Domination of the Caucasus region has long been a central tenet of Putin’s foreign policy, and the PM was especially visible this week, supporting the invasion...

Russia Demands Territories in Peace Proposal

Moscow tells Georgia to leave Abkhazia and South Ossetia

(Newser) - Russia is demanding that Georgia give up the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in exchange for peace, the Telegraph reports. Moscow wants Georgia to permanently remove all its troops from the regions and sign a pledge never to use force there again. The demands emerged after a day...

Gorbachev: Peace Remains Possible
Gorbachev: Peace Remains Possible

Gorbachev: Peace Remains Possible

Western powers must tread lightly in Georgia, ex-Soviet prez warns

(Newser) - The situation in Georgia dates to at least 1991, when the government slapped a lid on South Ossetia, setting off a "time bomb," Mikhail Gorbachev writes in the Washington Post. The ex-Soviet president outlines his vision for regional stability. "In addition to patience, this situation requires wisdom,...

Russia Agrees to Withdrawal Plan
 Russia Agrees to
 Withdrawal Plan

Russia Agrees to Withdrawal Plan

Sarkozy will present deal to Georgia

(Newser) - The Russian and French presidents negotiated conditions today for ending fighting in Georgia, endorsing a plan that calls for both Russian and Georgian troops to move back to their initial positions. The plan endorsed by Dmitry Medvedev and Nicolas Sarkozy calls on Russia and Georgia to end all hostilities and...

Russia Orders End to Georgia War

Medvedev announces halt to military operations

(Newser) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered a halt to military operations in Georgia, according to a Kremlin statement. The declaration came moments before Medvedev was to meet with French President Nicolas Sarkozy to discuss an international peace plan after five days of fighting. While Georgian officials claimed that the Russian...

Georgia Signs Ceasefire; Negotiators Head to Moscow

Kouchner brokers accord as new threats arise in Abkhazia

(Newser) - Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili has signed a ceasefire agreement drafted by the European Union, which EU mediators will present to Moscow later today. Bernard Kouchner, the French foreign minister, visited Tbilisi this morning and said that the Georgian leader was "determined to make peace." Kouchner will now try...

Russia Brushes Off Calls for Cease-Fire

Bush, Georgia urge end to fighting

(Newser) - Georgia called for a cease-fire today, as Russia sent bombers deeper into the country, but Russia said it would not stop until Georgia had withdrawn from South Ossetia. George Bush made his own call to Dmitry Medvedev, saying that the strikes “mark a dangerous escalation in the crisis,”...

Russia Takes Breakaway Capital in Georgian Fighting

Death toll in Georgian conflict reaches 1,500

(Newser) - Russia claims to have taken control of South Ossetia’s capital today, after Georgian troops flowed into the breakaway enclave yesterday in an effort to reclaim the region. Seeking to “force the Georgian side to peace,” Russia has expanded its counterattack further into Georgia. Russia puts the death...

Chavez: I'd Welcome Russian Troops in Venezuela

Seeking military pact with Moscow to ward of North American 'invasion'

(Newser) - Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is on a two-day trip to Moscow seeking closer military and economic ties —and raising the possibility that Russian troops may be stationed in Venezuela. Chavez and Russian president Dmitry Medvedev have already agreed to extend an energy partnership and are negotiating an arms deal...

Kissinger: US Must Temper Approach as Russia Evolves

Medvedev's election may signal real political change, so ease back on the bullying

(Newser) - Dmitry Medvedev has more power than some in the West believe, and Russia's political system is still evolving as Vladimir Putin moves from president to prime minister, Henry Kissinger writes in the Washington Post—and it behooves the US to throttle back. "The pace of such an evolution will...

Oh Napoleon: Tiny Leaders Rule G8

Five don't pass the 5'6'' mark

(Newser) - The leaders at this week's G8 summit are all political big shots, but they're pretty diminutive face-to-face—five don't even make it past 5'6''. Russia's Dmitry Medvedev brings up the short end of the stick at 5'2'', and Canada's Stephen Harper is the only one to pass the 6' mark....

Russian Prez: Stuff Your Advice, America

Medvedev complains 'depression-hit' US has no right to lecture

(Newser) - Russia's new president isn't any keener on foreign criticism than his predecessor, the New York Times reports. Dmitry Medvedev told reporters this week that the US, which needs to overcome an economic "depression," should not be criticizing his country's record on democracy and human rights. Medvedev said it...

Honeymoon Can't Last for Russia's Power Couple
Honeymoon Can't Last for Russia's Power Couple

Honeymoon Can't Last for Russia's Power Couple

Is Medvedev Putin's 'mini-me'?

(Newser) - It may look like Vladimir Putin has kept Russia stable by sliding into the PM's chair; optimists even predict he'll share power politely with President Medvedev. But these lovebirds are actually destined to fight, writes Ivan Krastev in the Wall Street Journal: Eventually Medvedev will want to exercise power, and...

Russia Parades Its Might, With Soviet Echoes

Red Square display, marking defeat of Nazis, puts revived military on display

(Newser) - Russia marked the 63rd anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany today with a parade of Soviet-era of tanks, missile launchers, and columns of foot soldiers, the New York Times reports. President-turned-prime-minister Vladimir Putin and his successor, Dmitry Medvedev, looked on, surrounded by the contrast of communist ritual with symbols...

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