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Republicans Now Waging 'War on Arithmetic'
Republicans Now Waging
'War on Arithmetic'
Paul Krugman

Republicans Now Waging 'War on Arithmetic'

Paul Krugman: The new 'pledge' will bring us a 'banana republic'

(Newser) - Republicans have outdone themselves with their Pledge to America , writes Paul Krugman. The manifesto complains over and over about the national debt, but its main policy idea is to extend all the Bush tax breaks—while offering relatively few spending cuts. "Never mind the war on terror, the party’...

Joe Miller: Jobless Benefits Unconstitutional

'Show me the enumerated power,' says Senate candidate

(Newser) - It seems Palin-backed GOP Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller is sticking with his anti-benefits stance, big time. The Tea Party favorite yesterday told Fox News' Chris Wallace that jobless benefits are unconstitutional, reports the Raw Story . "The Constitution provides enumerated powers," he said. "Show me the enumerated...

GOP Bluebloods Should Stop Bashing Tea Party

Classim isn't helping their case, Glenn Greenwald says

(Newser) - The Republican Old Guard should stop dissing less pedigreed newcomers who share their far-right views, argues Glenn Greenwald on Salon . The radical "commonsense conservatism" espoused by the likes of Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell is not much different than the Bush doctrine, yet Karl Rove feels it necessary to...

Rove Heeds Palin's Orders, Flip-Flops on O'Donnell

He wakes up and smells the tea, despite 'nutty' candidate

(Newser) - Karl Rove has apparently heard his master's voice and flip-flopped on his support for anti-masturbation candidate Christine O'Donnell. He now endorses the Delaware candidate without hesitation, even though he was very concerned just two days ago about her "nutty" ideas, iffy character, tax dodging, and misrepresentations. Rove apparently saw...

Tea Partier O'Donnell Might Pull This Off

She's now ahead in polls, but Delaware GOP is fighting back

(Newser) - If you thought Christine O'Donnell's anti-masturbation stance and "strange" ways were going to keep her from winning tomorrow's Delaware Republican Senate primary, think again. A new poll shows she's leading Rep. Mike Castle 47% to 44%—in other words, a dead heat, since the poll has a 3.8%...

Tea Party Rally Storms DC Again

Both parties on notice, speaker warns

(Newser) - A mob of Tea Partiers chanting "Remember in November" descended on DC yesterday for another major rally in the nation's capital. Speakers put both Democrats and Republicans on notice that the movement is a force to be reckoned with, CNN reports. "I believe we've gotten the Republican Party's...

John Boehner Really, Really Loves Lobbyists

GOP star is proud to back corporate America

(Newser) - Rep. John Boehner , would-be speaker of the House , has an unusually close relationship with lobbyists, finds the New York Times . The "perpetually tanned, sharply tailored, chain-smoking golfer" from Ohio cultivates an inner circle tied to some of America's most powerful companies, particularly tobacco and financial services firms.

Barry Needs a Backbone

 Barry Needs 
 a Backbone 
Maureen Dowd

Barry Needs a Backbone

Dowd's Republican sister, like many, is deserting her inept hero

(Newser) - The would-be savior of Washington, Barack Obama, is losing fans fast, writes Maureen Dowd for the New York Times, including Dowd's sister, Peggy, a Republican who changed sides to vote for Obama. She, like many, believed Obama would change Washington. He hasn't. And, with the country more divided than ever...

Palin Backs Anti-Masturbation Candidate

Christine O'Donnell now a force in Delaware primary

(Newser) - The Delaware Senate candidate who has spoken out against masturbation has become the latest object of Sarah Palin's affection. Palin has officially endorsed Christine O'Donnell in her primary race against long-time GOP congressman Mike Castle, Slate reports. Palin met with O'Donnell last month after critics viciously attacked the candidate for...

GOP Tweets Democratic Staffers' Home Addresses

Perriello-Hurt race in Virginia takes nasty turn

(Newser) - A nasty congressional race in Virginia has gotten a little nastier, via Twitter. A National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman tweeted the home addresses of several Democratic campaign staffers, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports. He posted the addresses of staffers working for Rep. Tom Perriello's campaign after the Perriello camp called his...

Tea Party Senate Candidate Opposes Masturbation

'Lust is adultery,' says Delaware's Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Now that's abstinence. Delaware Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is opposed to masturbation because the Bible says "lusting in your heart" is the same as committing adultery and, as O'Donnell so correctly pointed out in a past MTV interview, "you can't masturbate without lust ." During a...

Tea Partiers Prefer Romney, Gingrich to Palin

Ex-governors, ex-speaker in statistical dead heat

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Sarah Palin is not the preferred 2012 presidential nominee of most Tea Partiers. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich actually rated higher than the former Alaska governor among members of the fiscally conservative group in a recent CNN poll . Support for the three would-be candidates clustered within...

GOP Candidates May Be Too Wacky to Deliver a 2010 Upset

Tea Party 'nonsense' could thwart Republican victory

(Newser) - The conventional wisdom says the GOP will ride waves of anti-Obama sentiment and Tea Party energy to dramatic victories in November. But looking at how primaries have shaped up, Eugene Robinson foresees another possible narrative emerging from the midterms: "The big political story of the year may turn out...

Stewart: Republicans Are Financial Doofuses

They're letting the deficit eat their children!

(Newser) - Last night, Jon Stewart set his sights on the GOP and the scary, scary deficit. He started with a clip montage outlining Republicans' fears: "Spending is out of control." "People are aghast." "They're scared to death about the future for their kids." In other...

Palin Writes Tax Figure on Hand to 'Avoid' Looking Stupid

'Liberals will say I don't know what I'm talkin' about'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is writing on her hand again, this time so she can remember a tax hike number while she skewers the Democrats on Fox TV. She lambasted President Obama's move to let the Bush administration's tax cuts for the rich expire at the end of the year, and claimed...

Wrestling's Dark Side Dogs McMahon Run
 Wrestling's Dark Side 
 Dogs McMahon Run 
not a pretty business

Wrestling's Dark Side Dogs McMahon Run

Did McMahons cut too many corners in building WWE?

(Newser) - Linda McMahon, GOP Senate hopeful in Connecticut , vows to bring the "real world experience" of running the wrestling powerhouse WWE to the political arena. Though politics and stunt fighting may seem an amusingly apt fit, the New York Times reports that McMahon's spectacularly successful empire has a seriously dark...

Wacky Tea Party Candidate Loses Ala. Runoff

No more 'founding father' call to arms

(Newser) - Decidedly odd Alabama Tea Party candidate Rick Barber has lost his bid for Congress even though his "aw-shucks racism and incoherent rantings" turned him into an internet sensation, notes Gawker. Barber lost the runoff election to his far more traditional GOP rival Martha Roby, who faces Dem Bobby Bright...

Meg Whitman vs. Carly Fiorina: Catfight!

California's GOP nominees for US Senate, governor share contentious history

(Newser) - Gubernatorial nominee Meg Whitman and US Senate hopeful Carly Fiorina are the first women to fill those roles for the California Republican party, which means they're often treated as a unit despite their numerous differences and contentious history. "It's like—OK, we've got two gals running now, they must...

Nevada Senate Candidate to GOP: I'm No Nut

Sharron Angle's response to Harry Reid has party on edge

(Newser) - Sharron Angle is headed to Washington to try to convince Republicans that she can indeed defeat Harry Reid, and won’t be painted as a right-wing extremist. Republicans are worried that Angle hasn’t responded aggressively enough to Reid’s attacks, they tell Politico . Reid took aim the moment Angle...

GOP Readies New Attack on Health Bill

Offensive asks for 'second opinion' on bill

(Newser) - The health debate ain't over. A group of Republican senators met yesterday in Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's office to plan a new attack. Using the slogan "second opinion," they hope to “to draw attention to the consequences of the health care law that the White House hopes...

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