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Republicans Take Page From Libertarian Book
Republicans Take Page From Libertarian Book

Republicans Take Page From Libertarian Book

From tea parties to budget proposals, GOP changes tune

(Newser) - It looks as though the GOP is turning libertarian, says Nate Silver of The tea parties it championed last week take their cue from libertarian movement shindigs, and participation was high in libertarian-leaning states like New Hampshire. The GOP’s alternative budget was a like-minded proposal, "dramatically...

Meghan McCain: 'Old School' GOP 'Scared Sh**less'

Senator's daughter says there's 'a war brewing in the Republican Party'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain says “old school Republicans” are “scared shitless” of the future, Huffington Post reports. The new GOP it-girl told a friendly audience of Log Cabin Republicans that “too many Republicans want to cling to past successes. We’re seeing a war brewing in the Republican Party....

Top McCain Aide Comes Out for Gay Marriage

Support consistent with conservative values, Schmidt argues

(Newser) - Backing what he calls "a sound conservative argument," a top McCain campaign operative is explaining his newly public personal support for gay marriage, CNN reports. Steve Schmidt will address the Log Cabin Republicans today and urge them to reverse their position. “No other exercise of one's liberty...

Opinion on 'Tea Parties' Split Down Party Lines

(Newser) - Evaluations of the effectiveness of yesterday’s anti-tax “tea parties” are split predictably down partisan lines, Chris Cillizza writes for the Washington Post. Republicans touted the protests, which brought out tens of thousands and garnered major media coverage, as a success. “I think something is going on out...

To Rake in Funds, Just Drop Her Name

Palin helps raise money on both sides of partisan issues

(Newser) - Political fundraisers on both sides of polarizing issues have a secret weapon: Sarah Palin. Mere mention of the Alaska governor helps bring in the big bucks, Politico reports. “I can’t tell how many invitations I’ve seen with ‘Gov. Palin’ in 25-point font and ‘invited’ in...

2004 Foe Will Challenge Specter for Nomination

(Newser) - Riding a wave of dissatisfaction with Arlen Specter's vote on the federal stimulus, conservative Pat Toomey will again campaign to be the GOP's Senate nominee in Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Although Toomey didn't announce until today, the two have been arguing publicly in the last few weeks. Specter, who...

GOP Launches Website to Combat Obstructionist Image

'Solutions Center' rehashes Republican classics

(Newser) - The Democrats’ “Party of ‘No’” attack seems to be getting to the GOP: House Minority Whip Eric Cantor has started an online “Solutions Center” to showcase Republican plans on basic issues, reports Politico. “When you control the White House, it’s easy to have a...

House Hits Big Tobacco; Senate Battle Up Next

Advocates and enemies of big tobacco brace for Senate battle

(Newser) - The House today agreed to give the FDA broad new powers over tobacco products, the New York Times reports. The House voted 298-to-112 to pass the bill, but the real fight will come in the Senate, where one North Carolina Republican has already threatened a filibuster. Ted Kennedy plans to...

Ex-Law & Order Star: Leave Bristol Alone

Pro-GOP actress says teen mom 'has my support 100 percent'

(Newser) - Let Bristol Palin live her life, actress Angie Harmon tells critics of the "still young" teen. "She is in a position that any girl could be in," the former Law & Order star said in an interview with Fox News. "For anyone to sit there...

Don't Let Dems Steal NY Election: GOP to Donors

(Newser) - Republicans are rallying donors behind Jim Tedisco in preparation for a possible legal battle over the results of yesterday’s US House election in upstate New York, the Hill reports. In an email to donors today, GOP leaders say Democrats are preparing to “steal” the seat. Democratic candidate Jim...

Grassley Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot
Grassley Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot

Grassley Opens Mouth, Inserts Foot

Alternate headline for long image right layout: Gaffe Machine Grassley Isn't Sorry / Dek: That's just how we talk in Iowa, he insists

(Newser) - Chuck Grassley has been on a roll. First, he told AIG execs to commit seppuku, then he accused the company of "sucking the t— of the taxpayer." Then, in a back-and-forth with Kent Conrad, he had his YouTube moment: "Oh, you’re good," the Senate budget...

Meghan McCain: House Hunk Is GOP's Hope

(Newser) - Meghan McCain continues her Generation Y rebellion within the GOP with a blog on a hottie congressman she admits discovering from beefcake shots on TMZ. In her Daily Beast column, McCain sees 27-year-old Aaron Schock of Illinois as the party's best hope of reinventing its stodgy image. "Schock should...

GOP's Bachmann Not Exactly Lying Low

Bachmann strays off message with new round of bizarre attacks

(Newser) - Controversial Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is making headlines again, despite promises to keep a low profile and stay on message. The Minnesota Republican infamously endangered her reelection last year by demanding an investigation of "anti-American" members of Congress. Now, she's drawing attention for warning of "nefarious activities" in...

Just Quit, Geithner: GOP Rep.

AIG bonuses is latest of Tim's failings: Mack

(Newser) - The AIG bonus flap is the last straw for Rep. Connie Mack, who today called for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to resign or be fired, USA Today reports. “The scandal is but the latest fiasco under his watch,” said the Florida Republican, the first among GOP congressmen to...

Gaffes Aside, Steele Is 'Radically' Transforming RNC

(Newser) - Things aren’t going well for Michael Steele in the media, but behind the scenes he’s undertaken a sweeping restructuring of the Republican National Committee, Marc Ambinder writes in the Atlantic. “He’s become clownish. And that judgment could endure until the end of his tenure,” Ambinder...

Steele Backs Off Remarks on Abortion

(Newser) - Michael Steele has again stirred up some trouble with his Republican constituency, this time by making an intricate but obtuse argument about his stance on abortion, the Washington Post reports. In an interview with GQ, the RNC chair was asked if he supported a woman’s right to choose. “...

GOP: Spare Us Stimulus Sequel

Republicans court Blue Dog Dems to fight further spending

(Newser) - Talk of a second stimulus proves the first one isn't working, Republican leaders said today in blasting the possibility. “We don't even know what was in the first stimulus yet,” one senator said, while Minority Leader Mitch McConnell noted that Congress had spent “$1 billion an hour”...

RNC Runner-Up Plots to Unseat Steele: Source

Dawson said to be organizing no confidence vote for after NY election

(Newser) - Controversial Republican National Committee head Michael Steele will likely face a no-confidence vote after the election to replace former New York Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand March 31—whether or not the GOP is able to keep her seat, Republican sources tell Political Wire. Katon Dawson, who placed second in January's vote...

Mac Junior Rips 'Train Wreck' Coulter

Meghan calls pundit 'poster woman' for GOP extremism

(Newser) - John McCain's daughter Meghan has ripped into right-wing media harpy Ann Coulter as a hate-spewing "train wreck." "I straight up don't understand this woman or her popularity. I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing," wrote McCain, 24, in a Daily Beast column. She lashed Coulter...

GOP Launches Offensive on Pro-Union Bill

Big business is paying big bucks to lobby against 'card check' bill

(Newser) - Republican lobbyists are swarming Capitol Hill this week, launching the battle over the pro-union Employee Free Choice Act—a fight one Chamber of Commerce exec describes as "Armageddon." Legions of GOP operatives are being enlisted to spend tens of millions of dollars offered by large corporations like Wal-Mart,...

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