Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Republicans Look to Hobble Health Reform

May force partisan standoff

(Newser) - The GOP may not have the votes to repeal health care reform, but they're still setting their sights on it. Incoming Republicans say they plan to curtail the controversial law by finding creative ways to hobble it, finds the New York Times . They may, for instance, cut funding and personnel...

GOP Eyes Newest Stars for 2012 VP Bid

Will Rubio, Kasich or Martinez be on the ticket?

(Newser) - The 2010 election is barely behind us, but people are already talking about the GOP's prospects in 2012. An early favorite for the 2012 ticket is Marco Rubio of Florida, who delivered his party's first post-election weekly address, reports Politico . "People like Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley have regional...

Tea Party to Old-Line GOP: Let the Battle Begin

Upstarts face 'club' in battle over big government

(Newser) - Tea Party candidates may have rattled the Democrats, but it's the old-line Republicans who could be in for a shellacking now. The upstarts heading to DC are already eying targets painted on the backs of GOP legislators out of step with their small government policies—such as Utah's Orrin Hatch...

Palin: 'Sleazy' GOP Establishment Is Out to Get Me

She slams 'establishment' Republicans who don't like her

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was not pleased with Politico ’s recent revelation that the GOP is determined to stop her from running for president in 2012. “Some within the establishment don’t like the fact that I won’t back down to a good-old-boys club,” she said in an...

Tuesday's Vote May Pave Way for Palin

 Tuesday's Vote 
 May Pave Way 
 for Palin 
Frank Rich

Tuesday's Vote May Pave Way for Palin

She waits in wings for GOP's inevitable abandonment of Tea Party

(Newser) - The fired-up Tea Partiers who stormed the streets telling government to quit spending so much are going to be mighty angry when the GOP they propel to power Tuesday returns to its fat-cat ways Wednesday morning. But the return is inevitable, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times . The...

'Victory Is at Hand': Palin
 'Victory Is at 
 Hand': Palin 

'Victory Is at Hand': Palin

Mama Grizzly urges conservatives to keep fighting

(Newser) - Sarah Palin promised conservatives that soon they'll "all be dancing ." With election day looming, it seems she's polishing her dancing shoes. "Victory is at hand," she told the crowd at a fundraiser in Florida. But she warned it's not yet time to gloat. "The...

Alaska Editor Handcuffed by Joe Miller's Guards

Tea party candidate's security cuffs journo for 'trespassing' at town hall event

(Newser) - An Alaska editor was "arrested" and handcuffed by bodyguards of Tea Party Senate candidate Joe Miller as the journalist attempted to ask Miller questions following a public event. Tony Hopfinger of the Alaska Dispatch was cuffed and held by the guards in the hallway of a public middle school...

Ken Buck: Being Gay Is 'Like Alcoholism'

What will he say next?

(Newser) - GOP Colorado Senate candidate Ken Buck has already made headlines by calling birthers "dumbasses" and asking for votes based on the fact he doesn't "wear high heels ." Now, the Tea Party favorite has compared homosexuality to ... alcoholism. Asked if being gay is "'a choice," Buck...

Meghan McCain: O'Donnell's a 'Nut Job'

And her campaign 'scares me,' says Meg

(Newser) - Whoa! Meghan McCain takedown! The battle of the GOP fems got ugly yesterday when McCain blasted Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell as a scary nut job. "Christine O'Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office," McCain said yesterday on ABC's This Week. "She has...

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'
 Palin: 'Soon We'll 
 All Be Dancing' 
RNC Speech

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'

But divided GOP might not be in any mood to party

(Newser) - An ebullient Sarah Palin took the stage in California before 2000 roaring supporters last night, but urged them not to let up until November 2, reports the AP. "The momentum is with us but now is not the time to celebrate—not quite yet," she said. ' It...

Top 5 Sarah Palin Myths

 Top 5 
 Sarah Palin 

Top 5 Sarah Palin Myths

No, she's not ruining the GOP, writes Matthew Continetti

(Newser) - How well do you know Sarah Palin ? The former governor of Alaska is more than the caricature dreamed up by Saturday Night Live, argues Matthew Continetti for the Washington Post . "The real Sarah Palin is a complex woman who has risen in no time from obscurity to the...

O'Donnell to GOP: Hannity's 'in My Back Pocket'

Senate hopeful complains party leaving her in the cold

(Newser) - Feeling sorely underfunded, Christine O’Donnell has warned the GOP she has a secret weapon: She says she’s “got Sean Hannity in my back pocket, and I can go on his show and raise money by attacking you guys,” top Republicans tell Howard Fineman of the Huffington...

Stewart Blasts Rove's 'Foreign Donor' Hypocrisy

Conservatives are not above fear-mongering, he says

(Newser) - Karl Rove and Fox News are outraged— outraged! —that the Democrats are running ads suggesting that GOP-backed groups take "secret foreign money." "Have these people no shame?" Rove asks. Right, jokes Jon Stewart on the Daily Show , because conservatives would never spread rumors about shadowy...

Ann Coulter Defends Paladino's Anti-Gay Tirade

Says audience wanted to hear about 'moral issues'

(Newser) - Carl Paladino's anti-gay antics may have lost him votes in New York, but they won him the support of conservative pundit Ann Coulter . Coulter used an appearance on the The O’Reilly Factor yesterday to defend Paladino. She argued that Paladino's tirade took aim at "gay left-wing activists,"...

MSNBC Host Sorry for Steele 'Dancing Slave' Dig

'I've had to put up with that crap all my life,' Steele complains

(Newser) - MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell has apologized for his implication that Republican Party chief Michael Steele is a "slave" of the GOP. An angry Steele left a message complaining to Lawrence O'Donnell after he said on his program The Last Word earlier this week that Steele "is dancing as...

Ex-Lawmakers to 2010 Candidates: Behave!

130 former legislators calls for civility on Capitol Hill in letter

(Newser) - More than 130 former members of Congress banded together to offer a message to 2010 congressional candidates via letter: Stop the "zero-sum game" partisanship that has paralyzed the legislative branch. So many former lawmakers have never spoken with one voice to all congressional candidates, but they felt prodded by...

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'
 Christine O'Donnell: 
 'Very Useful Idiot' 

Christine O'Donnell: 'Very Useful Idiot'

Lends 'populist cover' to billionaire-backed movement

(Newser) - Christine O'Donnell's fictional resume and anti-masturbation antics may have liberals laughing , but she's no joke, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . Her ascent is a pure "godsend" for the GOP. Unlike Rove and the Republican old guard, O'Donnell is more than willing to "play the role...

Paladino's Rage: It's Becoming a Problem

His anger may be hurting, not helping, his candidacy

(Newser) - In a political season defined by anger, Carl Paladino's rage stands out, says the New York Times . Though some say he's merely tapping into voter dissatisfaction, others think the racist-email-sending , mud-slinging , reporter-fighting candidate for NY governor has taken things too far—including, apparently, members of his own party. “I’...

News Corp. Made Second $1M Donation to GOP Group

US Chamber of Commerce the recipient of Rupert Murdoch's cash

(Newser) - It turns out that Fox News parent company News Corp . didn't make one $1 million donation to a GOP-linked group over the summer: It made two. The beneficiary of Rupert Murdoch 's largesse is none other than the US Chamber of Commerce, a Republican-aligned business lobby that is running a...

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero
 This Is a Man, 
 Not a Superhero 

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero

Progressives have proved too ready to abandon Obama

(Newser) - Critics of Barack Obama are taking last week's confrontation by Velma Hart , a struggling middle-class black supporter, as proof that the president has lost even the support of African-American voters. Hart, who told Obama she was "still waiting for change" couldn't "have done a better job for the...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>