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Is the Tea Party Feminist?
 Is the Tea Party Feminist? 

Is the Tea Party Feminist?

Sort of, argues Hanna Rosin on Slate

(Newser) - "While no movement that uses Michelle Malkin as a poster girl could fairly be described as feminist," writes Hanna Rosin on Slate, the Tea Party actually comes surprisingly close. More than half of the movement's members are women and there are many women in leadership roles. That, of...

Ariz. Majority Leader Follows ex-Grand Wizard on Twitter

He has 'no idea' how that happened

(Newser) - Arizona immigration bill-backer and state Senate majority leader Chuck Gray has been following a white supremacist on Twitter. StormfrontWPWW (White Pride Worldwide) was launched by former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black of Florida, who has been barred from traveling to the UK for inciting hatred. Gray has also followed a...

GOP Wants Crist Out of Florida Senate Race

Up in the polls, Rubio gets party blessing

(Newser) - The Republican Party is making a none-too-subtle push to get onetime golden boy Charlie Crist out of Florida's Senate race. “We believe there is zero chance Gov. Crist continues running in the Republican primary,” says the executive director of the National Republican Senate Committee. The group once tried...

GOP Hopefuls No Challenge to Obama

 GOP Hopefuls 
 No Challenge 
 to Obama 

GOP Hopefuls No Challenge to Obama

Current Republican field riddled with weak spots

(Newser) - Republicans talk a good game about challenging President Obama in 2012, but the GOP would look scarier if it had even one legitimate challenger , says Dick Polman. "Obama's job-approval numbers are tepid these days—but he looks robust when matched against actual Republican challengers," warns the Philadelphia Inquirer...

Birther Queen Booted From Tea Party Rally

Candidates refuse to appear with 'crazy' Orly Taitz

(Newser) - The "mother" of the birther movement challenging President Obama's citizenship has been disinvited from a major California Tea Party event. An invitation to Orly Taitz to attend a Tax Day rally tomorrow was rescinded after complaints from Republican candidates planning to appear. The action signaled a significant Tea Party—...

Republicans Fear Census Undercounting

Tea partiers' push for noncompliance may backfire, GOP warns

(Newser) - The GOP is worried that an anti-government backlash could lead to underrepresentation of conservatives in the census and shrink the number of Republican lawmakers. Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul have urged supporters not to provide anything to census workers except the number of people in their household. "The census...

Surprise Edge for McCain Over Rival

Hayworth polls well with far right; not GOP, independents, Dems

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge from the right in the Arizona primary, but a new Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll finds him in a remarkably strong position. Rival JD Hayworth excites far-right conservatives, but his favorability/unfavorability spread with Republicans overall is slightly weaker, at 61% to 16%, than McCain's 76% to...

Sarah Palin Ditches RNC Fundraiser

Ex-governor wants name taken off 'invited' speakers list

(Newser) - Don't believe the hype—Sarah Palin won't be attending an upcoming RNC fundraiser in New Orleans, even though the invite lists her as an "invited" speaker. Invited or not, the former gov won't be showing, and her team has twice asked the RNC to take her name off the...

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
health care reform

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'

Health care reform law opposition becomes Republican litmus test

(Newser) - The push to repeal health care reform has become a rallying cry for GOP candidates pushing for big congressional victories this year and eager to show their willingness to take on the Democratic agenda. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist and conservative upstart Marco Rubio agreed on little else in a...

Business Leaders Find Success as GOP Candidates

Rich ex-execs present Tea Party alternative

(Newser) - Business leaders crossing over to politics are finding success as GOP candidates, using their experience and personal fortunes to challenge established Republicans in Senate and gubernatorial races. In California, Meg Whitman has earmarked $39 million for her campaign for governor. In Michigan, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, former executives are making waves...

Pelosi Celebrates Health Care Triumph

Speaker welcomes GOP push to repeal Obamacare

(Newser) - A triumphant Nancy Pelosi celebrated the passage of health care reform yesterday in a rousing speech to packed church service, declaring that she's not afraid of Republican efforts to repeal the bill if they retake Congress in November. Pelosi said that despite current misconceptions, Americans would soon appreciate the bill's...

Mitt Won't Own Up, but Dems Just Passed RomneyCare

Health bill is similar to Mass. plan—but don't expect Romney to admit it

(Newser) - In yesterday's press briefing, Robert Gibbs couldn't resist tweaking the GOP by noting that the health reform bill opponents like to call ObamaCare looks a whole lot like RomneyCare. "I'm sure Gov. Romney hates it every time I say that," he joked. Mitt Romney wasn't laughing— the once...

Dems: Public Was Divided on Medicare, Too

Leadership circulates '60s poll numbers to reassure members

(Newser) - Democratic leaders hope the example of Medicare will strengthen their colleagues' resolve in the fight for health care reform. Aides have been circulating poll numbers from 1962 that showed a public deeply divided on the Medicare proposal, with 28% in favor, 24% against, and 33% with no opinion, writes Greg...

GOP: If We Can't Stop Reform, We'll Repeal It

Lawmakers pledge to overturn law

(Newser) - Republicans may not be able to stop health care reform, but they're already thinking about repealing it should they win either house of Congress. The "Repeal It" movement has won pledges from dozens of lawmakers and candidates, reports the Washington Post , including all the Senate hopefuls in Kentucky, Nevada,...

Mate Tells of Massa 'Meat-Gazing' Days on Ship

GOP demands new probe of former congressman's case

(Newser) - More sordid details are emerging about disgraced former NY Rep. Eric Massa and his days ogling and groping shipmates when he was in the Navy. When Massa was a commanding officer in the '90s, he used to take his wash down to the self-serve laundry, which happened to be where...

'Hateboards' Signal GOP Fear-Monger Strategy

Republican strategy being 'field tested' on highways

(Newser) - For a likely preview of the GOP's upcoming fear-fueled political campaigns, look no further than the ominous billboards sprouting along the nation's highways, like the one portraying President Obama as "Saddam Hussein" out to kill American babies. The GOP strategy to exploit "visceral fear" to raise campaign funds...

Obama Embraces Four GOP Health Care Proposals

White House says reform effort is entering its 'final act'

(Newser) - President Obama expressed his support for four Republican proposals on health care reform today, but the items don't address core GOP complaints and are unlikely to be game-changers. In a letter to congressional leaders, the president said he supported investments in malpractice tort reform, increasing Medicaid reimbursements for physicians, efforts...

Fellow Republicans Turn on Jim Bunning

Kentucky senator's freeze on employment measure draws bipartisan ire

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are breaking ranks as Jim Bunning continues to stall a $10 billion employment and health measure, with Susan Collins of Maine taking to the floor of the chamber this morning to express her "hope that we can act together for the American people." She urged Bunning...

Sen. Kyl: Jobless Benefits a 'Disincentive' to Find Work

If people are getting aid, they won't look for new job, he says

(Newser) - Federal unemployment benefits that expired over the weekend because of Republican objections in the Senate should maybe stay that way, says Sen. Jon Kyl, the minority whip. They don't “create new jobs,” he argues. “If anything, continuing to pay people unemployment compensation is a disincentive for them...

Tea Party Should Stand Alone, But Lose the Nuts

The movement is better off independent

(Newser) - Tea partiers should stay post-partisan, urges Karl Rove. Rather than align with either party the group should preserve its independence and "hold the feet of politicians in both parties to its fire," he writes in the Wall Street Journal . But, to maximize its influence on policy, the movement...

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